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Whole Game 'Sin Binned'


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7 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:



i think for me i'm used to sites being bad for the opposite end of the scale- not enough marshalling either due to marshalls who are too lazy, too young, or too ignorant of some basic principles (like how fps=/=joules) to manage games properly or at all. places where pretty much any and all forms of cheating 

Funnily enough this was the end of the spectrum I experienced when attending F&O sites. That and the worst implementation of ‘player marshalls’ I’ve experienced to date.


There is a delicate balance between not enough and too many when it comes to marshalls IMO. Too few and there just isn’t the coverage, too many and they just wandering around chatting doing a whole load of zero marshalling (largely down to the fact a decent portion of them are doing it ‘for favours’ on a ‘voluntary basis’ rather than being employed).


I should clarify before this comes across as too much of an ‘attack’ on F&O at large that each site is managed by different folks as far as I understand it so I’m sure some of them are solid. But the two I’ve been too weren’t ‘up to it’ IMO.

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11 hours ago, Cromulon1994 said:

It was F&O The Mill.


Ah, I see they're fully booked out.


I'd expect this contributes to a culture of "the customer is always a nuisance, and there's plenty more paying punters where you came from, mate".

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I once attended a game at southcoast cqb where they sin binned everyone because some dick shone his laser and shot at a police helicopter circling low looking for someone just outside the site. 

haven’t been back since. 

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1 hour ago, Randymanpipe said:

I once attended a game at southcoast cqb where they sin binned everyone because some dick shone his laser and shot at a police helicopter circling low looking for someone just outside the site. 

haven’t been back since. 

That guy sounds like a Darwin award waiting to happen

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47 minutes ago, PopRocket123 said:

That guy sounds like a Darwin award waiting to happen

There was a flap on at national airsoft event ringwood 2020.

Some boyos over the far side of the campsite were putting on a great laser light show.

This was about half twelve. Plenty of beer and excitement.

I had my comms set to monitor marshals channel and it burst into life screaming "somebody get over to those fucking dicks and make them stop!"

The problem was we were slap bang on the flight ✈️ path for hurn Airport just down the road.

The display soon ended! Lol


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WOW.  Getting all players to stand in a line, side by side and individually fire on full auto for 2 seconds was difficult to think of.


Player cohesion may of potentially helped the Marshals play Hercule Poirot. (i.e. a ROF rampaging like a dog with two dicks may have been witnessed by more than one player).  


F&O are slipping but they can turn it around if they want and defuse the recent negative press they've had.  They could start by issuing refunds for those who attended on this day and offer enhanced training for their Marshals.



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Its F&O ? Well, what a surprise.


One of the main reasons i dont play at their sites any more


Had similar occurences at 2 of their locations a few years back.


The first at a place in Leicester when a bunch of rental players refused to own up to f*cking about in the safe zone - random shots on light fixtures etc, despite being told not to 😕


The Marshall knew full well who had done it, but we all got held back from the first game, because the idiots concerned didnt have the backbone to admit they were at fault.


I left the site asap.


The second was at a site further north-west.


Blatant cheating, non hit-taking, and marshalling staff that needed a visit to Specsavers were the least of the issues.


The final straw was when i got accused of cheating by a certain gbbr owner/player who literally and quite loudly swore ( not heard such a litany of filth as i was subjected to) that i wasnt taking my hits and that he'd landed at least 3 hits on me from his G5 and i was blatantly cheating 😧


Despite 3 other nearby players who confirmed that i hadn't actually  been shot, this was not accepted by the Marshall that had been no more than three feet away from me at the time of the incident.


I  attempted to calmly explain to the Marshall what had happened only to be totally ignored.


I was wrong and the other shouty player was in the right.


I was a tad miffed( a polite way of saying i was bloody furious, but getting angry wasn't going to help)


I packed me kit and left.


Never been back to any of their sites since.








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6 hours ago, Archer said:

The Marshall knew full well who had done it, but we all got held back from the first game, because the idiots concerned didnt have the backbone to admit they were at fault.


And there we go, the root of the problem.


I'd rather have sites just hush up and say nothing rather than swing their dicks, then shrivel up when it comes to actually confronting the players that they know fine well are cocking around.

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18 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


And there we go, the root of the problem.


I'd rather have sites just hush up and say nothing rather than swing their dicks, then shrivel up when it comes to actually confronting the players that they know fine well are cocking around.

Too true.  If a marshal can't find the ability to interact with people to the standard required to do their job then they should not be in that role.  

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On 04/07/2021 at 00:51, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Too true.  If a marshal can't find the ability to interact with people to the standard required to do their job then they should not be in that role.  


At every site I've played at, it seems clear that most marshals get the role (I won't say job) by being mates with the site owner, not through ability.  There have been some notable and welcome exceptions, but by and large they're either too lazy, nice, retiring, or randomly angry.


