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Had to laugh to myself....EPIC BB size...


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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Actual footage of a rental encountering Kicking Mustang for the first time.

So the first 20 shots missed and he was about 5 yards away

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5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


You mean the first 20 shots hit but the kid didnt call it.......

Well they hit something, whether or not it was the kid they hit is a different matter

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Just now, Cannonfodder said:

Well they hit something, whether or not it was the kid they hit is a different matter


No definately the kid, you can see the hit markers and everything......

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32 minutes ago, -Cowboy- said:

Is it bad that even as a total noob who hasn't done his first game yet I know exactly who that is?

Quite the opposite unfortunately.

People who don't know about airsoft find and watch his 'content' but anyone who actually plays knows how much of  a knob he is and avoids his shite

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36 minutes ago, -Cowboy- said:

Is it bad that even as a total noob who hasn't done his first game yet I know exactly who that is?

No. You've just seen through the veil of bullshit for what he really is. If it wasn't for websites like ladbible picking up his content he'd just be another nameless twat with a camera 

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24 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

No. You've just seen through the veil of bullshit for what he really is. If it wasn't for websites like ladbible picking up his content he'd just be another nameless twat with a camera 

Toxic and with an unhealthy obsession for drawing blood?


Seriously, I watched two videos as one was suggested and the other out of curiosity to see if it was a 'one-off' and that was enough for me to change the settings to not reccomend the channel.


I shoot other disciplines and I get some people are super competitive - it's personally not for me as I do it just for fun - but theres a line between being competitive and just being a dick.

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2 minutes ago, -Cowboy- said:

Toxic and with an unhealthy obsession for drawing blood?

Along with a large dose of being a  narcissistic racist cunt. There's a reason why he's banned from over 25 sites across the county and has to drive from Essex to the Midlands to play

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1 hour ago, -Cowboy- said:

A look at the thubnails told me everything I needed to know


Mmm. His early stuff wasn't too bad, but he quickly decided to go full clickbait with a toxic super-cereal hard-man persona (in a game of dress-up hide-and-seek with toys), and sadly, it's worked out for him - in terms of views, anyway.


He's just abusing sites and players to create fictional content now, with careful editing and comically fake hit markers to create the impression that everybody (except him, naturally) is a useless hit dodging cheater.  I really wish he'd sod off and find a different hobby to parasite on, since anyone who comes into airsoft because of watching his shenanigans is unlikely to enjoy themselves unless they're causing similar grief.

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I heard stories (can't confirm these myself), that certain sites (cough Phoenix cough) were even going so far as to cater to his videos by placing players out in the open in those nice little groups you see in his videos. And that's why they're not running and screaming like normal airsofters.

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