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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/08/20 in all areas

  1. Dear Mods, Please get rid of the search function, its clearly not used and the space on the top of the page could be better used with just a link to google.
    5 points
  2. Of course we all know it goes on, various loopholes exploited, people manufacturing rifs from ifs etc, & 99.999999% of the time no one gives a shit, but every now & again something happens that highlights it, suicide by cop/chav on a bus etc etc, but there will be that one time when someone with clout takes notice, or even some spindoctor thinks putting the boot in to us will gain votes or deflect attention from a government fuçkup & then we'll all end like speedsofters with nerf guns..........no thank you😟
    2 points
  3. I find it hard to believe any legitimate shop would sell a non skirmishing person a RIF on the promise that they'll gift it straight to their 15 year old child who does supposedly skirmish.
    2 points
  4. OP you're probably one of many a day that PB get enquiring about buying a RIF and not having the correct crednetials to do so. I'm sure PB will operate within the guidelines fully as they are a very prominent seller and will likely do "the right thing" which in this case will be declining to sell to you. Also interested to know how you father feels about enabling you in this field as most parents wouldn't understand it and write off little johnny asking for a BB gun.
    2 points
  5. But neither the OP or his father have a defence. The OP isn't old enough and his father isn't an airsofter
    2 points
  6. I'm going to be a bit contrarian here. They'd be selling to his dad, on the basis that it was going to be gifted straight to someone who will use it to play airsoft, with the same evidence of that as anyone with UKARA could produce. I mean, that's if the stories are straight, which I'm not convinced about, but I don't see a problem with the situation. I suspect that too. However, it's not outwith the bounds of possibility. I'm not actually suggesting that, I'd rather that he rented for 2 months first. Better for us to have him demonstrate an interest and get a RIF than for him to obtain a two-tone up front, never actually bother playing, and be left with an IF and nothing to do with it except get up to mischief. I cannot see any reason why, having turned an IF into a RIF, you'd undo it. Nothing in law obliges you to do so, and you're just making a rod for your own back by repeating the actual offence (modification) on each game day. tl;dr version - I think the lad is doing the right thing. Play three times over 8 weeks, then talk it out with the site, his dad, and PatrolBase, and get a RIF.sold over the table and then gifted to him.
    2 points
  7. It's what I thought right away, which is why I'm not that fussed by this thread. What 15 year old lad wouldn't browse PatrolBase and then come up a wizard wheeze to get his hands on some of that tacticool kit? All that aside, if he's keen to try airsoft, good for him. Let's get him playing at a proper site, then a solution will present itself.
    1 point
  8. While I strongly suspect that OP isn't telling us the whole story, I can't see much of a problem with the sell-to-gift process, if everyone is open and above board about it. Given that it's always been legal to gift a RIF, buying one to gift to a 16 year old who has gone through the exact same process as anyone else who's got UKARA seems to me to satisfy the intent of the law, which is to make it available only for "the organisation and holding of permitted activities". I understand that we don't want RIFs getting into the hands of rogues, and it was a poor show by OP to ask how to get around the VCRA. However, if he's now found a way to get one without subterfuge by playing some airsoft first, it's big shrugs from me. Some things I'm bearing in mind: 1. There is no age limit on the defence for modification, so it's always been legal for his dad to get a two-tone, then for him to modify it into a RIF for the purposes of organised airsofting. 2. Berating the lad achieves nothing. If he can get his hands on a two-tone then there is in practice nothing stopping him from modifying it. All we can do is to encourage him towards the most responsible route,which is to play first, then postpone any purchases until later. 3. ... because he might be a fantasist who never does any of this anyway.
    1 point
  9. I'm with you. Obtaining a UKARA defence through playing three games is literally the easiest way to show we actually in someway give a shit about this hobby. Yet some still get-off, trying to circumnavigate it. .....HOWEVER, I was purely referencing the OP's question.
    1 point
  10. Hatchet

    My Vsr G-spec Build

    Except this doesn't work like that in practice and makes very little difference. If you think about it, at 330fps with a .45 (about 2.3j/500fps with a .2) , in theory you should be making your 100m shot in a second. But you don't because the velocity *massively* falls off as soon as it round comes out. and it takes more like 4 seconds. Again, in theory, an AEG firing 330 should hit someone at 50m in about half a second, but it doesn't. The faster the velocity of the projectile, the more air resistance and energy lost. Hence in practice, heavier, slower rounds retain more energy over distance and the velocity differences are fairly negligible. All of which previous posters have said, but examples sometimes helpful. Airsoft Trajectory Project goes into this in way more depth and is worth a read if you are into that stuff.
    1 point
  11. Sneaky

