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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/25 in all areas

  1. As I said, he is a piece of shit.
    4 points
  2. @ruskitseller It seems he has done something terrible that I don't know about.... Do you want the FULL list as we may be here sometime.....aside from his cheating Airsoft antics, Mr Bailey is a racist, homophobe and a misogynist, all have been documented from some of his alternate personas on Twitter. He has doxxed female airsofters, offered money for peoples addresses so he can inflict violence or promote it....I could go on but you get the idea......
    4 points
  3. Welcome to the sport, I'm 40 and I've been playing for years now (think it's approaching 13.....man I feel old). Anyway, I wanted to make a few points. 1. Hold off buying too much. It's easy at the start to think, it's amazing, I'm going to do this big time and spend a fortune. Most of what new players buy is crap and they realise it's crap after not long. Also, it's as easy to lose the love for the sport as it is to fall in love with it, then most of the money youve spent will be wasted. There's "airsoft" bits that really get some people and make them fall out of love with it. 2. Everyone at airsoft are adults, dressing up to play pretend toy soldiers.....a bit like that trick where public speakers picture everyone is naked, you should try picturing everyone there as a massive nerd into playing toy soldiers.....which is exactly what we are so there's not really much reason to have social anxiety around us.....except for the neck beard body odor stinkers....avoid them. 3. Everyone loves to talk about their gear and guns, sometimes it's hard to get them to shut up, even if you didn't ask. Great for starting conversations but can be extremely dull. 4. Try different sites, some sites are great and some are crap, most are ok. But you could be going to a crap one and not realize it.....or you could be going to a great one and experiencing a crap one will make you appreciate the one you have been to. Anyway, welcome and stuff.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. You were doing so well Josh, great advice, right up until you mentioned Licking Cumstain, that guys an embarrassment to everything airsoft, probably the worst advert for us.
    3 points
  6. I'm mid 40s and I've enjoyed FPS video games for years, so when I saw some airsoft videos and thought "I don't give a shit if people think it's daft, I i really want to try that!". My friends and I had Airsoft guns in the 90s, but never played, so the modern scene looked awesome. I went to one of my local fields recently and despite struggling a bit with the social aspect (went on my own and to be honest I've got a bit of social anxiety) I was FULLY into the game. Soon as the start klaxon went, I was thinking "yeah, this could be for me!" Defending a base while the enemy poured grenades over the walls was just the best! And Good lord, crouching for hours behind cover is a good work out for your quads!!! Just wanted to say "Hi" and i can't wait for next time, where I promise to try and chat more!
    2 points
  7. I was asked to make a Saiga 12 SBS MLOK style handguard but longer than the original. After a bit of design and test printing, I made this.
    2 points
  8. New Year dreamer https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/custom-built-m4-series-for-beginners_i72785 £350 for a two-tone beginner "custom built M4" without giving details on what is custom built apart from slapping on a red dot sight and a mock suppressor. It also comes with an "auto loader". Curious because that loader looks you have to crank it manually to load BBs into your magazine. I suspect this could be a scammer winging what he sees in the photos.
    2 points
  9. Entry for the week and it’s only Monday 😭 £1100 for a used and abused MWS with cosmetic damage and issues 🤣 I also love the backchat and sass to members trying to save him from a ban 😂
    2 points
  10. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop HK G3A3 vfc airsoft gbb parkerizing
    2 points
  11. Indeed; Mr Bailey encapsulates all of the worst aspects of airsoft players. He is a piece of shit.
    2 points
  12. Jez_Armstrong

    off you fuck, spammer

    off you fuck, spammer
    2 points
  13. Just in case you hadn't seen it yet - Salvo Precision is effectively Double Eagle, and this is their version of Spear LT which is currently slated for Q1/Q2 2025. As its DE, it's MWS based and it won't cost an arm and a leg like the toxicants.
    1 point
  14. glockkidd

    Umarex Glock 45 RMR GBB

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale is my VFC G45 GBB. Owned this for around a year now but not used it much hence the reason for sale. Its first owner had it stippled and they did a mint job, feels great in the hands! Comes with 3 gas tight mags. 2 of them have SLR mag extensions (think these cost around £35 each brand new) which increases the amount of gas and BB’s held. Also comes with a working red dot RMR sight, an iron sight base plate and raised iron sights. *Torch and glock case are not included in sale. *There is a small chip in the slide which causes the slide release catch to not grab the slide when the mag is empty (occasionally happens). Open to reasonable offers. Asking £199 posted. Any questions pls ask.


