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Has Km Cheated the Chrono at Anzio?

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On 21/07/2021 at 11:17, Samurai said:

But mandatory chrono wouldn't stop you doing this either.


Very true. I know I've not played at a lot of sites but I have only ever had my reg cable tied once. 

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On 21/07/2021 at 11:17, Samurai said:

But mandatory chrono wouldn't stop you doing this either.


QFT. Saying something is not the same as enforcing it.


Even if you did somehow manage to ensure that every single player chronos every single one of their guns in the morning (and you won't), there are any number of ways to cheat it, deliberately or even accidentally.

Ultimately all that matters is what you peak at in-game.  And the only person responsible for that is you.


Sending people home for it, well, their gaff, their rules.  I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'm sure they've heard every excuse under the sun: "It was fine this morning", "It's never done that before", "My usual site is OK with it".  But none of that alters the reality that a hot gun is a hot gun, and if you excuse 0.01J, then why not 0.1, or 0.5?


Now, if there's a problem with their site chronos, that's another issue.  But who here has a calibrated chrono, and against what do you calibrate it?

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I guess that explains this post on faceache. I can't find the video thoughScreenshot_20210723-111848.thumb.png.11025f81c18ac753ce6a09912d29fe07.png


😂😂 The first two points will surely contradict each other. Joule creep IS the reason why you shouldn't chrono on 0.2's.


They never offered or told me to fill my mags with 0.2's when I chrono'd the first time or when I was spot chrono'd on that same day.

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29 minutes ago, leadly said:

😂😂 The first two points will surely contradict each other. Joule creep IS the reason why you shouldn't chrono on 0.2's.


Yes, that's moronic.  No outdoor site should be chronoing on 0.2g, and I wish they'd stop talking and thinking in terms of fps.


The biggest cause for complaint I can see above is a marshal not asking what weight of BB was being used.  But then I've ranted elsewhere about quis custodiet ipsos custodes.

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22 minutes ago, leadly said:


Very true. I know I've not played at a lot of sites but I have only ever had my reg cable tied once. 


lemme guess, you were showing the marshall at chrono that it was a thing you could do?


17 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Now, if there's a problem with their site chronos, that's another issue.  But who here has a calibrated chrono, and against what do you calibrate it?


whilst it's true almost everyone site or individual doesn't bother calibrating their chrono's, a personal chrono stored in a dry house that sees a few dozen rounds a month tops is a different story to one kept in a damp shed and getting plastered with hundreds sometimes thousands of rounds every week (assuming most folks are firing 3-6 shots per pew) and all the tubestriking and schrapnel that entails.


17 minutes ago, leadly said:

😂 The first two points will surely contradict each other. Joule creep IS the reason why you shouldn't chrono on 0.2's.


not if their understanding of the term "joule creep" is "320fps on 0.2g is not the same as 320fps on 0.3g" rather than the actual phenomenon when it comes to changing weights in gas fed systems.

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3 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

whilst it's true almost everyone site or individual doesn't bother calibrating their chrono's, a personal chrono stored in a dry house that sees a few dozen rounds a month tops is a different story to one kept in a damp shed and getting plastered with hundreds sometimes thousands of rounds every week (assuming most folks are firing 3-6 shots per pew) and all the tubestriking and schrapnel that entails


Fair point, but without one trustworthy reading to compare against, there's no particular reason to believe that any particular chrono is over, under, or reflecting reality, whether it's a freshly purchased Skan or a 5 year old site Whang Dong.


Heck, last time I was on site, we ended up using my own Whang Dong in addition to the site's Xcortech without even comparing them against each other.  The site owner wasn't remotely fussed when I suggested doing that, he just wanted to get the folk who'd showed up to chrono done as fast as possible.  At the end of the day, it's up to site owners to care about and enforce this, or not, and all we can do is to go elsewhere if we don't like the way they're running things.

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24 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Fair point, but without one trustworthy reading to compare against, there's no particular reason to believe that any particular chrono is over, under, or reflecting reality, whether it's a freshly purchased Skan or a 5 year old site Whang Dong.


true, but if 2 chrono's are giving different readings (eg you chrono your gun at home then the site chrono is wildly different) the question is which of the 2 do you trust least?


ideally you'd want a third, so at least you can throw out whichever one is the oddball.

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First and only have always worded it as it's a limit of 328 (which is what you should aim for) with up to 350 for variance.  


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4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

true, but if 2 chrono's are giving different readings (eg you chrono your gun at home then the site chrono is wildly different) the question is which of the 2 do you trust least?


It doesn't really matter which one trust. The site is going to go by theirs.  This is why I'm always first at the chrono in the morning in case I have to do some emergency fettling.



44 minutes ago, Cromulon1994 said:

First and only have always worded it as it's a limit of 328 (which is what you should aim for) with up to 350 for variance.  


Urgh, fps again. :( 


I've never understood this "aim for" / "hard limit" stuff.  I'll aim for the hard limit, and I expect everybody else will too.

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On 17/07/2021 at 11:33, Rogerborg said:



Don't know what the topic is about but that pic gets my vote.

His holiness the 14th dali lama Gyalwa Ringo Rinpoche.

got him on my wall 😉


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On 17/07/2021 at 12:56, Stratton Oakmont said:

They don’t prove you’ve passed chrono at Anzio because quote”I don’t care what your gun chronos, I’ll check it in game and if you’re caught over your gone.”


Plus all these stupid badges the forum  is awarding are not making me feel special, they are just pissing me off

I love my badges👍 lol. Takes me back to when I was a boy scout.( not) lol.


