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Covid Game (East and West Midlands)

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7 hours ago, AlexTheDark said:

We are going to try and organise a covid game BUT ITS OUTDOORS at social distancing since i dont get why outdoor sites have closed as even before covid we are really spread out so we are gonna try and organise a game in the west and east midlands every week during covid as FUCK CHINA ! for more info contact me on instagram @kekkerpro


Because you are only supposed to meet one person not from your household at a time. This is to prevent groups of unrelated people congregating. 

Please don't do this. 

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14 hours ago, AlexTheDark said:

We are going to try and organise a covid game BUT ITS OUTDOORS at social distancing since i dont get why outdoor sites have closed as even before covid we are really spread out so we are gonna try and organise a game in the west and east midlands every week during covid as FUCK CHINA ! for more info contact me on instagram @kekkerpro

What a really great way to show the sport in a really bad light and bring loads of negative press we don’t need! 

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It’s never going to happen.

In the current crisis, no insurance company will cover the game(s), therefore no games.

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3 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

It’s never going to happen.

In the current crisis, no insurance company will cover the game(s), therefore no games.

What does the insurance company actually cover?  Never really thought about that before...just curious, as you sign a waiver to accept you may get injured etc... (I admit I can't remember anything on the waiver I normally sign)

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5 minutes ago, Monkman said:

What does the insurance company actually cover?  Never really thought about that before...just curious, as you sign a waiver to accept you may get injured etc... (I admit I can't remember anything on the waiver I normally sign)

Not a clue, but it’s a legal requirement 

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whilst airsoft is a hobby that can allow social distancing, it's also the epitome of unnessecary.


i get the sentiment and the desire to get back out, but right now it's not worth it, we really don't need this popping up as a daily mail headline especially when perceptions of anything involving gun-shaped-objects isn't exactly glowing at the best of times.


one of our local sites is trying to plan a game for june, and even that i'm reckoning is pretty optimistic.

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36 minutes ago, Monkman said:

What does the insurance company actually cover?  Never really thought about that before...just curious, as you sign a waiver to accept you may get injured etc... (I admit I can't remember anything on the waiver I normally sign)


It generally covers for third party injury claims. If someone hurts themselves due to negligence on the part of the organiser/site owner then they're entitled to make a claim. The waivers that most people issue are badly written and not really worth the paper they come on but they're seeking to indemnify the organiser from you hurting yourself through your own fuckwittery/the idiocy of others and trying to claim. For example, if the site owner states during the safety brief that you cannot throw a BFG overarm, then someone does and it puts you in a coma then the site organiser has sought to remove their own negligence from the equation by including it in the mandatory brief. By signing the waiver you're effectively saying that you won't sue the site for the injury which was solely down to the idiot that threw the BFG.


Organising a game during the current restrictions in and of itself could be construed as an act of negligence by the the organiser themselves.

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On a legal basis within the UK, businesses with employees are legally required to have employers liability insurance.

Specific types of business / professions have requirements under their regulatory bodies - which may or may not be a legal requirement, or may be the terms of that industries/professions regulatory body.  e.g. professional indemnity.


The skirmisher defence under the VCRA/statutory instrument requires the venues that qualify the players skirmisher status to have third party liability insurance.

There could be other insurance covering things such as the premises, equipment and the scope of the insurance may cover the location and/or specific activities & events..


I would expect a site to have as a minimum to have both employers liability and third party liability insurance.

But there may not be a legal requirement for them both.


The UKARA requires site members to have public liability insurance.


In paintball I know more about the UKPSF as a governing body which only accredits sites that meet their 'code of practice' criteria which includes public liability insurance, levels of staffing, first aid, risk assessments etc.

As an event organiser TFD are a team who have run events over the years, we don't own a site and run in collaboration with the sites we have used.   The UKPSF added us as a special category as they recognised our events.  We were listed in a specific manner to illustrate that they recognised TFD events run on UKPSF accredited venues.

This afforded us the 'benefit' that UKPSF member players were also covered by the members personal liability insurance.

We aren't connected with the UKARA, but have run our airsoft games at Ironsight who are UKARA accredited.  

(I'm less familiar with airsoft, which is why I became a member here and leave the airsoft specifics to the site and our guys who know more)


The waiver that you sign at a site, (Could be a combination of a form signed at every game and/or when signing up for membership), is an acknowledgement that you are aware of the types of activities and your responsibilities.

'Waiver/disclaimer' aren't ideal names, it does not remove anyone from their responsibilities or liabilities.  The contents of the form should cover the relevant mitigations of risk assessments.


Our first event was a number of firsts - our first event, the sites first non-rental game, and also the first UKSPC event which was a new group of scenario organisers.