    - GB

    1 point
  15. PopRocket123

    The Black King

    I started a project a while back to make a copy of the Black King rifle seen in Netflix's Shooter and it led me down an autistic rabbit hole of early 2000s precision shooting that I have to post somewhere. It's an ugly rifle but in that unique way that is way too memorable to leave alone. I started with my TAC-41P as a base. For no other reason than it's what I have to hand. It's not accurate to what's seen on screen but it's a solid base. I planned on printing most of the parts out of carbon fibre reinforced ABS with a few off the shelf screws and metal parts holding it together So let's start off with what it is I'm trying to replicate. The rifle seen in screen is a D&L Sports MR30PG. Which is an issue since as far as I can tell they're custom build rifles built to order. Which has led to me finding at least 4 distinct rifles each with different details. These were M700 long action recievers clamped into a solid aluminium chassis. This gave an immensely heavy rifle perfect for long range shooting with minimal felt recoil. It also gave a solid interface between the receiver and the stock, something that was hard to achieve with the more common wooden and synthetic stocks of the time. This was in the late 90s-early 2000s, when the only precision rifle using a modern chassis system was the Accuracy International L96 so most rifles in the US used for competition were basic polymer stocks. These would have to be reinforced and bedded with glass fibre and metal inserts to avoid shifting zero under recoil. The MR30 gets around this by replacing the stock with a big lump of metal. Not an elegant solution but very effective. It eliminated the internal magazine so it was a single shot. This is often done by long range competition shooters to avoid bending the cartridge as it is pushed out of the magazine (It's a whole other argument if this even makes a difference but we're talking about people so anal that that will load their own ammo and only use bullets and brass from particular batches as certain dies have slightly better results than others). The distinctive carry handle simply made it easier to lug this overweight beast between your truck and the range. Having such an adjustable stock was something of a novelty at the time, allowing for cheek height, length of pull and even shoulder pad height adjustments as well as the rear monopod. The barrel seems to have a lot of variation between rifles but the one used on screen is a fluted 20" bull barrel with a unique spiral muzzle break drilled into the barrel. All of this worked. In the only video I could find of one actually being shot, a random YouTube video from 13 years ago it barely moved when shot and made easy hits at 1000 yards. So I know what I'm making, now I needed reference pictures. That's where things got tricky. Screen grabs from the show were basically useless, too low quality and at unhelpful angles. After finding out the name I was able to find some more examples, mostly old listings of ones being sold second hand. Of those only one had all around shots and up close detailed looks at different parts. https://www.gunsinternational.com/guns-for-sale-online/rifles/benchrest-and-target-rifles/d-l-sports-mr30-professional-grade-precision-rifle.cfm?gun_id=100897224 I also found a rendering done by a 3d artist in blender. That had a lot of useful angles but was made by an artist, not an engineer, so while the general shape was usable, the details couldn't be used than anything more than a reference. But what it did have was a side shot I could use as a template in Fusion360. https://thuanha823.artstation.com/projects/Aq6YrN So that's where I started. I modeled up the receiver, bolt, barrel and the most difficult part to draw accurately, the magwell. Then I lined up the template picture, using the length of the original stock and the barrel length to scale it. The TAC-41 receiver is loosely based on the Mcmillan Tac 338 which has a .388 length ejection port instead of the .308 length one of the original so already some inaccuracy there but it could be worse. I also left the original mag sticking out of the bottom instead of the completely flat bottom. Maybe if I come back to this at a later date and design one for a VSR it'll look closer but I'm happy with how this has come out. The stock has been thickened up a bit compared to the original too as the plastic I would be printing this in wouldn't be as strong as the original aluminium.
    1 point
  16. Nothing makes friends quicker than going 'oooh I like your gun, what is it?' and then watching their eyes light up as they autistically explain the intricacies of a 10.3" MK18 and the foundations of the CQBR concept, it's great. We're all very stupid and that's what makes the sport great. We're all absolute plonkers spending god's Sunday running around the mud shooting smoothbore plastic chinesium sewing machines at eachother, so might as well enjoy it in good company!
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the forum and hobby. Another old git here (41) been playing since I was 19. Been to sights all over the world solo most of the time, you will make pals very quickly. Tell people you are new, ask about the kit they use and you will have new best friends in no time.
    1 point
  18. Sadly it's going to be a 1 of 1 simply because finding all the parts is becoming a pain and extra expensive as everything needs to be shipped from Asia.
    1 point
  19. Forget trying to repair it, you could put an ad in the "parts wanted" section, bound to be members who have upgraded to metal bodies have these sitting in the spares box ?
    1 point
  20. As probably anyone with a TAC 41 will have experienced the magazine of the TAC 41 likes to spill its content too easily, the slightest touch on the release tab and all the bbs are on the ground or in the pouch. As the mag is behaving like a life granate I thought I treat it like one and add a safety pin 😉 So I quickly designed one and printed it. It prints in 2 min so you can print dozens of it and don’t worry if you lose them. With this pin in you don‘t have to worry that the mag will empty itself when you insert or remove it from your mag pouch. You still have to be careful when inserting it into the rile though. You can download the 3D model here: TAC 41 Safety Pin on Cults3D
    1 point
  21. Galvatron