On 18/07/2021 at 14:14, Tommikka said:

Don’t worry.  He’ll be paying dearly for the use of inappropriate footwear in a few years time.


Last weekend I was at a show for the first time in 15 months.

When standing my right foot was in pain, if I shifted my body weight my left knee threatened to pop out and collapse, if I sat down my bad back and twisted spine ached…..



Who wants to tell him that his ‘ninja’ wear is based on blacked out stage hands?

Been there done it and got the t shirt. It does get better though.👍 

Strange but as I'm getting older I'm getting less aches and pains. Can't explain it but just go with it 🤔


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On 21/07/2021 at 10:05, EvilMonkee said:

I was wanting to go here, wont bother now

Cool so we won't go there together. Lol 😉

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6 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Fair point, but without one trustworthy reading to compare against, there's no particular reason to believe that any particular chrono is over, under, or reflecting reality, whether it's a freshly purchased Skan or a 5 year old site Whang Dong.


Heck, last time I was on site, we ended up using my own Whang Dong in addition to the site's Xcortech without even comparing them against each other.  The site owner wasn't remotely fussed when I suggested doing that, he just wanted to get the folk who'd showed up to chrono done as fast as possible.  At the end of the day, it's up to site owners to care about and enforce this, or not, and all we can do is to go elsewhere if we don't like the way they're running things.

When I did a lot of site work if you had a level be it Stanley,stabila,magnusson or ox,unless it was calibrated to an industry standard it had to have a sticker saying 'for indication only' the same applied to steel tape measures. A load of bollocks cause you knew if your courses were running true.

The calibration process was with a water level.


Edited by Shamal
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4 hours ago, Cromulon1994 said:

First and only have always worded it as it's a limit of 328 (which is what you should aim for) with up to 350 for variance.  


that mean i can bomb down the motorway at 100mph and if the cops pull me over just say "i was aiming for 70"?


the limit is the limit, any variance is between [actual empirical velocity of bb according to physics] and [what chrono says bb velocity is] which we generally take to be an acceptable error for a working chrono (although as is the topic here how does one be sure if it isn't properly calibrated)


3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

It doesn't really matter which one trust. The site is going to go by theirs.  This is why I'm always first at the chrono in the morning in case I have to do some emergency fettling.


this is indeed true, and part of why being a few fps under the limit isn't the worst idea given how if said battered and tatty chrono is out by 1fps site will the see the reading and say "begone foul cheater most depraved and despicable of creatures, may you be forever banished from this place and a curse laid upon your house unto the 7th generation" meanwhile next in line, jerry joule creep sails on through.....


they might not understand it but come hell or high water they're gonna enforce the shit out of the bit they do understand.......


god that sounded bitter :P

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

god that sounded bitter :P


It sounded experienced.  Marshals should know more than any player on site.  Far too often, they know less than that guy on Facebook asking "What am bests startar gnu lol?"

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26 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


It sounded experienced.  Marshals should know more than any player on site.  Far too often, they know less than that guy on Facebook asking "What am bests startar gnu lol?"


Yep, as you described it so well: "safety theatre"


Ofc i dont know what the answer is, every approach and method has its flaws, not sure its possible without either having more staff than players or finding a cure for human dishonesty.

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On 24/07/2021 at 00:14, Adolf Hamster said:

Ofc i dont know what the answer is


Training.  Take the time to ensure that all your marshals, even your mates or the ones doing it for freebies, have a clear understanding of what they're supposed to be doing, and why, both on technical issues like chronoing, and on resolving issues in game.


It wouldn't take long, and even less so if you write it down.


This starts with site owners, and sadly far too many of them seem to have a muddle through attitude, or that everybody knows what they're doing - or more specifically, that everybody has the same assumptions and beliefs that they picked up fifteen years ago, which isn't necessarily the same thing.


Given the thankless job of trying to run a site, I'm certainly not judging, but it is so nice when you come across one that documents everything, rather than running it via Facebook or word of mouth on a "Just ask m8 lol" basis.

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Behind a guy at chrono today, rifle coming in at just under 400 on .2’s…the marshal then proceeded to let him re chrono (twice), using heavy and heavy weight bb’s till he was just under 350. 

Not all who wear a hi vis on site are as clever as they make out.

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28 minutes ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

Behind a guy at chrono today, rifle coming in at just under 400 on .2’s…the marshal then proceeded to let him re chrono (twice), using heavy and heavy weight bb’s till he was just under 350. 

Not all who wear a hi vis on site are as clever as they make out.

Was this at Anzio, or another site ?

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36 minutes ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

Behind a guy at chrono today, rifle coming in at just under 400 on .2’s…the marshal then proceeded to let him re chrono (twice), using heavy and heavy weight bb’s till he was just under 350. 

Not all who wear a hi vis on site are as clever as they make out.

What site..so I know to avoid it.  :)

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52 minutes ago, Wavey_Gravey said:

Behind a guy at chrono today, rifle coming in at just under 400 on .2’s…the marshal then proceeded to let him re chrono (twice), using heavy and heavy weight bb’s till he was just under 350. 

Not all who wear a hi vis on site are as clever as they make out.

F&O beware, you've got new competition!!


We really need to name this site to place on the naughty list.

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No issues naming and shaming as I shall not be going back, this was one of many reasons.


F&O “The Jungle”.


Crap facilities, belittling and the the staff seem to think they’re doing you a favour by running game days, as they’re into “Milsim only”.


Avoid it.

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The gauntlet is down! 

Over to you wavy👋gravy 🤔


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