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hi guys

I have just joined this forum and am also new to airsoft so looking for a bit of advice

are there any rules written or otherwise about which patches I can wear, i.e. rank, unit, regiment etc

can someone tell me please


cheers guys




Oh and by the way for all those who struggle a bit with reading

my callsign is JURASSIC------SPARK and not JURASSICS-------PARK:)

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New to airsoft but youve got your call sign sorted already, nice.


obviously discriminating patches are a no-no and most patches that have to be earned (eg some military ones) are frowned upon but other than that you'll be alright.

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I am not sure what the 'rules' are but as ex-military I do have strong opinions on people wearing badges/rank that they have not earned. Seeing 15 year old kids and fat blokes wearing para wings can be a reason why the Army has a low opinion on airsoft (just read some of the threads on the Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) website). No doubt this can be a very subjective issue, and I do not intend stirring a flame war.

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  On 08/08/2015 at 20:17, JURASSICSPARK said:

hi guys

I have just joined this forum and am also new to airsoft so looking for a bit of advice

are there any rules written or otherwise about which patches I can wear, i.e. rank, unit, regiment etc

can someone tell me please


cheers guys




Oh and by the way for all those who struggle a bit with reading

my callsign is JURASSIC------SPARK and not JURASSICS-------PARK:)

For me airsoft is just an action sport, everything in my kit is either useful in airsoft or fun. But to those who like to copy the uniforms of various military, it is more of a roleplay/re-enactment really. As long as they do not pretend to be something they are not when they are out of character, ea. not roleplaying, I personally really don't see that there is any issues. After all, we do this in video games all the time.


I know a lot of people disagree* and I know some people can get pretty emotional about this, so it is to you to make up your mind how you feel about it and weather you feel that you can stand your ground or not.



Oh, you might be kicked (banned?) of a site if you wear something offensive. Never heard about this happening, but some sites does have rules about using appropriate language due to kids being present.



*Wont take that discussion in this thread. You are entitled to your opinion.

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  On 08/08/2015 at 21:09, Jedi_Master said:

Seeing 15 year old kids and fat blokes wearing para wings can be a reason why the Army has a low opinion on airsoft

Indeed. HOWEVER I'd say that is another issue. THIS should not be the reason for someone to refrain from say wearing para wings. If one deems it disrespectful towards those who'd wear them in the army, then that should be the reason and the argument that should be used. imho.




What I've heard giving the local scene a really bad reputation within the army is one team in particular that take them selves very seriously and use a rank system based on the real one, where you have to earn your ranks and climb your way up etc. (plus a few very blatant statements made by said team diminishing the achievements of those who wear the real ranks)

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Some people may get touchy if you wear certain regiments or ranks, purely as they may of served in them in the real world : ).


It does bug me occasionally but I take a depending breath and remember... it's just a bloody wonderful game!

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I think that will always 'rub' some people, especially those that have served and feel like they have earned their ranks and regiment badges.


The only thing that winds me up is the people that take it waaaay too seriously, similar to the people mentioned by two_zero - if people want to take it that seriously then they need to sign up.


As for offensive patches, that can be very subjective. For instance, one of my favourite patches I wear is 'the Pork Chop Express'. It has been commented that it is offensive because it has been worn by some to annoy Muslims. However, I am a huge fan of the film 'Big Trouble in Little China' and the name of the truck owned by Jack Burton, the films protagonist, is called 'the Pork Chop Express', and as you can see from the picture the logo is the same, hence why I wear it.

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  On 08/08/2015 at 21:09, Jedi_Master said:

I am not sure what the 'rules' are but as ex-military I do have strong opinions on people wearing badges/rank that they have not earned. Seeing 15 year old kids and fat blokes wearing para wings can be a reason why the Army has a low opinion on airsoft (just read some of the threads on the Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) website). No doubt this can be a very subjective issue, and I do not intend stirring a flame war.

i like how they go to say that paintball is more respectable than airsoft :lol:

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I generally run with patches that represent my game style and personality. I play for the shits n giggles so mainly go for fun/humour. I'm proud of our armed forces and the sacrifice n commitment they make for us all so would never wear any real world regimental/rank patches.

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I wear patches that either make me smile, (hulk patch that reminds me of my son or Star Wars coffee) or feel pride about (Union Jack). Something that reflects my interests and or means something is ideal. Pretending to be a rank or from an armed force I've never been in seems too fake and belittles the achievements of the real soldiers out there imo.


It's like buying a karate black belt and pretending you earned it. That's a big no no I'm my book as I've studied various Martial arts over the years. I am very proud of my various belts, especially my brown belt in kickboxing but I'd never buy a black belt and try and pass myself off as a rank higher than I am. Even to someone who has never studied martial arts and would be unlikely to know the difference.

