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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. What worries me is the poor bugger who falls for it and gives twice what it's worth.
  2. You know when people say you should have PMed before putting them in here? This is why there is no point.
  3. Just saw a Mall video pop up on facebook, feeling sad now 🥺

    1. L3wisD


      Yeah :(


      There won't be another place like it.

    2. Albiscuit


      I do miss that place!! 


      Shame nothing has come up by now, I was led to believe Luke was confident he would find something quickly.


      I have hardly played this year, mostly due to work but also as I have not found a woodland site that is half as fun as Mall was..

    3. Lozart


      @Albiscuit finding a new site isn't really down to Luke as he ran the site not the company. As for somewhere else to play have you tried Red Alert?

  4. While I am always taking the piss about tabletop gamers I do appreciate the effort people put into painting this stuff. Some of the results people get definitely qualifies it as art.
  5. What virginity stealing by proxy? Fucking hell whatever next! You obviously caught me on a good day as I can be a right cock when someone irks me. I looked through your other listings first and the prices were all reasonable so I guessed this one was just mispriced through error of judgement not you being one of the dodgy ones. So didn't see the need to make anything of it.
  6. To be fair bud you came out on the attack so it is fair that people come back. I do agree that a private message first is best but I think with huge influx of sellers joining and trying to flog stuff for ridiculous prices people are very quick to jump on stuff as it has been a bit much. Best response from you if you have genuinely over priced something you thought was worth more is just to ask what you think it is really worth and adjust your price. It isn't just new members falling foul of it just ask @AK47frizzle about his half a HK45.
  7. People get targeted when they put up stuff for a silly price. People are just looking out for the newer players who have no clue what they are looking and regularly get ripped off. Anyone who gets salty for ending up on here needs to step back and remember it is their fault for over pricing in the first place. As for the offer button that is for when people are haggling as everyone expects things to go for less than offered but not for the original price to be so much above that it is ripping someone off.
  8. Don't be sad that is a very very nice 416. The stickle brick gun will also appeal to the teenagers probably. Custom means one of a kind, bespoke not off a shelf. So in reality very few custom toys out there. Partially custom, all fucking ugly 🤢
  9. Not talking about trades those are a different thing and anything remotely close should just be called. More on about when you need to tag multiple opponents fast without giving them chance to respond.
  10. Needed no, but does it improve the gun yes. The fast trigger response for the right player is important because while I agree it is the person themselves that makes the biggest difference in some circumstances the ability to fire fast helps. I prefer cqb and reguarly have to move through groups so the ability to move and fire on anything from half a dozen to lots is very important to my game so every little bit helps. As for opening it making it less reliable I have never had a gun I have worked on fail unless through misuse or just general wear and I know of some that have been used every weekend for years and shot 100s of thousands of bbs that still run well. That includes recoils.
  11. Precock and equalizer means instant trigger response. Programmable burst fire Cycle detection Battery protection Bunch of other settings to play with if inclined. No cut off lever or crappy trigger contacts to fail. Better to ask why not
  12. I saw but couldn't be arsed. Even working it is not worth much more than a standard second hand combat machine. People really need to learn the difference between upgrading and just swapping parts.
  13. I can buy whole boneyard guns that need a £15 part with a mag/mags for less than £40. If you were to buy it and build it up it would cost a fortune as most of the cost on a gbb pistol is in the slide. £15 if some one feels like taking a chance, you don't even say what part is missing. The complete 226s are worth about £70 in todays market. That is if in good condition which you cant tell from your pictures. To say tightbore barrel means nothing as can buy a pistol barrel for £15 which is less than the standard TM so for all anybody knows you might have just devalued it by a tenner. Guarder frame adds nothing really as can buy a slide frame kit out of HK for £80/90 so frame breaks down to £45 which is only a tenner more than a stock frame. Guns which sell well like the g17 go for £80 ish with a mag and in perfect condition Dodgy might be leaking mags £5 each. Can't comment on gear as not my thing. The SRC as you just claim upgraded gearbox with no real indication of what the upgrades are is worth about half your asking price if you get lucky. SRC is not a well thought of brand so doesn't hold value. The paint job makes it worth even less as people would have to want it like that. I have bought guns with new values of £350+ plus for well under 200. The second hand market is a buyers market so values have plummeted. As for elitist and why comment have a look what the thread is.
  14. Hmmm not sure where to start on this one. Not the worst prices I have seen but £40 for not even half a gun? https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/4409-src-416-full-metal-upgraded/
  15. Fucking hell I thought we had eradicated leprosy in this country 🤢
  16. Dick waving common airsofter issue. Just shake head, smile and say lovely as people are proud of their toys so does no harm. What so people randomly walk up to you and say "how much have you spent on upgrades".
  17. Christ haven't watched that for a long time.
  18. Fucking hell Jimmy Saville flashbacks on that one 😱
  19. It is not an upgrade though if it is something that is required to fix an inherent flaw. If there is a problem with the manufacturing that means the Evo has a high rate of gear failure then ASG should be replacing the weak area for free as the original product is not fit for purpose. No one should have to spend more money just to make their gun work the same as it is meant to originally.
  20. BB weight wont be an issue. It sounds like it is trying to burst fire on semi? This has become the problem with the evo that there are too many bad ones creeping through. I know of lots that have worked fine with never an issue but far too many do. Which is a shame as they are great when working. As for fine when the gears are upgraded that is a joke on a £300+ gun. Ultimate gears are crap though so not much of an upgrade. I would insist on a replacement and if that dies get a refund and buy something you can trust.
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