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Has anyone else had that awkward moment when you have to explain to the plumber that you are not an arms dealer while you move your stash of RIFs to let him get at some pipes?

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Not quite that but one of my kids was arguing with a friend and he said


"well my daddy has guns"


I quickly  had to explain they were just for airsoft 😂

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The first time my dad's landlord came to his flat to collect the rent, he had to quickly explain why I was sitting on the floor with a bunch of disassembled guns.

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I always make sure to be “fixing” an Airsoft pistol when the daughter brings a boy home! 

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My dad's had his girlfriend's parents come over unannounced while we've had a couple of guns in pieces on the table. That was an interesting conversation...

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When the nice man from BT was setting up my shiny new fibre to the house he did the whole job without mentioning the rack of guns on the wall right up until he was packing up and then said, "so....what's this lot all about then?".

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3 hours ago, strykerles said:

Not quite that but one of my kids was arguing with a friend and he said


"well my daddy has guns"


I quickly  had to explain they were just for airsoft 😂


Apparently one of my nephew's teachers is aware that "my uncle has lots of guns" ... "did you tell him they're not real?" ...shrug/smirk 🤦‍♂️


Actually my dad's worse - he tells people i'm into "Guns and Bombs"...

Firstly.. I'm really not that into bombs... i dont even use pyros on game days 😅 .

Secondly.. why would you say that dad?

Thirdly, we're half middle eastern ffs! 🤦‍♂️

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Northamptonshirea Armed Response Team were most amused - they were on duty at the time i was involved in an attempted armed robbery.


I had been mugged at " gunpoint" by some twat who thought that holding a Browning Hi-Power replica in a "gangsta stylee grip " was the best idea.


The Plod asked how i knew it wasnt a real pistol. So, showed him the collection.


They were very happy 😃

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I was shooting a ktw winchester in the back garden (big garden, get on with my neighbours, one shoots with me) and heard a helicopter flying really low. Suddenly the electricity board helicopter is flying at pylon height, only 100m or so away, and the pilot, (copilot?) And a chap in the passenger area have made eye contact. Just kept it pointing downrange and waved and carried on. Was expecting a visit at some point though.

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2 minutes ago, Cromulon1994 said:

I was shooting a ktw winchester in the back garden (big garden, get on with my neighbours, one shoots with me) and heard a helicopter flying really low. Suddenly the electricity board helicopter is flying at pylon height, only 100m or so away, and the pilot, (copilot?) And a chap in the passenger area have made eye contact. Just kept it pointing downrange and waved and carried on. Was expecting a visit at some point though.

I’ll raise your electricity board survey helicopter with an Apache .....


Our tech guy was running some testing of the AI of the sentry gun, the barrel flipped up and he found himself facing the cockpit of an apache 




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I have quite an assorted armoury.

Obviously as this is me, 99% of it is paintball - with every shape and size, a couple of airsoft guns in the mix and many event props and altrernative ‘weapons’.

I have my own personal gear, usually have some of my team mates and team owned / event gear.


At times I’ve stored some of it locked in a cabinet at a friends and we advised the local village Bobby .... so that if anyone ever spotted anything that he would have an idea of what it’s about, and that if ever anything was stolen he’d know what to be aware of.


The worst looking items are dummy props (we like our props to function, but would have for example a lookalike C4 charge that operates a trigger to remote detonate the actual pyro)


We have had a bomb vest for some events, but this is always dismantled to the components.  None of us want to be explaining that in the back of the car.

For one game we met up and convoyed around the M25, leaving a couple of cars including mine  parked up at the services all day.

The team mate I was giving a lift to had the terrible habit of not bagging his guns, but as we were to transfer cars I ensured he bagged up properly. He didn’t tell me that he was buying one and arranged to pick it up at the game. On the way back we were dropped off in the opposite services and needed to cross the pedestrian bridge.

Left with two people and excessive luggage ... including a bare M4. I left him guarding the pile, and I headed off with some bags and an M4 wrapped in muddy combat 95 trousers .... his problem for the extra clean up when he got home.

My problem was meeting the coach party coming across the bridge and stairs in the opposite direction ... and finding the row of traffic cops 4wds beside my car and trying to ‘inconspicuously’ stash guns in the boot before going back for the rest.


