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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/07/24 in Posts

  1. Today, the lad and I set off for the first day at the new Dragons Lair site in Stifford, Essex. They had been operating out of their old site at Kelvedon Hatch since 1987 and we had been occasion attendees for the last nine years, so we were both intrigued and nervous about what the new site would be like. Another cause for slight nervousness was that I took two guns to use that I had just finished rebuilding and had not had time to test outside the house. The safe zone is excellent; good table space, free tea and coffee all day and a decent little shop provided by Airsoft Zone (Hi Marek!). Food could be ordered via a QR code from the hotel in whose grounds the new site sits. We were the first to sign in, so I was player No 1 at the first day of the new site. The first game was a simple attack and defend game; as the attackers, we had to take three structures along the valley (the site is essentially a long valley with wood and scrub covered slopes along the either side) and then turn 90 degrees left to take the final one atop the ridge by the safezone. This was hard! With the lad enjoying himself sneaking around the woods on the slopes to our left, we took the first and second ones rather rapidly and then ran up against the compound. I joined a group who were pushing along the right hand ridge, clearing the woods of defenders and pushing towards the rear of the compound, while the lad was moving along the compound wall with a group. After a lot of shooting and dithering by our team, the lad led an attack into the rear of the compound, enabling its capture, which was signified by pulling down the Union Flag and raising the glorious flag of...Afghanistan! However, we never got anywhere near the final objective on the ridge. After a short break to load up and take on fluids (it was very warm!), the game was turned around. The lad and I, along with some other players, headed back into the woods where he had been in the first game and had a great time shooting the other team as they tried to advance up the slope; at one point, the lad pushed through to the edge of the woods and took out a load of enemy players in the valley before being hit. Returning from regen, he was shot at close range by one of our own team! Falling back from there, I moved into a position supporting the compound, which was under sporadic attack from the enemy; a group of us were taken out by a player who suddenly appeared behind us, which rather impressed us; we were rather less impressed when we, and he, realised that we were on the same side! The game ended with us still in control of the compound. Lunch then followed; for those who had ordered from the hotel, this was delivered by a waiter in full dress, complete with bow tie, which was a slightly incongruous sight. After lunch, we played a game where we, as the attackers, had to push up the ridge towards the safe zone, in order to reach the structure on that plateau. We had infinite regens on a marshal behind the team, while the defenders had three lives. The lad and I decided to use this as an opportunity to explore the limits of the site, pressing along the right hand ridge to its end and then turning left to follow that boundary. The latter part involved us wading through stinging nettles and bushes, only to find that we had reached the same point as some of our colleagues who had come along a rather nice path. Lesson learned! As a team, we fought our way through the scrubland, eventually taking the objective and raising the Afghan flag after wearing down the other team. After another short break to reload, we then acted as the defenders in the reverse of the game. Taking up a position on the left, I took out a number of the attackers from a position in a large bush before being peppered by a few BBs. Falling back, I cowered in another large bush, again taking out several of the enemy before bring hit by a couple of shots that drew blood; the guy who shot me said that he noticed a small part of the bush turning to look in his direction and then realised that it was a boonie hat. Fair play! My final position was behind a barricade near the objective; watching two support gunners decimate the