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quick question for G17 owners


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What made you choose the G17 over the G18?


i personally cannot see a reason why, so i was just wondering, is there a specific reason? something i am missing? :wacko::wacko:

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I guess it depends on the make, I asked myself the same after recently buying a G17 :) - Well more accurately why I bought it at all as my HK45 is a beast and now I need a new holster lol.


My old KWA G18C had a fire selector that you were meant to rack the slide back before changing the fire modes. Whether or not it was true I was told not doing so could damage the selector, assuming it is the case I don't know if the WE and TM models are the same in that respect.


Edit: This is going back a few years but the KWA was also fairly temperamental in full auto, to the point where anything past a short burst would freeze the gun up and have it venting happily. It might be different with the above brands but I'd definitely say it is pointless having full auto if you can't trust it to work.

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Guest PT247

I've had both, loved them equally but went for the 17 after the 18 as the selector would switch to full auto when crawling about in it's holster (am lefthanded so selector was exposed) which meant if I needed it in a hurry for a close contact I could drill them at close range by accident which I didn't like the idea of. Have had a TM G18, then TM G17, then got a CO2 steel slided G17 which is lovely to shoot but feeds badly currently, and now am running a G27.

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I've got the TM G18C and have no problems with the selector switch accidentally going full auto/semi. However, I don't have the stock parts as a lot of it has been upgraded, one being the selector switch. It is very definitive between semi/full auto.


Despite what was said earlier about full auto being for girls, it is actually quite fun to play about with. However, some seem to not prefer having the option.

It can function as a G17 would - just don't touch the switch.


As for the mention of the weird KWA selector switch thing, the TM doesn't have it, in case you're wondering. You can select semi/full auto without having to keep the slide back.


If you want a practical, but at the same time a FUN gun, then buy the G18C. Full auto with a 50rnd mag will put a smile on your face :D I do have a long list of upgrades on it though, but it fires fine out of the box.


ALTHOUGH, if you do decide to get a G18C, then do not go the cheaper way and get a WE. They've been known to have internal issues with full auto and it can easily cause breaking (which is stupid). You'd be better off getting a TM, believe me. TM also has the GLOCK trademarks, if you're into that sort of thing. Polymer slide though, but uses less gas due to the lighter weight.


A WE G17 is fine though because it doesn't have full auto to break it so easily.


I agree, I personally see no reason to buy a G17 over and G18C. As I said, full auto is optional. So spend a bit more and have a lot more fun with it! I get bored of semi only pistols since I have had the G18C. Definitely not as fun.


All that being said, using WE Glock mags in the TM is perfectly fine :) Bit cheaper too, but they work very well. Hope this helps


EDIT: Turn the G18C into a smg with the CAA Roni G18C Carbine kit :D Can't see much point in doing that with a G17 because it is semi only. Or an APS kit, depending on budget. You have many options with a G18C

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Full auto in a pistol is a gimmick and having the fire selector mech present complicates the trigger box and causes parts to wear faster.

So personally l think it makes more sense to get the G17 because no auto means it'll last longer and have a slightly simpler mechanism.

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Aside from my slightly facetious comment earlier, it's also worth noting that lighting someone up with full auto at pistol range is a pretty twatish thing to do. You wouldn't with an aeg so why with a pistol?. I have been on the other end and it's not fun.

What is fun for me is bedroom training to drop my primary and get three quick, accurate shots off. Makes me feel all super l33t operator inside.


I also have heard from a reliable tech that they have seen a few tm18s crack themselves to death with 50 round mags, especially in winter.

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There's something distinctly brilliant about emptying one of the 50 round mags in 2.5 seconds when it's a pistol though; very few other GBBs produce that much kick and they're fairly unique for it.


TM frames do crack at the front screw post after about 3000 rounds, but the Guarder ones (aprox. £30) are re-enforced with brass and are the first upgrade one should buy for them. The TM ones are built solidly elsewhere and the tolerances are good, but I'd never touch the WE and KWA ones (which is what many people form their opinions from). They're cheap and nasty - far too much money goes into the material cost of a metal slide, and the internals are made of complete pot metal.


And that sexy ported barrel:



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The mechanism is simple though. It was the first ever gun I had opened up, and I disassembled/reassembled it easily. Had never done anything like that before either. Just gotta note down what you're doing and then realise that there are videos everywhere after you've done it. That is my experience, though.