At our first regular site we would often wander off from the rental players to have a private 1v1 in a far corner.

On one day all games were stopped and everyone brought back to the safe zone while a police helicopter scanned the fields for an armed man near Hurn airport and directed the police on the ground, we waved about my ak47 and whichever rifle he had for the day to check whether they were sure it was a gunman and not us. 
(there was a gunman, he decided to go hunting in the woods)

On another day the manager asked us not to take out bangs as there was a large group of young kids.

We also had my nephew and his mates.

I had some new pyro for an event in a couple of weeks and I had intended to try a couple to give me the chance to buy different ones if they were no good.

So we headed to the far side of the site and I lobbed one into a bush

In the meantime my nephews mate has also wandered off trying to sneak around the back.  A Marshall spotted him and ran over to bring him back .... “You’re out of bounds and this area isn’t fenced off between our site and the next farmer, he goes off on one if people wander onto his land and is liable to warn  off with a couple of shotgun shots”

.... and at that moment ‘BOOM!!!!’ (Goes the bush)

With excessive volume echoing around  the woods we turn and run (but who else would be setting off bangs in a far corner) as we run in one direction a Marshall and my nephews mate appear running from our side ..... “did you hear that bang?  The farmers shooting at us”


At our first event a ghillied player crawled off, weaving and flanking everyone he encountered.  He crawled under a zone boundary tape, (he was drowning in the ocean having passed the blue tape), then under another zone tape, past the site boundary, and came to a fence. Totally lost he followed the fence line around the site, coming to rough ground so hopped the fence and walked along the road ..... with traffic queueing and staring at the Dorset sniper

He attempted to get back on site unseen, getting through the carpark and almost back to the safe zone entrance ... just as my co-captain steps out of the portaloo.

He’d have got away with it if it wasn’t for the pesky turd.

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I once got stopped by the Police as the complete left hand side rear lights on my Land Rover had just stopped working. When they came to the window I explained what I had in the boot to quite a bemused Officer. He called his mate from the Patrol Car who luckily had heard of Airsoft and asked to see them. As I was moving a large part of my collection from my old house to my new one I had 5 Rifles and 3 Pistols in the back as well as full combat gear.


Upon opening the boot and pulling back the blanket (very gangster style!) the first officer took a step back but fortunately the the one that had heard of Airsoft just smiled. I did say I was going to step forwards and prove to them they were Airsoft and picked up one of the MWS GBBR. Which in hindsight wasn't the best idea as to the uninitiated they look and operate very similar to real steel. In my panic I field stripped it to get the bolt carrier group out to show them the air nozzle, hop up etc which must have looked like it was real steel!!! Luckily the second officer thought it was cool.


"So do they all fire?" said the second officer.

"Err yes....... but the Magazines are stored separately" I replied, shitting myself in case I was about to have an armed response team come down.

"Can we go some where and try them?" replied the Officer


So that was it. I spent the next hour with 2 Police Officers, next to a gate firing a number of Rifles and Pistols into some random field (is was empty). Even the grumpy Cop relaxed and fired quite a few rounds off. The even got a traffic cone out of their boot to use as a Target!! Totally bizarre!! 


They thanked me for making a boring shift less so and then headed off. The 'Airsoft' aware Officer even said he was going to look into getting into Airsoft so if he is on this forum, say Hi.

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16 hours ago, Lozart said:

When the nice man from BT was setting up my shiny new fibre to the house he did the whole job without mentioning the rack of guns on the wall right up until he was packing up and then said, "so....what's this lot all about then?".

Safer to ask on the way out when your by the street door in case you were some kind of nutter I suppose :D 

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1 hour ago, Albiscuit said:

Safer to ask on the way out when your by the street door in case you were some kind of nutter I suppose :D 

lol, I had similar concerns when I went to a job, big gate on front door & very hot but also very scary goth girl locking me in, turned out it was an S&M knocking shop 😳, only "weapons" on show was an assortment of whips & monster dildos 😭

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50 minutes ago, Tackle said:

lol, I had similar concerns when I went to a job, big gate on front door & very hot but also very scary goth girl locking me in, turned out it was an S&M knocking shop 😳, only "weapons" on show was an assortment of whips & monster dildos 😭

