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Extreme Airsoft / extremeairsoft.co.uk


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/08/2018 at 08:57, Lollingsgrad said:

I had a mixed experience with these guys but it is my belief they are honest if disorganised. I bought an M249 Para from them that stopped working after the first few shots. I got a replacement shortly after this but it was the wrong model so I returned it. It took a long time to get it all resolved and there was a lot of reminding them on my part but this was largely Classic Army's fault as the entire batch turned out to be faulty on testing and then they were out of stock for ages.


Despite the difficulty and the wait I could tell they put an enormous amount of effort into rectifying the situation and I can't in good conscience fault them with anything but bad luck. Most of the problems I experienced could easily have been due to the fact that they were moving warehouse during the time I was dealing with them. I got my refund and I'd buy from them again but if things go wrong, patience and persistence may be required. By all means email them if you have problems, but then immediately pick up the phone and call them if you ever want a reply.


My experience as well. I had a few issues but it was easily resolved. 


I'd buy from them again though they wouldn't be the first place I'd look for anything I needed urgently. Phone them, don't email is my only advice.



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 wish I’d remembered I’d had a problem with this lot in the past , ordered from them on the wknd initial order conformation received nothing since , just rang them to be told “oh sorry didn’t realise it’s out of stock in the shop , but it’s on its way from the wearhouse !” 
The retailer equivalent of “checks in the post !” ?🤬

Edit 6.11.20, well wish I had remembered not to use this retailer , when I spoke to them on Tuesday I was told would be on its way to me either Wed or thur just rang again to be told “oh no you miss under stood , it’ll be with US wed or thur not you” (and best of all it’s ‘due in’ today from there magical warehouse !)

British retailers complain about being under cut by foreign online sellers and lack of “support for the uk industry” well it’s there own fault , if they’d been up front and kept me informed I’d not have had a problem waiting BUT they didn’t .

So yea stay away from these clowns unless you REALLY have no other option .

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  • 2 weeks later...
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AND to confirm my opinion of this lot was right I’ve JUST received my refund a week after I cancelled the order ! Unbloody believable ! 

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  • 5 months later...

A helpful hint for those looking to order that I've just figured out. If it says "1 in stock" or however many they have under the picture on the product page, it means they've actually got it ready to ship. If it doesn't have anything under the photo it means they're selling them on backorder which I think is the practice that really causes the vast majority of issues people have with this retailer.


I think they really shoot themselves in the foot selling stock they haven't received yet without telling you as much because it makes them seem untrustworthy. I think they'd find if they just said "available on backorder" people would still order for the good prices but have far greater patience when it takes an unspecified time to arrive. Airsoft World also sell on backorder with flexible estimates but by and large they have relatively good reviews because you are made fully aware of the conditions of sale.

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  • 3 months later...

I guess I'm joining the fun train of extremeairsoft, waiting for my vector magazines and the tracking keeps coming up with "Sorry, we're currently unable to confirm the status of your item with reference number. Please try again tomorrow." Problem is it's been tomorrow 4 times in a row. I guess I'm going to have to phone them?

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i've ordered from them a few times and personally not had a problem everything was delivered within a week that was showing in stock, also communication has been good from them from order updates and delivery notifications to my general enquiries they have replied or messaged every time.  Just wanted to give my experiences.


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  • 1 month later...
On 19/08/2018 at 16:46, Vinster said:

Is extreme airsoft a trustworthy site, just wondering as I'm new to airsoft?


(link to the site: https://extremeairsoft.co.uk/ )

definatley yes been to many others this ones by far the best ive spend over £2000 so far if not more they know there stuff aswell if you visit the store ive also played cqc there also very good 

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  • 1 year later...

Just thought I'd add my two cents to this thread on Extreme Airsoft. I placed an order with them about 10 days ago for a RIF as their price was about £60 less than other retailers. Their website said "1 left in stock", and the estimated delivery was 2-3 working days.

They sent a ParcelForce tracking number the day after I placed the order, but as other people here have described, the tracking number doesn't seem to be recognised by ParcelForce, even after 10 days have passed. I've emailed Extreme Airsoft twice but no reply so far, and I haven't been able to get through to them on the phone (it just rings off).

So I'll give it a little while longer, then let them know I'd like to cancel the order. If they don't reply to that then I guess I'll have to do a charge-back on the credit card, which would be a bit of a shame.

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  • 10 months later...

From what people have been saying over the last few years it seems they haven’t changed their ways even now. Me and a friend are getting back to airsoft and have played at the department site. Said friend decided to buy a vfc m4 after seeing it in the shop and was told that they had just sold out but they can order one in and it will be with them ready for collection by the next Thursday 9 days away (we only live 10 mins away so happy to collect). They took payment over the phone at that was that.


The next Friday comes round with nothing heard from them which they said they would ring. He rang up Saturday to be told “oh no we said Thursday the 17th not the the 3rd”

friend puts it down to him not hearing right and leaves it at that. 17th rolls round and still nothing so gives them another call to be told that the shipment had been delayed at sea and will absolutely been in the store by the 25th. Now I’m sure a lot of you can see where this is going! Friend rings up on the 25th to be told that it will get here when it does. Now I was next to him at this point and in no way was my friend rude or impolite to given that response.


by this point my friends ranging and heads down to the store to demand the RIF or a refund straight away. Ironically the refund happened instantly! While he was in their thought there was the vfc m4 he wanted sitting on the shelf. He asked why can’t he have that one then to be told that’s just a shelf one to show people what we have. It seems to be a take payment then use your money to order the stock.
Unfortunately I know of one of the owners and years before extreme airsoft was set up he had a business selling extreme sports equipment (windsurfs,wakeboards etc) and there was rumours going around then that he was very unreliable when coming to shipping products out. But because he seemed like a genuine guy I never believed it. Hope this helps people 

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  • 3 months later...

