Something a little different for me- local site, Apocalypse Airsoft in Kent had a 48 hour Milsim last weekend, theme was Police & DEA Vs. Mexican & Colombian Cartels. Have to say that this was the best Milsim (& most fun) I've attended within the past few years.
I was on the Mexican (Yellow Diablo's) - Given the time out on the ground opted for something little lighter, WAS Plate Carrier & all attached binned off in favour for a WAS Battle Belt & back plate system, lightened the load considerably whilst still being able to take all essentials out with me.
Yellow dress up kit was all EBay jobbies & all cost less than £30
WAS Battle Belt / sling system in A-TACS AU
Marui 416D Delta AEG
Jack Pyke Tundra Boots
Hero Shark "Mako" mesh bins