Given that it's a labour of love though, and that I couldn't do a better job (being all of the above, as the mood takes me), this is just a low grade grumble, not an "aIrSoFt Is DyInG!!!11!" rant.

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I played at the Mill last month, my first time there. The exact same thing happened to us, luckily only once. But being "told off" for doing nothing wrong pissed me off to no end, I won't be going back. 


If you make the site single shot, fine. But don't also dictate how quick I can single shot with your old crappy Rif rate of fire. 

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6 hours ago, Cheeky vimto said:

I played at the Mill last month, my first time there. The exact same thing happened to us, luckily only once. But being "told off" for doing nothing wrong pissed me off to no end, I won't be going back. 


If you make the site single shot, fine. But don't also dictate how quick I can single shot with your old crappy Rif rate of fire. 


It seems on farcebook there are quite a few people saying the same thing too. 

It's both slightly comforting to know it wasn't just us who thought it's a shit show, and really shit that they've become such a poor site happy to take good money for shit service. 


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11 hours ago, Cheeky vimto said:

If you make the site single shot, fine. But don't also dictate how quick I can single shot with your old crappy Rif rate of fire.


Well, I respectfully disagree, they're fine to limit that too, or to have a two-or-three-shot-then-pause rule.


What matters is that they only say what they mean, that they mean everything that they say, and that they sack up and enforce the rules against individuals, not doing counter-productive collective punishment.


This is a bit like when I worked in an office where they sent out an email to the whole company, flagged as "important" saying "Whoever keeps defecating on the men's bathroom floor, stop it. This is totally unacceptable!"


Well, good job, you solved that problem. I'm sure someone sociopathic enough to do that will stop now that you've let them know that it's "unacceptable."


In both cases, if you're going to do a group communication, don't bother haranguing the toxic people who don't care.  Ask the decent people to identify them, then deal with the bad individuals.


This really isn't that hard a concept to grasp, surely?

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7 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Well, I respectfully disagree, they're fine to limit that too, or to have a two-or-three-shot-then-pause rule.



I agree, it's the prerogative of the site you attend at, they set the rules not the customer.


It's very easy with a good gun on semi and a drum mag to lay down a biblical hail of BB's to the point where no one could ever push past them without a dangerous over-arm thrown grenade / thunderflash or just pure luck. To be honest it can be fun to be "that person", however it makes the game for others pretty shitty.

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Mate of mine went to Anzio few weeks ago on Sunday 

Past chrono in morning on stock Marui gbb mp7. And his other guns did too 

And hour  into the day was asked to chono outside inplay area . Was over at 380 ish which was told to leave straight away as running a hot gun  . As well as about 15 other players this marshell chronod . 

£30 for hrs game . 3hour round trip to get there for him and his dad who also had to leave as he was with him 

Two different chonos and two different people doing it ? . 

He was fuming to say least . 




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Seems a bit like a knee jerk reaction.🤔

Why wasn't he given the chance to run another gat?

If 15 other players were booted as well surely it points to iffy equipment?


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I appreciate being chronoed in game, but marshals need to understand that they're looking for folk who cheated the morning chrono, not the victims of circumstance.


Gas guns will creep up as the temperature rises.  If you chrono first thing in the morning, gas guns that are are 0.1J under the site limit are 100% going to be over it an hour later.  Either don't let them on the field, or be sure that whoever chronos them later understands this.


The correct response in that case is to ask players to take it out of the game, and to offer a rental gun if you have any available, not to punt them off site.


If there are multiple site chronos available, test on the one that gives the lowest reading - or else bin all of them except the one that give the highest.


Grinds my gears, the number of marshals who don't know the first thing about what they're doing.  [Rants about the marshal that didn't know how to read the Joules number off a chrono on a site that chronos in Joules]

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19 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

I appreciate being chronoed in game, but marshals need to understand that they're looking for folk who cheated the morning chrono, not the victims of circumstance.


Gas guns will creep up as the temperature rises.  If you chrono first thing in the morning, gas guns that are are 0.1J under the site limit are 100% going to be over it an hour later.  Either don't let them on the field, or be sure that whoever chronos them later understands this.


The correct response in that case is to ask players to take it out of the game, and to offer a rental gun if you have any available, not to punt them off site.


If there are multiple site chronos available, test on the one that gives the lowest reading - or else bin all of them except the one that give the highest.


Grinds my gears, the number of marshals who don't know the first thing about what they're doing.  [Rants about the marshal that didn't know how to read the Joules number off a chrono on a site that chronos in Joules]

Unbelievable! ☹

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20 hours ago, Shamal said:

Unbelievable! ☹


Oh, it was hilarious, the chrono was set to the correct BB weight, and I actually pointed at the Joules number on it.  But he still insisted on looking up the FPS figure and BB weight on an app on his phone, because, uhhh, you trust the chrono's FPS number, but not its ability to do a simple piece of arithmetic with it?  :unsure:

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