This brought in challenges to check on insurance and the requirements of us, the site, the UKPSF, UKPSC and the insurers and to re-write the disclaimer/waiver which was orientated around rental players and unsuitable for an own gunner event.

We were able to change some of the rules - e.g. permitting own gunners to keep their guns in the safe zone (made safe, barrel blocked etc)

Its normal for players to self fill air at events, and rental sites may have processes / insurance that only permit staff to fill site bottles.

One of the UKSPC criteria required air safety training and we were able to run the safety course and issue cards, the insurance permitted staff to fill non site bottles but did not permit players to self fill.  We ran the safety course, issued cards and then operated the air system for the players.  (we even ran a bottle swap system and players were willing give us their own bottles swapped for site bottles leaving them in the battle, with us bringing the filled bottles back - that was hard work!!!!)

At a later date the site changed their risk assessments & mitigations and allowed for self fills under the insurance.


Site third public liability insurance covers the site / business from claims raised by a customer or other third party for damage to property, injury, medical costs, loss of earnings and the PLI pays for legal costs, compensation etc for damage.  (All dependant on the actual policy)


Waiver/disclaimer the waiver is often used as data collection, and used for future marketing etc.  This should be detailed on the form.

As an agreement it will cover basic rules, such as whether you are only permitted to use site gear, BBs, pyro, whether you can bring & use your own, etc, that you are aware of what activity is happening, that you acknowledge your responsibilities etc

(I've seen events that have failed to have a suitable waiver where they made players sign the sites standard rental waiver but use their own gear)


Personal insurance 

You may get your own insurance.  The UKPSF provide player insurance which gives additional cover such as 3rd party liability for anything caused by the player/their equipment and medical/loss of earnings cover.

I have other personal insurance and my employers terms of employment give me much better cover so I would never be able to claim.

Originally there was one level of UKPSF player membership, and all of the fees went to the insurance premiums rather than to the UKPSF.

They later added multiple levels, with insured and uninsured.  I changed my membership to uninsured which means my fee goes into the UKPSF rather than paying an insurance premium which I could not claim against.



The OP orginally posted up before that they intended to create their own 'off world' site in a disused property, and were given advice.

This thread might mean that they have gone ahead with something but on an outdoors basis.

They don't appear to be fully aware of all of the issues of running a site or events if they cannot see the reasons why sites are closed.


Games can be run - but they need to be run in a safe manner for the activities and in a safe manner for the current COVID situation.

Theres a reason why sites have not reopened yet





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Half of you agree half of you disagree alot of people are fed up of the indoors i get why we have to stay indoors but the lockdown rules and being lowered to stay alert we will be staying at atleast 2m apart and its in a forest so i dont get why you guys are getting mad i understand how bad covid is trust me its more on the side of its outdoors we are spread out and not going near each other 

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10 minutes ago, AlexTheDark said:

Half of you agree half of you disagree alot of people are fed up of the indoors i get why we have to stay indoors but the lockdown rules and being lowered to stay alert we will be staying at atleast 2m apart and its in a forest so i dont get why you guys are getting mad i understand how bad covid is trust me its more on the side of its outdoors we are spread out and not going near each other 


I don't think anyone agrees with you - and putting covid aside, having looked at your instagram, im worried that if you just met up with strangers in the woods you'd get molested 

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13 minutes ago, AlexTheDark said:

Half of you agree half of you disagree alot of people are fed up of the indoors i get why we have to stay indoors but the lockdown rules and being lowered to stay alert we will be staying at atleast 2m apart and its in a forest so i dont get why you guys are getting mad i understand how bad covid is trust me its more on the side of its outdoors we are spread out and not going near each other 


we agree that we're getting annoyed being cooped up indoors.


that is not the same as thinking an airsoft game is a good idea currently.


airsoft is a hobby done for fun and fun alone, nobody and i mean literally nobody should consider it as anything more than a luxury pastime to spend your hard earned disposable income on.


covid is bad enough that a large chunk of the country remains out of work, and if working to earn a living isn't important enough to risk spreading the disease then playing toy soldiers sure as hell aint.

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40 minutes ago, AlexTheDark said:

Half of you agree half of you disagree alot of people are fed up of the indoors i get why we have to stay indoors but the lockdown rules and being lowered to stay alert we will be staying at atleast 2m apart and its in a forest so i dont get why you guys are getting mad i understand how bad covid is trust me its more on the side of its outdoors we are spread out and not going near each other 

Nobody agrees with you, you’re a retard. Bare in mind fact it’s currently against the rules and as I understand it actually illegal for more than 2 people from different households to meet. Do you really want everyone there to get fined? As well as showing the sport in a very bad light. 

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