    Gun picture thread

    Got my CYMA CM.098 today. Added some accessories and will try it out on Monday with @GAMBLE. I have ordered some internal parts which will be changed - double-barrelled seal cylinder head, nozzle for now. Will modify the selector plate so it will not fire full auto and will no doubt add a gate Titan (which I know will happen!).
    1 point
  12. ^^^^This. Especially when our defence was given on the basis that we'd be self policing. If as a community we're seen to be condoning, or encouraging, people to break the law our defence could easily be removed
    1 point
  13. It's a moot point. If a shop is satisfied by the defence and presence of an adult when purchasing, then they can get a RIF. Seems the case here. I agree with this though and it's the same when someone talks about best way to remove two tone paint etc (yes, yes I mean if they don't have a defence of course).
    1 point
  14. Mate, all of what you've said I already know, & I get it, we know the vcra is flawed in so many ways, but it's all we've got, lol the alternative could have been Airsoft kit that looks like NERF, or maybe no toys at all 😭 But the elephant in the room is that this is a VERY public forum, Reg is a kid & not only is he asking for ways round the vcra, he's admitting that he's prepared to break the "law" (?) to get what he wants, these conversations have been played out many times before, ultimately we shouldn't be entertaining them, doesn't help when he's already had one or more (?) threads discussing what kit to get, gas or aeg etc, which implies to us that he's older & legit to buy, when in fact that's not the case. Personally I get a bit pissed off with it, the fact that it's in the open has the potential to put everything at risk for the rest of us, only a couple of moody incidents to put Airsoft in the front page & then this crap gets scrutinized, & then God knows what ? Personally I've got too much time & money, like many here, invested in playing & I want to keep doing it. The info that Reg seeks is out there, replicated numerous times, he could look for it without "bumping" the subject up there for every anti "gun" lobby to see. Not digging you out Rog, or anyone one else, just we need to be more careful, I wouldn't even care if members like Reg contacted other experienced members or even mods by PM to clarify what they can or cannot do. "This is my rant, there are many like it but this one is mine" 🤪
    1 point
  15. Get your father to buy a two-tone gun. Putting camouflaged tape over a two-tone at a skirmish is permissible due to being a temporary modification purely for the game. After the skirmish the tape is removed. Sniper tape is a cheap way to cover the gun for a game day and is then easy to remove afterwards. Allows you to "role play".
    1 point
  16. This is the ad, it did make me chuckle, especially the last bit. i suppose I’m giving him what he wants now. Although it’s here cos he mentioned it not cos it’s overpriced etc Heres my A&K Winchester 1892. These normally have more leaks than the Mccanns alibis. This does not. Its seals are tighter than the locks on Joseph Fritzls basement. I've also refinished the metalwork, though not the actual mechanism, and taken the stock orange varnish off. The same shade Katie price is currently using I believe. I've gone over it with the finest wood oil that I could find in the back of the garage. Given the stock a few knocks, been beaten up more than Jonny Depp. Its does actually shoot quite well if you use it like a martini Henry, and live out your Zulu war fantasies. In reality this probably means it's good for shooting the opposition if they're armed with nought but a pointy stick. And then you'll lose the second game. It'll look good on the wall of your mancave, which is the middle class word for mastabatorium. Or even pride of place in the living room, take the pictures of the kids down, what have they ever done for you, right? I'm open to offers, if it doesnt go it'll just sit on the project pile, though I'm going to use it as a single shot breech loader if I still have it next weekends western game. Swaps for revolvers are a possibility. Please have a defence. Shooting the neighbour's cats, no matter how many times they shit on the lawn is frowned upon and not a defence apparently. BlOoDy UkArA pOlIcE. First to see may not buy. £100. Cheaper than a denix at that, can talk offers from there. Collection preferred. Oh, and just incase. Hello Mack's.
    1 point
  17. It's a grey area as you can't get a UKARA number yourself (under 18), and neither can your dad (not playing). What's unambiguous is that at under 18 you can't personally buy any imitation, realistic or otherwise, and they can't sell it direct to you. However, as regards selling to your dad, PatrolBase can do as they like, it's them that are committing the offence, not him for buying it. If your site are prepared to say that they know and you've played there at least 3 times over at least 8 weeks, and your dad says that he's buying it to gift straight to you, I'd say that's well within the the spirit of the law. I would double check with the site to be sure that they're prepared to offer membership to someone under 18. That's generally (but not necessarily) synonymous with them issuing you a UKARA number, and again, that's for 18 and upwards. Good on you for asking anyway, some folk would just buy two-tone and then strip the paint or hit it with a rattle-can. Whatever you get, and however you get it, just be sensible and discrete with it and it won't be an issue.
    1 point
  18. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Finally a Silver Madbull Noveske amplifier arrived from Italy, I think this is now as eye-searingly ugly as an M4 can get! Personally I’m quite fond of it, might have to paint some flames on my Atacs gear to complete the “total dickhead” look though
    1 point
  19. Cromulon1994

    A&K 1892 with issue.

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Heres my A&K Winchester 1892. These normally have more leaks than the Mccanns alibis. This does not. Its seals are tighter than the locks on Joseph Fritzls basement. I've also refinished the metalwork, though not the actual mechanism, and taken the stock orange varnish off. The same shade Katie price is currently using I believe. I've gone over it with the finest wood oil that I could find in the back of the garage. Given the stock a few knocks, been beaten up more than Jonny Depp. Its does actually shoot quite well if you use it like a martini Henry, and live out your Zulu war fantasies. In reality this probably means it's good for shooting the opposition if they're armed with nought but a pointy stick. And then you'll lose the second game. It'll look good on the wall of your mancave, which is the middle class word for mastabatorium. Or even pride of place in the living room, take the pictures of the kids down, what have they ever done for you, right? I'm open to offers, if it doesnt go it'll just sit on the project pile, though I'm going to use it as a single shot breech loader if I still have it next weekends western game. Swaps for revolvers are a possibility. Please have a defence. Shooting the neighbour's cats, no matter how many times they shit on the lawn is frowned upon and not a defence apparently. BlOoDy UkArA pOlIcE. First to see may not buy. Collection preferred. Oh, and just incase. Hello Mack's.


    1 point
  20. Bit of an update on my feldwebel 7. Company II battalion 125 regiment panzergrenadier of 21 panzer division kit for 1944-45. Looking forward to normality returning next year so I can go to WWII events again 😁
    1 point
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