enemy advance was rather impressive until they both got shot. I was eventually hit on my fingertip, which, at that point, was the only part of me sticking out beyond the barricade; it was either a superb shot or a very lucky one. The lad fought on gallantly for a while, but the attackers eventually raised the Union Flag over the structure. It was a really good and fun day of airsoft, with only very few issues about overshooting. The lad and I agreed that we prefer the new site to the old one as it has much more scope for being sneaky and crawling around. We will definitely be going back. Due to the proximity of the hotel, no bangs of any sort are allowed. As to the two untried guns, both performed perfectly, although the MC51 was a little underpowered; on returning home, an XT M100 spring brought it up to 1.06J. Weapons used: Me: Double Eagle M904G Classic Army MC51 ASG XP18 Commander (CO2) Hector: G&G (originally) Magpul M4 G&G (originally) Keymod M4 ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    3 points
  2. First time today at Level 2 Airsoft in Oldham. Took my WE Gen 3 Glock 17, PTS RM4 ERG Scout and Ronin AK variant. Glock and Scout were fine but the AK fired hot (375ish) which was annoying as I've never used it before. Then the gearbox locked up so it's stuck in semi and can't be changed to full or safe so that's fun and another project that'll probably never get finished. The site is up 2 flights of stairs so with a very heavy XL hard case was one way of waking up but once I got upstairs, I was greeted with a nice spacious and clean shop and safezone area, plenty of space to get myself set up without being crammed in. Staff are very friendly and helpful with clear instructions all day. The game zone is very nice, loads of space and routes to take to access different areas of the site. I only did half a day but four different game modes in that time, Team Deathmatch, 'Whack-A-Mole' (8 targets that need to be shot to change colour), Domination and Point Capture (using jerry cans with numbers on them). Quick 5 minute bomb up between games and everything went very smoothly, no issues with people not taking hits although their Tap Tap Pause rule took some getting used to and I did accidentally triple tap a handful of people. My bad! Sadly, alongside the issue with my AK, the firing pin in my TRMR-E1 snapped. I have no idea how the fuck it happened but only found out after I threw it the second time and it didn't go off, opened it up and the pin was gone. Sadly I think that's a replacement TRMR so that's another £85 to spend I don't have. Overall, good day. Nice to be at a new-to-me site, good staff, just issues with my own kit that put a dampener on it. Will definitely be back.
    3 points
  3. No actual playing for me today because medication, but I still headed down to Worthing Airsoft for the game day. Headed out while everyone was in the safety brief and had a long think about how to approach the site. I like my bolt actions and DMRs but with how overgrown the site gets every year, and the fact that it only gets worse every year as no maintenance is done, it's an incredibly difficult site to play at with an MED, so just being able to walk around and have a think when there aren't any BBs flying about is incredibly useful. At lunch time me and my friend went into the gameplay area as well to try and figure some things out, getting a new spot that draws a nasty line onto one of the bases from a concealed spot, and then working out a way to counter the new bunker, as what had happened in the morning during a rolling assault game had 3 people hold it for 40 minutes. We found a spot that is easy to get to and has about 70m of clear line of sight to the bunker, and we took a few shots to see how easy it would be to post through the window and both of us were able to slot shots through the window very easily. I spent the rest of the day sorting the MWS. Was having issues with it not liking heavy ammo, and as a DMR I wanted to use .43s in it. New setup works really well (flamingo rubber + titan nub), but the scope is off-centre, which sucked. Also setup the VSR to use co2 inside the stock instead of a line and tank and was very pleased with how well it shot; it was so good that I'm considering using the co2 adapter for the MTW 308 when I get that build done. I heard from my friend that the teams weren't very well balanced, and heard quite a few complaints about hit-taking, overshooting (probably related), players getting upset over stuff and spawn camping, as well as one of the ghillies constantly going out of bounds (surprise surprise...) and climbing up trees despite "there is no climbing up trees or on top of bases" being a line in the morning brief. Can't speak to the veracity of it all, but I trust the people who told me their stories, so it sounded like a bit of a rough one today.