The first time we played Drakelow we were warned off not to go out of bounds ... not just lost in the dark, but we could stumble upon a BDSM photo shoot.   We all failed to find that objective 

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22 hours ago, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

Has anyone else had that awkward moment when you have to explain to the plumber that you are not an arms dealer while you move your stash of RIFs to let him get at some pipes?

had to explain when the pest control guy was in the loft, even though up there i still have them covered up, he just saw a box i had moved earlier...... then explanations :lol:

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3 hours ago, Tackle said:

lol, I had similar concerns when I went to a job, big gate on front door & very hot but also very scary goth girl locking me in, turned out it was an S&M knocking shop 😳, only "weapons" on show was an assortment of whips & monster dildos 😭

I think I would still be there to this day 🤷🏻‍♂️

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12 hours ago, RobHedley said:

I once got stopped by the Police as the complete left hand side rear lights on my Land Rover had just stopped working. When they came to the window I explained what I had in the boot to quite a bemused Officer. He called his mate from the Patrol Car who luckily had heard of Airsoft and asked to see them. As I was moving a large part of my collection from my old house to my new one I had 5 Rifles and 3 Pistols in the back as well as full combat gear.


Upon opening the boot and pulling back the blanket (very gangster style!) the first officer took a step back but fortunately the the one that had heard of Airsoft just smiled. I did say I was going to step forwards and prove to them they were Airsoft and picked up one of the MWS GBBR. Which in hindsight wasn't the best idea as to the uninitiated they look and operate very similar to real steel. In my panic I field stripped it to get the bolt carrier group out to show them the air nozzle, hop up etc which must have looked like it was real steel!!! Luckily the second officer thought it was cool.


"So do they all fire?" said the second officer.

"Err yes....... but the Magazines are stored separately" I replied, shitting myself in case I was about to have an armed response team come down.

"Can we go some where and try them?" replied the Officer


So that was it. I spent the next hour with 2 Police Officers, next to a gate firing a number of Rifles and Pistols into some random field (is was empty). Even the grumpy Cop relaxed and fired quite a few rounds off. The even got a traffic cone out of their boot to use as a Target!! Totally bizarre!! 


They thanked me for making a boring shift less so and then headed off. The 'Airsoft' aware Officer even said he was going to look into getting into Airsoft so if he is on this forum, say Hi.


Love that 👍 ...


When we got burgled and I lost a few RIFs the Surrey Police officer who came round the next day to have a chat about security and future prevention was a semi regular from EAG Dorking, obviously very cool about it and sympathetic to the kit i'd lost - Showed him the 11.1 high-speed(ish) kit with a strobe i'd put together for home defense and asked if it would be legal for those purposes (to absolutely hose down an intruder - and potentially cause bodily harm in defense), his reply was categorically 'yes', on your own property, some one breaking and entering, let um have it. I think he even mentioned that he might go home and setup something similar for the same purpose.

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7 hours ago, Albiscuit said:

I think I would still be there to this day 🤷🏻‍♂️

Lol, can't say I wasn't "curious" myself🤔, but decided I'd rather leave there with my a'hole intact, going by the size of some of the paraphernalia on show there😢

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As it's very hot at the moment, I generally have my door open while I'm in to let the air flow though. My airsoft guns and gear are in full view to anyone walking past, so by this point my landlady, property manager and other tenants probably think I'm some sort of crazed gun man.

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1 hour ago, Impulse said:

As it's very hot at the moment, I generally have my door open while I'm in to let the air flow though. My airsoft guns and gear are in full view to anyone walking past, so by this point my landlady, property manager and other tenants probably think I'm some sort of crazed gun man.

I'd be inclined to speak to them, explain Airsoft & that the kit is essentially harmless, promote harmony for all, us included, & hopefully avoid an early morning door kicking from the boys in blue 😏

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Just now, Tackle said:

I'd be inclined to speak to them, explain Airsoft & that the kit is essentially harmless, promote harmony for all, us included, & hopefully avoid an early morning door kicking from the boys in blue 😏


Oh, I was joking about the latter part. They all already know I play toy gun fights in the woods 🤣

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23 minutes ago, Impulse said:


Oh, I was joking about the latter part. They all already know I play toy gun fights in the woods 🤣

Oh they do think you're a crazed gunman...     just a harmless one 😄


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