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  1. Given the provided dimensions, the first of those will almost certainly not fit in a buffer tube. I have pointed you at one (Rebel 11.1v 1150mAh) which will fit. As for the Rebel 1450mAh, I will repeat that I have the 1300mAh version of that, which is slightly smaller in cross section than the provided dimensions of the 1450mAh but possibly the same nominal dimensions, and it cannot be shoved into either of the two buffer tubes that I have access to. Li-ion batteries are overpriced and not ideal for airsoft; there is no way on this planet that one is going in your buffer tube. I and others have tried to help you, yet you seem to be ignoring whatever anyone tells you and are just throwing up different batteries at random. This is my last post on this thread.
    4 points
  2. Get a TM GBB URGI, I did & never looked back. Cons are the maintenance, cost of mags & cold weather but it’s so much more fun so shoot over electric. Few little upgrades makes it an amazing gun.
    4 points
  3. At a guess I'd say because he didn't like the advice given so decided to ignore it, just like in every other thread he started. @Yashy I'm not being funny but if you're going to ask questions only to ignore the replies dont be surprised if pretty soon nobody wants to help you
    4 points
  4. Try using 0.28g next time you play. Made a big difference when I switched.
    3 points
  5. Also, you're not going to magically get better range or Accuracy just be switching to a gas gun. What ammo do you use currently? Have a look at switching to heavier ammo to start with, as well as maybe cleaning or even replacing your barrel & bucking. If you're struggling with having to fire excessively to get a hit now, then switching to a GBBR is only going to exacerbate this, but with a reduced magazine capacity.
    3 points
  6. Why not just take your gun to a store and find one that fits?
    3 points
  7. GBBRs are definitely more immersive and feel cooler to use. They are also more challenging and expensive to use on game days. They are NOT more accurate or have longer range. I saw a video (cant remember name) of a US player who found the best compromise for ammo was to take 4 or 5 mags and refill them with BBs and gas in the field. As Hudson said above, start by using heavier BBs and only use single shot. Only consider changing to GBBR when you're getting bored and need more of a challenge 😉
    2 points
  8. @Yashy Jokes aside, Hudson's advice may be obvious but he's spot-on. Most staff at airsoft shops are approachable and happy to help - I only know of one where the owner is said to be a knob (I don't recall the name of the business). It's easy to get caught in the convenience of buying online but nothing beats the hands-on experience in an airsoft store.
    2 points
  9. Those are great for AKs if the gun is ok on a 7.4. This is one in my only M4 with a buffer tube; however, it is a G&G and the screw plate is a long way up the tube. It fits perfectly in the lad’s M4 though as that has the screw right down the end of the buffer tube.
    2 points
  10. To actually be helpful for once... my AK 'hole' was a bit tight (oo-er) so I got a couple of these from ebay that fit great... I imagine they'll even fit in an AR15 butt stock too but I've not tried yet. Airsoft 7.4v 1400mAh 20c LiPo battery Vapextech LP051 (8.4v Replacement)
    2 points
  11. I have that battery. The dimensions given on the website are correct; there is no way it is going up a standard buffer tube. This will definitely go in a buffer tube (I have just tried it): I have the 1300 mAh version of that, which has a smaller cross section and will not fit in my only rifle with a buffer tube.
    2 points
  12. One faceplant away from a diy circumcision.
    2 points
  13. Source "Trust the bro I trusted, bro."
    1 point
  14. Painted by Stevie Wonder after someone cut his fingers off.
    1 point
  15. TBH, I got into gbbr’s by accident I always run a gbbr when the temp allows me to, but take an ngrs along for just in case……. At the start, I just couldn’t deal with the low ammo count, then one playing day it clicked and all came together, 6 mags saw me through to respawn quite happily and I would just bomb up before heading back out Changing my play style to semi only has also carried on to my ngrs playing too (but using midcaps) I would see if one of your playing buddies would let you try a game or two with a gbbr before you jump in! Ive easily now spent about £800 on mags, for just two gbbr’s so that gets expensive. Then, they do like to run on heavier ammo ( 0.36’s + heavier) so that adds to the cost too, but you are only pulling the trigger when you are almost guaranteed a hit! The immersion is totally different, and well worth it! A bit of extra maintenance, but it’s hardly ball busting and I find it quite therapeutic But it’s definitely worth trying Good luck 👍
    1 point
  16. Assuming its the G&G ARP 9 that's unlikely as it has a MOSFET which means the trigger only makes a low voltage contact. Unless you've been mashing the hell out of it. Its possible but my bet would be on the wiring or battery connector.
    1 point
  17. It also needs more photos that shit paint job
    1 point
  18. As posted by @concretesnail try loading less bbs into your mags to see how you get on. This way if you enjoy it then great, crack on. If not then you won't have wasted money on a gun you don't like. Just remember that you'll also need to change how you play. Pick your shots and only fire when you're sure you can hit the target, switching to semi auto also helps conserve ammo. An alternative is to upgrade the G&G if its performance issues that are bothering you
    1 point
  19. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/35679-fully-upgraded-ares-honey-badg "It's fully upgraded internally the downside is I can't remember with what as I bought it like that" But you still want 500 smackeroonies without us knowing what is inside it and therefore whether it's "fully upgraded" and worth the parts?
    1 point
  20. I've never regretted going gbbr, I love it, but it can be a very different play style to the majority that aren't on low caps and I've seen many a player unable to adjust and give up. The other than issue I've seen often and is quite surprising for players moving to gas is the weight of the mags. They can add up quickly and ill fitting gear that doesn't spread the load can cause back ache really quickly. Regards being our gunned, something to try before taking the expensive jump is to try playing with low caps, or just popping 40 bbs into the mags you have and see of you can adjust to the play style. If you do then id highly recommend a gbbr as something to enjoy.
    1 point
  21. Davet

    Gun picture thread

    They fit in a Blackhawk Serpa CQC for 1911 too…
    1 point
  22. At least it would stop anyone that dumb from polluting the gene pool
    1 point
  23. If you bought it from componentshop & the size differs from what is on their website, then return it for replacement for one thats the correct dimensions ? alternatively if you measured the internal size of your stock tube, & subsequently ordered the wrong size, contact them & politely ask for a return/exchange, but be prepared for a "restocking" fee etc ?
    1 point
  24. So the stock and rails were green but it looks like the inside of the mag well is blue. Makes me think it's a parts bin build
    1 point
  25. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Thanks to a member on this forum. Another British Marked Browning Mk3 So how have a mk2, mk3 early and now a mk3 late.
    1 point
  26. Madhouse

    THE TM MWS thread

    Having previously fitted the RA-Tech NPAS, I swapped it out for a Jaeger Precision one today because the RA-Tech one is such a faff to adjust. The Jaeger one's definitely an improvement. After briefly flirting with 1.4J after installation, I'm now at a much less spicy 1.05J. That'll do nicely.
    1 point
  27. MrTea

    WE Glock 17 Gen 4 upgrades

    As @Nick G has said, you can't go wrong with the bundles on MilSpec. I used the ML hop unit and I-key in mine but I used a Flamingo 60 degree hop rubber rather than the included one. For ~£50 it's a good deal tbh. Always ran mine on .28s and it was perfect at my CQB site.
    1 point
  28. 0 points
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