    2 points
  4. Well... I had a day at POW near Falkirk today, took my gbbr XM177 & SCAR-H along with my trusty aeg L85A1, partnered with a Browning Hipower & a Glock 17. The L85 was too hot at the chrono firing 0.2's at 364, 363, 367ish so took it to the range and blasted through a hicap which managed to bring the fps to the 350's, the XM just wasn't working right for some reason, very inconsistant and pathetic, I'm gonna blame a bit of midcap syndrome as I filled the mags the night before, the Scar was a bit better but still not performing properly so I used the L85 in every game. Decided I prefer using the DPM chest rig I bought last month , very comfortable to wear & holds plenty of mags, extra BB's (just in case 6 hicaps isn't enought ) & some fluids, it's also got a short bit of plce belt on the left side where I've added a holster, would like it on my right be hey-ho. I say prefer because of the convenience & as a fat fecker the mag pouches on my belt kit are at my side & round the back & a bit awkward to reach and guess where the open pouch is. I'll still use the belt kit for my Scar Gas mags as on a chest rig it felt so unbalanced & actually painful to wear when I tried it last night. I played the first 3 games (usually 4 at POW), first game we were defending the fort from a bomb attack (we failed) but quite happy as I got 3 kills with a possible 4th and was only hit once (unusual for me), I'm not built for any front line duty but I'm one hell of a rearguard. Second game we were attacking the M.A.S.H area & despite staying side by side with my team mates I only killed a few trees & destroyed several twigs, got hit once near the end of the game but the only event really worth mentioning was jumping into a bog and spending the next few mins trying to extract my feet without loosing my boots. Don't think we won this game either. Third game we were defending the flag in the Town area, all credit to the Reds as they played a great game, pushing all the time through the Bunker area and had us yellows pretty much cornered 10m from our spawn point, the flag was just within range of most of our pews so taking the flag wasn't as fast as it could have been if the spawn was a little further away. So we lost all 3 games, more were played after I left but I'd had enough of the heat and my total knackeredness. (plenty fluids were taken) Spent about 20mins emptying my gas mags at the range then went home. I think I've pretty much decided I'm not keen on using gbbr's, partially due the the weight of the mags but mainly coz I've not got them working properly (I take it ALL back, they are a different kettle of fish), I'll take them next time to see if filling the mags at the site makes any difference but suspect I'll take a couple of AEG's too. Biggest challenge for my next game is to loose some weight, always been a fat lad (even in the TA) but my uniforms are either too tight or unwearable at the moment & that certainly doesn't help me enjoy my rare outings at playing soldiers. p.s. lost my boonie.
    2 points
  5. I've looked everywhere trying to buy an England flag for the European Championship final but I couldn't find one. In the end, I bought a French one and drew a red cross on it.
    2 points
  6. TM x Guarder Glock 17 Gen4 Full FDE build...
    2 points
  7. England have had to turn down a £150 million sponsorship deal with a major dog food manufacturer. An England spokesman said "having Winalot on our kit was taking the piss"
    1 point
  8. Finally started work on the box mag for the hk21. Has internals from an ares lmg box which will be wired to a pressure switch. Hpa adaptor goes in through the back as ive drilled and tapped a hole in the back of the mag.
    1 point
  9. JinxDuh