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I’ve had both 18c and I currently own a 17. I hated the 18c. side arms are meant to be single shot and given the Fps on some side arms if your using it full auto at close range you may as well use your primary weapon.


I hated the 18c fire selector, you’ve got to have the slide locked back before you can change it from semi to full and vice versa. I think it’s personal preference. Whilst the 18c is fun to play with on full it’s not my cup of tea. G17 for me.

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I’ve had both 18c and I currently own a 17. I hated the 18c. side arms are meant to be single shot and given the Fps on some side arms if your using it full auto at close range you may as well use your primary weapon.


I hated the 18c fire selector, you’ve got to have the slide locked back before you can change it from semi to full and vice versa. I think it’s personal preference. Whilst the 18c is fun to play with on full it’s not my cup of tea. G17 for me.

Obviously you had an inferior brand then, and this is what I mean with most people tarring all of them with the same brush; the TM one can be in any position before using the fire selector. I've noticed the selector to be very spongey on the others too - the TM one has a very positive click. I've not once accidentally had it switch to full auto from semi (or vice versa).



Qlimax, what make was your G18? I haven't got to mess around with the slide to go from semi to full.


Prof, where'd you get the nice gold barrel? :D

Firesupport I think. If not then overseas - WGC probably stock it. It's a Guarder one, but I know they have a weird name for the colour for some reason so it might not be as straight forward to search for.



Yeh, 'titanium gold' is the colour. Here's the link: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guarder-aluminum-cnc-titanium-golden-outer-barrel-for-marui-18c

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I don't personally see the merit of a full auto pistol. If it's your sidearm, then you're probably using it in close quarters or in buildings, where full auto isn't needed or wanted (at my local site, you aren't even allowed to use full auto I'm buildings), and if it's your primary you either need to be very conservative to make your ammo last through a game or be made of magazines

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Firesupport I think. If not then overseas - WGC probably stock it. It's a Guarder one, but I know they have a weird name for the colour for some reason so it might not be as straight forward to search for.



Yeh, 'titanium gold' is the colour. Here's the link: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guarder-aluminum-cnc-titanium-golden-outer-barrel-for-marui-18c


It's called titanium gold because it's supposed to look like Titanium Nitride which has a gold colour to it. Often used on motorbike forks because it helps reduce friction (and looks nice).

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Yeah the G18C is a fun gun as well as practical. I bought it to enjoy using it

And you're perfectly correct. It's a game at the end of the day, but I don't fancy taking a burst at close range even from a pistol :P

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They still need to be practical.

Perhaps a little too much hyperbole - certainly wasn't intended to be taken so literally. I get that they can't turn into dust when you fire them, and need to be able to at least hit the side of a barn, but at the end of the day we're talking about the £20 difference between having something locked to semi and something that does both. The only objective reason for not having it to come up so far is that it produces a bit more wear on the internals when you're blatting away at 20 rps, but that's a given. There's also the issue of the selector not fitting into some holsters, though I've yet to experience this myself.


Those who've had bad experiences with the G18c seem to have either owned KWA/WE or just don't take care of their stuff properly. The 'full auto in CQB' point is moot - most sites ban it anyway, and you'd never see any reasonable player using it. The auto is very effective in bursts though and will reach out to about 25-30 metres in the right conditions.


To everyone: Go fire a TM G18c in full auto if you've not before - it's a rather 'unique' airsoft pistol when in auto, and on semi it's just another TM G17 - one of the most reliable, practical and accurate airsoft pistols that you can own.


Select fire is rather impractical, but for the £20 I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Indeed I did - twice.




It's called titanium gold because it's supposed to look like Titanium Nitride which has a gold colour to it. Often used on motorbike forks because it helps reduce friction (and looks nice).

Ah, thanks. I just thought they were trying to be a bit arty-farty, heh.

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Qlimax, what make was your G18? I haven't got to mess around with the slide to go from semi to full.


Prof, where'd you get the nice gold barrel? :D

Mil spec Solutions my gold slide and barrel came from for the G17 but I think they do 18c as well.


My 18c was a KSC brand. I'm not for one second saying all 18c are like that, I'm just sharing my view of it it. Also I didn't buy mine, it was given to me for work carried out on someone's AEG.

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I like my G17, I nearly bought a G18 but the store i frequent screwed me over a little so I didnt.


I would imagine a G18 to be most useful in a milsim game, if you need to reload you can drop the mag, switch to the side arm and suppress while loading the primary with the offhand. The 18 would reduce your chance (psychologically) of being rushed.

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