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Expanding foam

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I have had one of my mad thoughts and in my deranged brain, it made perfect sense to fill the stock of my striker to reduce the volume of the shot or namely the resonance that occurs after the shot. Now luckily my last remaining brain cell decided to put up a fight so here I am before I go and ruin my rifle. Has anyone ever done this to a rifle and if so what effect, if any did it have on the rifle and would it be worth it? I have heard of people doing this to VSRs but not sure if it would be effective on the striker. 

Many thanks 

My last brain cell

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Yep it would work, BUT you'll need to ensure that every part of the gun/stock that you don't want it to stick to is covered, either tape or some kinda grease to stop adhesion, maybe tape everything & then smear grease or Vaseline on the tapes surface, & be prepared for a lot of trimming etc cos it expands/sticks like a motherflucker.

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Don't do it!!!

It works but it's messy as hell.


Cotton wool is a fantastic substitute. In many ways it can get into places you wouldn't be able to put expanding foam. It's filthy cheap as well.

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Cotton wool is cheap and while it takes longer you can be more sure you got the whole cavity stuffed. 


Bonus extra flammable if that lipo goes up. 

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1 hour ago, Solly4568 said:

fill the stock of my striker


17 minutes ago, Musica said:

extra flammable if that lipo goes up




But yes, cotton wool is much better, and as a bonus doesn't come covered in warnings saying how it causes cancer, like the expanding foam does.

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1 hour ago, L3wisD said:
2 hours ago, Solly4568 said:

fill the stock of my striker


1 hour ago, Musica said:

extra flammable if that lipo goes up





Yeah just about say that 😂 

but I have been looking at the cotton wool and it just ridiculously cheap, so I will buy a load and get back to you guys on how it goes 

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6 minutes ago, Solly4568 said:

Yeah just about say that 😂 

but I have been looking at the cotton wool and it just ridiculously cheap, so I will buy a load and get back to you guys on how it goes 

another plus is if you don't get on with it, you can still use it to take your make up, I mean camo cream off 😜

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4 minutes ago, Tackle said:

camo cream

camo cream CAMO CREAM, please I jump in a pond just to get the smell right 😂, don't even get on to the brown camo that I apply, let's just say that it's all natural and ah hem adds to the smell 🙂

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If in doubt, silicone sealant it out.  That's a favourite for glooping inside motorcycle handlebars to reduce vibration.


It's also denser than foam or fluff so might help to balance your totally realistic imitation precision firearm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I have just finished stuffing my stock (coincidencly the name of my latest porno 😁) and it does make a substantial distance for the price. Rather than reducing the sound it reduces the sound after the shot to the point where it only makes a subtle thud. Hopefully after I get the suppressor it will be perfect

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