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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. You've actually made a vector look pretty😮 Very well done. It goes to prove you can polish a turd.
  2. Well that was a crap days airsofting.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sico


      :))) No hard feelings but I was thinking for tge good of my team :)) and I did aimed at your vest. Still I would trust you behind me when your a personality that can go rogue.
    3. Sico


      *Wouldn't, *you're

      Few pint made me forget my English

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Sorry maybe many or lots is a better term. I do need to dust off the high cap.

  3. Some people are idiots 11.1v is fine. No other gun matches it out the box they are basically perfect, nice choice.
  4. Most probably bucking has died.Ics bucking is garbage, its too soft and either the nub tears or the sealing lip distorts pretty quickly. Buy a prommy purple and fit that.
  5. Is it silly sales week?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Now Goldilocks is the one who needs a real spanking. Breaking and entering, theft of food, damage to property, and not making the beds.

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      I agree but spanking little girls is a bit Jimmy Saville so we will drop that one.

  6. This is why I stay away from zero in. http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?280221-Tokyo-Marui-M4-SOPMOD-Recoil-(Full-Upgraded) People really need to learn you can't add the cost of every part you add to a gun to the price. Especially when most upgrades are not really upgrades.
  7. http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=DYST19BK
  8. If you say so🤔 Seriously though your voice is normal and a voice over wouldn't hurt.
  9. No hes right, think Hillbilly smurf on speed 😂
  10. I hate my Sig its a total bitch and I want to take it out back and beat it with a large mallet.

  11. Just come back from a cracking night at the mall. Was good to SD and Jedi again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Yeah it was a laugh, some people really got into the spirit of things.

      I ache a lot today though for some reason.

    3. Jedi_Master


      All that freedowm of movement to run around unlike a Sunday game where there are more chokepoints and blockages. Also aching but many less bb welts than usual which is nice. Some of those costumes were great and the bra holster very adaptable.

    4. Sico


      That sounds like you guys had a blast. Petty I couldn't attend.

  12. I wouldn't open the motor, you are better off taking it back and getting a refund they are sh*te. I honestly wouldnt waste money on the src you are better off buying a new gun because to get it up to something decent requires replacing everything.
  13. Wife just told me that there is a family barbecue at her mothers on Sunday and we are invited. So I emailed the mall to book a space soon as she left the room.

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      For the mother in law ???

    2. ImTriggerHappy


      God I would love to shoot her with a bb gun but no for me. The thought of all that fake smiling and small talk was too much to bear. Going to spend the rest of the week getting moaned at by the wife but anything is better than that. I will judt bottle up all the stress from the wife and take it out on someone else on Sunday.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      You are lucky you got so much notice to get a booking in....

      Normally they "remind" us on Saturday - WTF we say, told you ages ago they reply - no you didn't you argue... "You never listen" they then say

  14. Lovely looking drum mag shame about the cricket bat its attached to though 😃
  15. Because some people think its a fashion parade and forget the only thing that really matters is how you play the game.
  16. Asg Ultimate 30000 high torque motor Gate nano hard mosfet Lots of wiring and connectors 2 × Siegetek gen 2 gearsets Various other gearbox parts Lots of bucking and nub combos Thought it was time to sort out all the tech work I have been putting off.
  17. Why? Its a great gun with a brilliant paint job, keep it you will only regret it after.
  18. I am going to get mine printed at work, if it works ok I will probably make one out of stainless steel and polish it up to a nice shine. Then it will fit with the whole black and silver thing that my Sigs got at the moment (and be a bit gucci 😎).When you get a price for the shells give me a shout.
  19. I am going to get one printed out as well. It could be good for a laugh.
  20. Nothing but dumb questions and classifieds, AF-UK has become just like a Facebook page.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. djben9


      And it will get worse .......

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I'm like a bit closer to going airsofting

      Like a bit


    4. Bottledtorment


      I feel you trigger.

  21. Saw Hef_Legends Krytac pdw last night was a very nice job. Absolutely gorgeous well done.
  22. Seriously doubt that moisture from walking in wet grass will find its way in.Insides are gore-tex so that keeps your feet dry but if you dont apply a waterproofing agent to the outsides every so often then you will eventually get issues. Most people who post things like that in reviews are idiots who don't know how to look after their kit. Or dont realise that you can end up with wet toes from your own sweaty feet. Also most of the bad reviews are about the quest 4d not the updated quest 4d 2. The only place I look for hiking gear reviews is here http://m.outdoorgearlab.com/Hiking-Boots-Reviews/Salomon-Quest-4D-II-GTX
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