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load out colour?


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so am trying to get an idea for my load out once i start building it all.. and I was looking at all black everything, head to toe. I then read up that this is a great concept for CQB but awful for outdoors.


So, what is the best clothing / colour to do my first load out on?

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Grey is the new black :) Take a look at multi-cam black. Do not worry about too much about a load-out, just wear some comfortable clothing. Play some games first and see what other players are wearing and if there is anything you like the look of. It is all down to personal preference, budget, and site.

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  On 14/01/2016 at 22:11, DANNY THOMAS said:

so am trying to get an idea for my load out once i start building it all.. and I was looking at all black everything, head to toe. I then read up that this is a great concept for CQB but awful for outdoors.


So, what is the best clothing / colour to do my first load out on?

DPM, cheap, looks good, somewhat effective.


IMO marpat is great for England! melts in well in English environment, great for urban, decent for sandpit.


honestly, in CQB its generally dark so anything works. but black and multicam sticks out like a sore thumb in any other environment (save for dry grass and sand for multicam)



  On 14/01/2016 at 22:26, Jedi_Master said:

Grey is the new black :)

Swedish army switches from m90 (which probably is the very best camo for spruce/pine forest) to plain dark grey actually :) Theory is that it's a boring colour that your brain tend to ignore more than others


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  On 14/01/2016 at 22:26, Jedi_Master said:

Grey is the new black :) Take a look at multi-cam black. Do not worry about too much about a load-out, just wear some comfortable clothing. Play some games first and see what other players are wearing and if there is anything you like the look of. It is all down to personal preference, budget, and site.


very nice colour. looks like it may not be all black everything.


i don't plan on buying anything just yet but i want to keep sizing up setups and concepts etc try and get my head around it.. theres so much customisation it's mad.

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  On 14/01/2016 at 22:54, two_zero said:

DPM, cheap, looks good, somewhat effective.


IMO marpat is great for England! melts in well in English environment, great for urban, decent for sandpit.


honestly, in CQB its generally dark so anything works. but black and multicam sticks out like a sore thumb in any other environment (save for dry grass and sand for multicam)



Swedish army switches from m90 (which probably is the very best camo for spruce/pine forest) to plain dark grey actually :) Theory is that it's a boring colour that your brain tend to ignore more than others




MARPAT looks a lot nicer than DPM i think.

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You know what they say, once you black your goin to need a wheel chair!


If you havnt seen white chicks go and see it now.

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  On 15/01/2016 at 13:00, i3666 said:

For CQB all black is best I think from what I have seen, especially night games black is best


When you are at The Mall on Sunday it will be interesting to see which you think works better in the shops and basement, the black or the grey. Although they are block colours compared to A-TACS Law Enforcement camoflage (http://www.ur-tactical.com/index.php/component/virtuemart/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/1736/virtuemart_category_id/)

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Black is actually not that great in the dark. Dark green or dark blue quite often works better.

When someone is in all black they actually quite often are easily visible as a darker shape as rarely its actually pitch black.

Dark colours but not overly dark and mixing the shades works best.

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  On 15/01/2016 at 17:42, jcheeseright said:

think about it this way: if it's dark enough that you can't tell what colour the walls are is wearing blue or green going to make any difference?


Oh yes, because blue matches my eyes better than green ;)

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  On 15/01/2016 at 13:27, Jedi_Master said:


When you are at The Mall on Sunday it will be interesting to see which you think works better in the shops and basement, the black or the grey. Although they are block colours compared to A-TACS Law Enforcement camoflage (http://www.ur-tactical.com/index.php/component/virtuemart/view/productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/1736/virtuemart_category_id/)


  On 15/01/2016 at 17:23, ImTriggerHappy said:

Black is actually not that great in the dark. Dark green or dark blue quite often works better.

When someone is in all black they actually quite often are easily visible as a darker shape as rarely its actually pitch black.

Dark colours but not overly dark and mixing the shades works best.



That is interesting you both say that but I will happily take note and give dark shades a bash :)

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I'm quite liking the new grey kit worn by The Met counter terrorism unit. This months AI has a good article on exactly what they are using (based on flicking through in WH Smith, I may go buy it tomorrow).

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Multicam black and grey will be good


I rock that myself

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  On 16/01/2016 at 01:04, tinkle60 said:

This is the theory behind grey, mostly what people have said already. I think the guy oversells it a bit, but the basic principle is sound.


  On 15/01/2016 at 19:31, PeteS said:

I'm quite liking the new grey kit worn by The Met counter terrorism unit. This months AI has a good article on exactly what they are using (based on flicking through in WH Smith, I may go buy it tomorrow).


Marketing aside, I was impressed enough with the Arc'teryx LEAF video to have a look at their kit. When Edgar Brothers Online had a sale on back in November I decided to buy the Talos trousers and Naga hoody. Had a wry smile reading about the same top and trousers when I went into WH Smiths earlier today to check out that copy of Airsoft International and the review of Arc'teryx (pages 62-63). I was ahead of the curve for once.


With hindsight I would not have bought the Talos trousers - great quality but they are very long in the leg, the waist does not have any adjustment to sinch down a bit (Large are 36" and Medium are 33"), and there is nothing extra in the cargo pockets to retain/seperate magaznes so they move around and rattle off hit each other. I think that my Stryke trousers by 5.11 Tactical are better and half the cost. I should have bought the 5.11 chest rig in Storm grey instead.

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Well grey does match the highlights in my hair.

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I'm currently using Kryptek Typhon (copy) trousers with either black or grey shirts and a black and grey fleece. Works pretty well for me.

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The Kryptek Typhon is a nice looking pattern.

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  On 18/01/2016 at 10:34, Jedi_Master said:

The Kryptek Typhon is a nice looking pattern.

I like it. I don't feel the need to replicate load outs so I just wear what I like the look of. All my load bearing kit is Coyote Tan which makes for an....interesting look. I like it though.

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  On 18/01/2016 at 11:03, Lozart said:

I like it. I don't feel the need to replicate load outs so I just wear what I like the look of.


I am the same, wearing clothing I like and is both comfortable and practical. I can also mix and match based on what suits the location and day. Wearing all shades of grey is a look but I would not consider it a load out per se. I often see things I like the look of and have to resist the temptation to buy it.

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