    Ollie Talks Airsoft

    From his last video, he expected a tough few months ahead as he said he'd be on an aggressive round of chemo.
    1 point
  22. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.
    1 point
  23. yeah, the fake bolt release and the dimpled barrel are 3D printed. I need to finish modelling the fire selectors which will be 3D printed until my CNC machine turns up and then I'm planning on making them out of Aluminum.
    1 point
  24. Lol, mine too, watches every kind of shite, mafs uk/us/au/nz, I go to bed some nights with earplugs in cos she tries to tell me about it, like I give a feck🤯
    1 point
  25. The real question is do/did you regret it? I've done it many times, usually without regret. As said earlier, once you've decided, you want affirmation, not advice.
    1 point
  26. I never make up my mind before I do or buy anything............... I have a wife that does that for me 😏
    1 point
  27. I have reached a point in my life where I am unsure of what is a joke and what isn't lol! Is this satire or legit? Thanks
    1 point
  28. How long of a barrel do you end up with?
    1 point
  29. I bought a cheapo Rossi VSR clone for £100 off a boneyard sale. I've had some good fun with that. It's definitely more accurate than all but one of my AEGs so if you want to do some garden target shooting, then something similar should do you well. When I took it to the field i got 3 kills with my first 3 shots! The ratio fell away quite spectacularly after that, but i still got quite a bit of enjoyment from it, it's only at the lower end of the power range, so the only real thing in it favour is the extra accuracy at 50m over an AEG, and the inherent stealthier aspect of a single shot rifle. On the downside, it's easy to fall foul of the minimum engagement distance as the enemy closes in, and end up with a pistol in your hand. Adds to the adrenaline though!
    1 point
  30. So, don't buy a sniper rifle as your first airsoft gun - for one thing, you'll need a secondary as well. But if you do, I agree with SSG10, or any TAC-41 variant that you like plus a ~105N spring. Don't though. Really, really, don't. Rent for a while, buy an AEG rifle, see if you can have a play with some bolt-actions to find out if it's really for you.
    1 point
  31. Tackle

    1 point
  32. Jez_Armstrong

    Systema PTW riffle

    Are you sure this is a Systema and not an A&K?
    1 point
  33. ButcherBill

    Helmet for a big head

    Not meant as a dig but are we all old enough to remember the Tefal heads?
    1 point
  34. Credit where credits due, he did manage to get one picture the right way up🤣
    1 point
  35. If you chucked your money at Milspec Solutions for that rif and mags, ok, you might get a little bit of change back Enough to buy a Fish Supper on your way home to make you feel better about it all 😄
    1 point
  36. Lol, we still think your speshul 😜
    1 point
  37. Tackle

    Bye bye scamming cnut

    Bye bye scamming cnut
    1 point
  38. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop Colt Series 70/Detonics 1911 Hybrid Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) guarder gbb airsoft all steel
    1 point
  39. mightyjebus

    What have you made?

    Not 100% finished yet as I'm waiting for a couple of parts but thought I'd share the progress so far of my KS-1. how it started.
    1 point
  40. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop COLT M203 grenade launcher airsoft deep marking detail fix
    1 point
  41. 20 years of reckless spending and i have a better equipped workshop at home than any place i've worked. It's nice to be able to go into the garage and fix or make anything. (Shame i don't own the house. ☹️) Ironically, what tools i have at work fit in the boot of my little Peugeot runaround.
    1 point
  42. Tackle

    What have you made?

    The only reason I miss my old job, as well as my own workshop I had access to 4 others, correction 5, & pretty much every tool under the sun, cnc mills to plasma cutters to mini diggers, & everything in between.
    1 point
  43. When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. When you have a lathe, a mill and a welder, everything is whatever the hell you want it to be.
    1 point
  44. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt mk18 mod0 US NAVY VFC V3 gbb airsoft m16a1 lower m16a1 grip KAC style RIS handguarder steel kac style qd flash hider steel FSB F marking steel 10.3" out barrel steel bolt steel magazine catch steel satety CQD style Rear Sling Mount LMT style stock stainless steel buffer
    1 point
  45. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop kac qdss-nt4 silencer black vfc airsoft deep marking thick coating
    1 point
  46. july_pi

    custom gbb

    CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP B&T SPC9 SBR maruyama gbb airsoft
    1 point
  47. 9mm MTW 7.4 battery + charging cable Sig Sight Romeo 5 Suppressor Pdi 603 barrel 60% hop rubber Supper Macron 6 mags X2 Detachable D rings 4500 Carbon Dominator tank Bottle reg+ low pressure airsoft reg. 3 ft black armoured line Olive green valken bottle pouch Olive green viper mag pouches X6 £800 open to offers
    0 points
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