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Photos from the field

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Lol... The scar is not that heavy at the shoulder or at the hip... But try holding it out at arms length for over a minute and it starts to feel a lot lot heavier :)

To be very honest, if I saw you walking down the corridoor dual wielding a Scar and a 6.5 Inch revolver I'd properly cack my pants, as would any other mentally sane member of this forum lol!


I'd probaly just drop a frag grenade on the floor and run in the other direction like a little girl! haha.

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If i saw you i would make it my days mission to get you with a knife kill.....just for being cheeky!

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I have banned duel wielding at our site. You can't take an aimed shot with two weapons at the same time.

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indeed, while you might not be able to effectively aim while dual wielding you can still see where your guns are pointing which kinda voids the blindfiring aspect. If anything people dual wielding are just reducing their effectiveness to look cool, which works because it definitely looks cool.

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Mythbusters tested out dual weilding pistols, 1911's IIRC.


They did ok compared to the control groupings with 1 pistol, 2 handed grip.


It was the gansta sideways bollox that threw their aim right off the taeget.

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^^Luuuuuurve the Kryptec though.

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videos go here too ya? you can see me do a couple of dashes for objectives, and manage to complete one at the end of this vid....

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Here are a few from FWG two weeks ago:


Using my CYMA MP5K




Covering one of my friends as he flips the barrel (using a DE M56 Tri-shot shotgun)



(below) Taking out YouTuber Andrew Nash (Valoris101) after both rushing the barrel (right) at the same time. Luckily, I was the only one with a gun!



Using one of my friend's ICS SG552 (different day)




All photos credits: Fubar Photography

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one of me today, nice weather, rained a bit, wasnt too hot. and MP7 was nice, glad I bought it :D

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Me, attempting a muscle bound Black Death pose, and probably not coming close to pulling it off.

Also badly wishing I'd spent the skirmish money on a haircut...

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Liking the new loadout Ed, what belt kit are you using? I'm looking at some more modern low drag webbing I could use for CQB. Hate getting stuck in a doorway because of bulky pouches lol!

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It's the British Army's battle belt, they come with a yoke strappy system thing, so it's just an MTP molle belt with braces on it, basically lol.

£30 + pouches.

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Did Billy get any of me worth seeing, Ed? Linky?

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He did indeed, I've tagged you in them all on Facebook, just login and they'll all be on your page.

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Also badly wishing I'd spent the skirmish money on a haircut...



or a shave ;):lol:


your starting to like that AK and those hi caps too much :lol::lol:


liking the battle belt though mate B)

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