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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. If you want a really good belt https://frv-tailoring.myshopify.com
  2. Cant say a bad word about Ghostbusters my 7yr old is nuts about them which means I have to like them too......or else lol.
  3. Roll on Sunday. 3 whole weeks without shooting someone I am getting twitchy.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      No you just say going to airsoft and leave half hour earlier.

    3. CarloBear


      Enjoy your day boys, looks like I can't make it rip.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Thats a shame hope everything is ok bud.

  4. That horrible bit when you are trying to decide whether you should do family grown up stuff or say sod it and grab your gear and go to the mall for a few games.

  5. I know its an ASG I was just pointing out that even TM who are the most popular manufacter feel a bit cheap and off balance at first. To be fair the TM one is slightly better but not price difference better the ASG is a good buy.
  6. All TM guns have the same issue but you soon get used to it and and the fact it will still work in winter makes any niggles worth it. Anyone who gets bugged by people using poly guns is not even worth considering.
  7. Don't know what you mean I love drum mags they make it easy to spot the sh*t players
  8. Nice but have you ever thought about modifying it for a Scar H mag?
  9. Come play the mall the games are way more inventive.
  10. So what you are saying is Italian airsoft is like the Crystal Maze but with airsoft guns
  11. That bit when you hear your gun on a vid and you can hear the perfection. 

    Aeg whine can kiss my arse B)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      The accurate green tracer, I know that well :)

    3. Skara


      playing without gloves with an average 3 feet engagement distance xD

      must be painful...

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      I wear gloves just fingerless. Thats not my vid that is an SCA player. The only bit I really appear in is at 16.35 when I push them back and even then you dont see me just my bbs. I posted it to highlight the sound of my gun as it has kind of nice sound.

  12. Where did that thread go?

    I was having so much fun.

    @Jedi_Master come join the darkside it is far more entertaining.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      But it was still funny.

      Suprised I didn't melt under the heat being the snowflake I am :rolleyes:

    3. Jedi_Master


      Such a sensitive sole, when walking barefoot through the bluebell woods.

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Yeah I know might get a patch made up with callsign Tinkerbell.  

  13. The bb rolling through with no hop is normal. The double fire is an issue with the spring release. Its a simple fix that involves disabling the auto release when putting the gun into safe. Unfortunately I don't think that there is a video showing how to do this and with your level of expertise I wouldn't recommend attempting it without a guide. Best option is to send it to a UK dealer like Firesupport and pay them to do it for you. Seriously doubt the retailer will do much for you as it's not a fault as such.
  14. His picture got raped by him having a piece of clear plastic attached to his toy gun? Do I need to point out all the ways that statement is wrong? Doesn't matter what your a fan of thats what he has got. To be honest I hear people chucking shade at those protectors all the time and its just another form of delusional snobbery. That protector is good bit of useful kit and while others might prefer other options thats their choice.
  15. Ain't adrenaline it gets going. I gave up after 5th time on it. I was absolutely f*cked.
  16. Play that when it's full auto and a 15 second count then you will know suffering.
  17. I wouldn't mind but he needs to look up the meaning of passive aggressive. There is nothing passive about me! and I am not whining just being a bastard.
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