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Spiritus Systems MK4 Micro Fight Chest Rig Set Multicam

Spiritus Systems MK4 Micro Fight Chest Rig Set Multicam


1 Offer
1 Question


Selling my Spiritus Systems Micro Fight MK4 £85

Includes the Fat Strap £52

Half Flap £24



You would need to pick up the backstrap. I have misplaced it. These can be found on tactical kit for £13





- United Kingdom

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Congratulations - this Advert has now shown up on Macks!


With that in mind, could you clarify if:

A) the £90 is the all-in price for everything pictured, or

B) you are genuinely trying to sell each component at current retail prices, or

C) the prices you've listed in the description are purely to highlight how much you paid in the first place to entice the prospective buyer?


Ta Muchly



Hi, apologies but I have only just seen this.

The prices in the description are the prices of each component at full RRP as individual items. And my list price was for everything at the reduced price.

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