Still upto the same shenanigans. I ordered an item that was labelled as "3 days lead time" but 11 days later it is still showing as "awaiting dispatch" so I've called the store, no answer, and I've called the returns line, no answer, so finally I have emailed to cancel the order entirely. I will avoid these clowns in future.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Still upto the same shenanigans. I ordered an item that was labelled as "3 days lead time" but 11 days later it is still showing as "awaiting dispatch" so I've called the store, no answer, and I've called the returns line, no answer, so finally I have emailed to cancel the order entirely. I will avoid these clowns in future.


Did you get a refund after emailing?  


I’ve had the same problem with an order that was “In Stock” but, two days after I placed the order, the item on the website has a due date permanently 4 days in the future (as in I’ve checked it every day, and it gets later by one day, every day).  


I’ve heard nothing from them since placing my order 1 week ago and asking for 2-3 days delivery.   The last email I got from them was the one acknowledging the order.  And they don’t seem to answer their phone either.


I’ve also emailed for a refund, but if it doesn’t arrive in the next 4 days, I’m going to issue a chargeback as I feel they’ve misled me into parting with my money.  I wish I’d checked TrustPilot first… quite a few people telling the same story.

Edited by HappySpaceInvader
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I've had mixed experiences with them, some to my benefit & some to piss me off, not enough to stop me buying from them if they have what I want but enough for me to kick myself when I place an order before I remember the bad experiences.


The bad/worst... they sent me an L85A3 that was obviously a return with damage.

They never replied to my emails about the damage.


The good... they sent my the wrong thing which I sold for a nice profit.


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I have no experience with their online or communications services, however, I thought I'd visit them a few weeks ago for the first time and I wasn't particularly impressed. Their physical shop is nice and they seem to stock the newest and coolest goodies. But that's as far as it goes really. 

None of their RIF's have price tags, which I suppose is understandable given their "comparison price" ethic, but it'd still be nice to get a ballpark estimation of the price there and then rather than walking back and fourth asking for assistance. 

Their staff is ultra lousy, I was asking about the price of a RIF and the guy at the till corner seemed to half-ignore me and was more keen on talking to his co-worker about some other rubbish. 
They also have a tendency to completely ignore any phone rings (I counted 3), even when not pre-occupied with something else so that may explain why no one gets answers and finally they don't really seem to know what they're talking about... naturally. 

Whilst I still did walk away with a VFC Glock 19 £30 off retail price, it wasn't a very interesting visit (and also since it has a connected site, when the players wander round at lunch it REEKS of the classic airsofter BO).

Hey-ho, it was only 1 visit so it could be completely different next time I may consider going but it wasn't the greatest first impression.

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On 15/05/2024 at 13:25, SerialNoodle said:

I have no experience with their online or communications services, however, I thought I'd visit them a few weeks ago for the first time and I wasn't particularly impressed. Their physical shop is nice and they seem to stock the newest and coolest goodies. But that's as far as it goes really. 


My (reasonably) local Airsoft shop is a lot better than this, but they also have a website that is pretty terrible (and often unavilable for hours at a time).   I would never order from them online, as what the website shows as in stock or not in stock bears no relation to what's in the shop.  And it's super glitchy to use on a mobile phone.


I get it:  the margins on airsoft kit is probably tiny, you're selling to a niche market, the staff are mostly there because they're enthusiasts (and not particularly well paid but maybe get discounts on the kit) and that, in this day and age, a online shop  is another way to bring in much-needed revenue.


But, if you're going to do an online shop... do it bloody well, otherwise you're actually harming your business way more than not having an online shop.

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Ok, well I did get a reply back from them to say they'd find out what went wrong with the order... and then nothing.  So I raised a dispute with my bank, and my bank have refunded me the money (and will then presumably proceed to squeeze the same amount out of Extreme Airsoft).


I don't think I'll be doing business with them again.


On the plus side though, the same item I wanted came back in stock at Patrolbase, and  £50 cheaper.  And it arrived in two days as promised/

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Very mixed feelings for me. I was in Leicester visiting a friend last year and on the way back home I took a detour to visit the shop. Nice layout with the pistols and smaller accessories in the front with the till then then assault rifles, LMGs, sniper rifles, bulkier accessories, etc were in the back. The bloke manning the shop was quite friendly and helpful. They had a few Deadly Customs clearance items so I bought those as I was genuinely in the market for them.


Earlier this year, I ordered online but they called me and were transparent about making a balls up on their stocktaking so they did an upgrade FOC. I wanted it promptly but didn't need it urgently though I paid for next day delivery on Saturday expecting a Tuesday delivery as I'd made the order in the afternoon but it wasn't delivered until the Tuesday after that. Not impressed with the delay whatsoever and I'd be reluctant to order online again from them.


I couldn't agree more with the sentiment above. I want just about every airsoft retailer do well, especially when they have a physical store but Extreme Airsoft really needs to up its game with its online retail operations.

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