    Beretta 93r

    1 point
  10. The general go-to gears are SHS, in your case 18:1's... https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/shs-18-gearset As for the delayer, you can try one I suppose but when you have the gearbox open just check all the compression parts, give everything a good clean and re-grease with some gear and compression lube. As for consistency so many things can affect it, barrel, hop chamber, bucking, nub, nozzle, spring etc. Best to get the gearbox working nicely with the new gears and then go from there. Oh forgot to say, when you have the gearbox open and the new gears fitted it's always best to manually operate the gears with your fingers, this will give you a good idea of how the parts are working together and will show any issues. Be sure to post up pics or video here if you get stuck.
    1 point
  11. My girlfriend is a keeper. She's got goalie gloves.
    1 point
  12. Enid_Puceflange

    Beretta 93r

    Pop a listing in the classifieds, along with a price and a timestamp (a piece of paper with your username and todays date ) And as much info as possible manufacturer, fps, leaks, etc 👍
    1 point
  13. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    G17 P80/Razorback Wanted to build something really aggressive after my latest kind of plain gen2 glock. This was the result. TM G17 gen3 donorgun. And I kind of dislike rmrs on pistols but somehow it feelt right to put one on this little monster.
    1 point
  14. So after finding out earlier in the week that South Herts Airsoft didn't have a midweek game yesterday at the last minute I booked myself into Future Survival in Gravesend. Knowing how close the engagement ranges are I opted to leave the AEGs at home and took a couple of pistols and the shotgun. Unfortunately the shotgun was a little hot so it went straight back in the bag, yes I could've switched to a lower power gas but tbh I couldn't be arsed as there wasn't long before the first game was starting. Games were general well run with a few issues which were quickly sorted of by the staff. Unfortunately this didn't last into the last game as some (on both sides) did appear to start getting a loose interpretation of rules on pre firing and overkill. Overall it was far from the best day of airsoft I've had, but it definitely wasn't a bad day as, the good still certainly outweighed the bad
    1 point
  15. Yeahhhhh, rookie error. If I think I'm hitting someone but I'm actually dropping short, or if I am hitting them and they're blatantly not taking hits, I just... stay quiet and shoot them some more. If it's blatant non-hit taking that I can clearly see, those shots may move up from the torso to the head; you get 3 chances with me! Also, you can definitely get decent range with 0.65J. I know my TM mp7 AEP can do about 45m with a degree of accuracy (the shots hit about as hard as gentle caress at that range though) and that's 0.6J on .25s. It's all in the hop! I've heard about those STG44s from a friend who did a lot of WW2 airsoft. He was not the biggest fan of some of the Axis players showing up with those on full auto because as you said, they're DMRs out of the box. Your experience with them though mirrors what I love about the hobby; some people like speedyboi slick efficient "I want to win" loadouts with lightweight guns, highcap magazines and quick-to-access molle pouches, others like us like a bit of impracticality to use the things that we like
    1 point
  16. Here is my AKX as it stands.
    1 point
  17. Quality morning at Driver Wood yesterday (Sunday). Numbers were rather lower than normal - something that I put down to a certain football match the night before. Indeed I overheard more than one person at morning Chrono pondering aloud whether they would be able to keep their stomach contents down during the game, and speculating as to the effect of vomiting through a mesh mask. To be honest, at circa 25 per team, rather than the usual 50 or so, I always have a good time -and yesterday was no different. Opting to run the L96 and MK23 during the the first game, my performance was rather lacklustre. Some memorable eliminations dealt out, but being the charitable sort, I provided the opposition with far more golden memories of 'slotting the tall idiot wearing partizan camo'. Second game I took off the viper hood, and picked up the STG44 to give it its first game. Totally stock, except for a deans connector soldered on, and a fake rivet epoxied to the receiver in order to semi lock it (it was shooting at DMR levels out of the box). Absolutely phenomenal game, with much mischief dealt out with the Sturmgewehr - it shot incredibly well on 0.28s- body size accurate at 60m+ (tested on the range). The only price I paid was using the canvas and leather repro ammo pouches - fast mag changes are really a thing of the past. Oh and the fact that the STG44 weighs a fraction more than an early 2000s Nissen Micra. Not that I'd change it for the world - the pleasure of humping that thing around with its meter long banana mags was immense.
    1 point
  18. Lozart

    UKARA renewal

    I started doing that but I was worried the wife might find it and realise they weren't all £30 each after all.
    1 point
  19. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    A guy walked into his friend’s office He found his friend sitting at his desk, looking very depressed. "Hey, what’s up with you?," he asked. "Oh, its my wife," replied the man sadly. "She’s hired a new secretary for me." "Well, nothing wrong in that," he said, "Is she blonde or brunette?" "Neither. He’s bald.
    1 point
  20. My wife recently told me that as I'm a parent I need to make sacrifices. But then she hit the roof when she came home and saw the giant pentagram on the kitchen table and what I had done to the cat.
    1 point
  21. I just trade marked a padded bra that never loses its shape. I call it Mammary Foam®
    1 point
  22. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    A woman is standing looking in the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband, “I feel horrible; I look old, fat, and ugly… I really need you to pay me a compliment.” The husband replies, “Your eyesight’s damn near perfect
    1 point
  23. Diemaco

    National Service

    Plenty of other countries have national service, and quite a few have reintroduced it within the last few years. I don't think it's a bad thing by any means, but I don't think it will be cheap, and I don't think it's likely to be something that's going to happen within the next five years (not on any meaningful scale anyway). The logistics of it all as well as the need for personnel to train these national servicemen are likely to be major stumbling blocks.
    1 point
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