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Hi Guys


thanks for the responses


I was thinking that wearing a regiment patch as more of a tribute than anything else, my brother served in the army and toured Northern Ireland twice during the "TROUBLES" so I know how important this stuff is


As for the rank, I have leadership skills and have worked my way up the ladder just anyone in the forces would so surely I'm worthy of a rank Corporal or even Sergeant maybe ( comments please) would this be asking too much?


Although it may be strange to award myself an NCO stripe or three, there must be some kind of rank structure even in Airsoft so who decides who gets what?


Look forward to hearing more


If I have upset any ex squaddies out there then I apologise as this was not my intension








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Airsoft is a hobby to most, a sport to some and a serious past time to a few; there are no ranks in airsoft, only players, and you can't really 'award' yourself a rank.


Some teams have their own internal rank structure, but you would have to find who those teams are, try to join them and then try to fulfil their promotion requirements.


Personally, I would stay clear of wearing rank, as it is likely to draw unnecessary attention to yourself, which may not be a good idea especially if you are just starting out.

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I would wear them..not in a military fashion
but i would wear the regiments of which my family has served/serving
which would be

Grandad: Royal corps of signals
Uncle : Royal irish rangers
Brother: The Rifles

have some other uncles that served but its not something they've ever talked about so i dont ask

& when i say "wear" i mean all in one place sown/stuck onto a piece of kit weather it be my Kit bag or plate carrier
if people got offended by me honoring those that have served..well tough shit

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Are people aware that rank is not exclusive and unique to the British forces. Many not militant and paramilitary organisations use the same rank structure, it simply indicates a hierarchy.


Now I'm not saying rigging up in full british uniform with an sa80 with TRF patches and rank isn't dodgy ground, but simply putting corporal

Slides on a mtp shirt is a huge step away from stolen valour or Walting.


As with anything in life the trick is to not be a dick with it, and nobody will really care, and if they do, it's none of their business.

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Since we're on the topic. What do you think about military re-enactment? Or someone wearing SS skull as part of a German ww2 uniform?



  On 09/08/2015 at 13:03, Berto said:

It's like buying a karate black belt and pretending you earned it. That's a big no no I'm my book as I've studied various Martial arts over the years. I am very proud of my various belts, especially my brown belt in kickboxing but I'd never buy a black belt and try and pass myself off as a rank higher than I am. Even to someone who has never studied martial arts and would be unlikely to know the difference.


It's not like buying a black belt and pretending you earned it. There's a big difference there. If you buy a black belt and proudly wear it to karate training or semishow (like wearing ranks in public or at a veteran event), I agree with you. But if you buy it for your cosplay to wear at comicons (like wearing rank in an airsoft skimishing), I'd don't see what the issue is.



  On 09/08/2015 at 14:39, Aengus said:

Two words: stolen valor (Google it)

WRONG!! Stolen valor is if you are trying to make people think you are someone who you are not. However, telling people you earned them would be.



  On 09/08/2015 at 14:08, JURASSICSPARK said:

I was thinking that wearing a regiment patch as more of a tribute than anything else, my brother served in the army and toured Northern Ireland twice during the "TROUBLES" so I know how important this stuff is

What's his opinion on you wearing it?

  On 09/08/2015 at 15:10, Mr Monkey Nuts said:

As with anything in life the trick is to not be a dick with it, and nobody will really care, and if they do, it's none of their business.

Them caring may well become your business thou....... Best expect the worst :)

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I think rank markings look a bit silly in airsoft to be honest, and as said means nothing.


For instance, the last 'rank' I held was this:




I personally think it would have looked ridiculous if I had worn it on my airsofting gear and as already said it would have meant absolutely nothing...

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To be fair, I recently promoted myself from Captain to Lt. Colonel because I found a bargain set of collar insignia on eBay.


It's yank stuff though, so nobody really cares, even if it does mean my Kilgore loadout is finally complete!

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I have to agree with the genral attitude. I think that rank and badges should stay out of airsoft unless its an ex forces player wearing their own badges.


If you think you have millitary leadership skill go sign up. I had a great chat this weekend with a player as we joked about how unfit we where. Its a sport with toy guns that utilises camo clothes (not that it makes you invisible in the slightest in cqb sites)


Other than that we arnt soldiers and so dont need ranks and regimental badges.


If im totally honest if some random 20odd year old with a high millitary rank badge turns to me and attempts to give me orders as he thinks he has leadership value, id tell him to fuck off!

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