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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/06/14 in all areas

  1. Lozart

    Airsoft age poll

    Stop beating around the bush and say what you really mean!
    2 points
  2. Little bit dirtier now MARSOC on a budget
    1 point
  3. jcheeseright

    MOSFET help.

    Ahh ok then, I bow to your superior experience of 'customised' 'upgraded' guns shooting further and more accurately than stock ones. I've not been doing this long you see.
    1 point
  4. if the emblem on the side is engraved fill it in with a bit of putty/polyfilla and paint over it, if it's not engraved, just sand it lightly and paint it!
    1 point
  5. It won't do much, though it'll make it sound muffled for the person on the receiving end. Shimming it correctly and a good high torque motor will make it much quieter.
    1 point
  6. Subscribed to your channel mate
    1 point
  7. ronin677

    Gearbox wires

    I'm glad it isn't just me. This is the only niggle that sets my OCD off haha
    1 point
  8. because UKARA don't decide who gets to buy IFs or RIFs, the government does. No one under the age of 18 can buy either a RIF or an IF legally so a 'junior UKARA' is completely pointless. As an under 18 there is no law against you owning a RIF, your parents with a suitable defence could buy one and give it to you entirely legally.
    1 point
  9. Best pistol? At the moment, for me, it'd be one that bloody works properly........
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I seem to remember reading that there are issues with clearance for the reciprocating pseudo bolt with most upper receivers, so may need a bit of custom dremel work. Also worth considering that a cheep metal receiver will be made of darylea where as the standard gr16 polymer is amazingly robust.
    1 point
  12. Ah well it doesn't bother me really. It does its job an blends into the multicam stuff I can live with that
    1 point
  13. It depends ASG tend to rebrand things so who knows who actually made them, get the MAG ones from PB. Mine are at least 6 years old and still going pretty strong!
    1 point
  14. jcheeseright

    MOSFET help.

    You've linked a set of deans connectors. A plug and play mosfet won't do any of the things you're asking for. In fact, a plug and play mosfet doesn't really do anything other than burst fire. In order to improve your trigger response with a mosfet you need it to bypass your trigger contacts which can only be done by hard wiring. As for trigger sensitivity, that's a mechanical issue that you can fix with a new trigger or by bending the contacts inside the gun. Monitoring the spring position directly can't be done with any off the shelf product at the moment, there are mosfets that can monitor the position of the sector gear though, which is just as good. The BTC spectre and chimera units both do those things amongst a wide variety of features. They're not cheap though and fitting them requires a certain level of technical knowledge.
    1 point
  15. Time to make a 'Nintendo 64 kid' video for the TM breacher then! Only it's not Christmas And it's with a 30 year old man
    1 point
  16. Duuuude - your faaaaace
    1 point
  17. I strongly disagree with 'hand touch' knife kills. It just doesn't make sense. In a game where rubber knives are the cheapest peice of kit why not just blooming use one??? Also half the skill of a knife kill is taking it out quickly and quietly before using it. Just taking your hand off the gun reciever and sticking it out is just an absolute cop out. There's only one guy I know who can kill you with a tap on the shoulder and he don't airsoft A mate of mine once knife killed me 4 times in one skirmish because he is very very sneaky. On one occasion I felt the knife point into back, heard him safe knife kill, turned around and he wasn't there! Stealth level 1000 Also on the subject of 'feeling' hits I only ever where a tshirt with no vest/plate carrier so I feel them all. It's impossible for me to cheat even if I wanted too
    1 point
  18. I would turn around and tell you to shoot me in the chest point blank! Ask anyone who has played with me and they will tell you I'm there to be hit. Don't rob yourself of a hit to please me as I really don't mind being shot point blank on purpose (as long as it's not intentionally in the face/neck). If it's a sniper rifle doing crazy fps then I won't take the hit and I will stab/shoot you under MED rules. If you do shoot me within MED rules then I will go straight to a Marshall FOR YOUR OWN Safety not mine lol
    1 point
  19. There is nothing wrong with the way you did things. I however would have taken the hit as a sniper rifle would have killed you IRL.
    1 point
  20. Hmmmm - he should kept his mouth shut in the end I suppose If you had not have shot him - one of your team mates would of Fair play to bloke knowing engagement distance etc... But should of kep down, alerted one of his team or just stayed in cover mouth shut shouting out has just blown his cover so even if he shot you at close range his position was given maybe so he has learnt today: keep mouth shut keep hidden carry secondary if sniping Understand also it was a too easy kill and in real life he would of just blown ya brains out but every game has moments like this - was it a direct hit, rebound, did that $hit respawn off a dead team mate Oi we shot each other - so you must be dead too.... you can't put head through gap but can be shot through it - just don't get that one sometimes ?? and probably dozens more examples we could all list Think credit to both of ya - him for taking hit & you for feeling a little uneasy about the kill $hit happens - but wish more people would play fair coz it is only a game ffs
    1 point
  21. Sitting Duck

    Airsoft age poll

    47 - a right old fart but my wheelchair runs on LiPo's
    1 point
  22. The bolt is made out of Zinc. This was a decision made to have greater recoil than durability instead of going for a lightweight aluminium bolt. FFS marui. Hopefully it's made well and does not shatter in a million pieces under green gas use. The aftermarket will hopefully take care of that(Laylax) Also,here's a translation of the Hyperdouraku article by reddit user Kuroageha. http://imgur.com/a/IKmij
    1 point
  23. Mack

    knuckle up mofos - my loadout

    There already on show
    1 point
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