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S3: Silly Sniper Shenanigans


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I came across something this morning that puzzled me, and wanted to pitch it to others for discussion. (It's Monday, I'm back at work after a nice weekend and I have nothing better to do!)



These popped up from someone I have on Instagram and Am I wrong for thinking this is weird?

Referring to the "player may get up and retreat if within 20 metre range. (Do not target player if they do so)".


As someone who does a bit of sniping this just seems daft and open to abuse.


"Ooh you got close to me as I was hiding! Don't shoot me while I go move and get into cover somewhere else!"


Surely this would just interrupt the flow of games as people get an 'invincibility shield' should the enemy team push up and get the drop on them.

If someone not in the engagement who then sees an enemy player walking 30/40m away; unaware that they're relocating shoots them, only for the sniper to then come back in momentarily later it might just look like they're cheating; and lead to arguements etc.


I'm of the opinion that (surprisingly) we're playing to shoot and get shot, and so long as everyone involved is sensible and sporting then something like this is just silly.


A sniper, if in the situation where enemy players get within the MED has three options imo:


1) Hide, and hope to stay undiscovered at which point they can then escape or engage from behind.


2) Switch to a sidearm and try to either escape under fire or take out as many attackers as possible.


3) Get shot/surrender and use it as a learning experience for next time.


Anybody else have thoughts on this?

Is it a weird rule, or am I just out of touch?



Edited by Hudson
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As a very keen sniper who does it basically every time I go play BB wars... yes, this rule is utterly ridiculous. If you're against a good sniper, ghillie or no ghillie, it's rare you'll see them at a distance so you're probably not shooting them from distance unless you accidentally hit them while shooting at someone else (which is rare, but it does happen, trust me...). If I could just get up and retreat without being shot when an enemy got a bit too close to me, I'd basically never get hit and it takes away one of the biggest weaknesses of the play style.


I also imagine that people will abuse the rule to not take their hits. As soon as someone sees them or is about to hit them, "ah, you're too close, I'm moving away now!"


Stupid rule

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The rule is unworkable.  Whoever came up with it needs to give their head a shake, ideally after covering their ears so that their brain does not fall out.

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What kind of cockwomble fuckwit thinks "I know, I'll have a sniper/dmr rule that no other site in the country uses, what could go wrong🤔"


Just another site I'm adding to the "not gonna play there" list.

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Wow. That's got to be the dumbest thing I've read all year and I've been on quora. That rule is ridiculously open to abuse and would ruin the game. I'm glad your picture included the site name as I know to avoid it

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Somebodies had a ‘clever’ idea about dealing with minimum engagement distances.


Its supposed to be quite simple, and they are clearly aware of the MED workaround of snipers having a secondary.

My rule would be they can use their secondary, stay hidden or run away - and if you’re running away you can be shot.   If you don’t like that then stick your hand up and walk to respawn.

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I should imagine it's either:


1) Site owners friend/son wants to be a YouTuber and is sick of getting lit up as they stand in plain sight, 25M away from the opposing team.


2) They've had numerous mid-game arguments about MED's and they're trying to motivate the snipers to ensure they keep plenty of distance.


Some sites I've played at won't let people play with a boltie/DMR unless they have a sidearm, so they're less tempted to break the MED.

Edited by Cr0-Magnon
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3 hours ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Some sites I've played at won't let people play with a boltie/DMR unless they have a sidearm, so they're less tempted to break the MED.


All sites that I play at require that.  Well "require" it as much as they "enforce" MED.


As above, it's a cretinous rule that's guaranteed to result in more arguments.  "He shot me while I was retreating!" / "He was out but didn't go back to respawn!" / "He shot me while I was still within 20m!" (shouted both ways)


About what I'd expect from a site that's still thinking and talking in terms of 0.2g rather than Joules, and which only limits DMRs to "single shot", not "2 second delay" / "1 in the air".  Not that those are ever respected anyway, but they're essentially saying "trigger spam at 1.8J, it's cool."

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6 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


As above, it's a cretinous rule that's guaranteed to result in more arguments.  "He shot me while I was retreating!" / "He was out but didn't go back to respawn!" / "He shot me while I was still within 20m!" (shouted both ways)





I’m very fond of sneaky players (as opposed to cheating players)

The ones who will walk around ‘non aggressively’ until the perfect moment to get the ideal kill or grab a hard to get objective.  

This is bad enough when players get butt hurt that one of the opposition got in and shot them first, after the sad player assumed and didn’t challenge

 It does of course mean an eliminated player may get shot walking through so obey the rules and put your hand up/call out (or even better adopt the rarely seen airsoft dead rag rule).  


Stupid rules make more problems, and advertise that the sites/organisers are likely to have more problems



We play games that involve shooting people, and in playing them (plus running them) we accept that we will be shot too (but there are far too many who don’t understand that)


Laser tag and nerf exist for them

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