I'll throw my thoughts down here...
I've got sort of a unique background when it comes to airsoft, as very few teens have the equipment I have, and fewer the expirence. I grew up shooting, and got into sniping after I bought a w700 rifle. Got a gillie suit from a military friend in the States, and spent a few years doing very well in manhunt games at my scout camps. So I got the stealthy waiting part down. Now in terms of guns, I am realitivly poor with my sniper, as I've only just started upgrading it. I've gotten a sight on mine, as well as a good woodland camo finish on it, but it is stock inside, as I can't figure out how to open the frikken thing... I will have to get a better spring, and ammo (blaster .3g go through the roof still) and it's probably only shooting around 300 FPS due to a poor spring. So I need a lot of work before I'd even consider trying to use it on the field. Now, in my backyard with some mates, I'm the terror of the bushes, and their orange two tone guns make it easy for me to spot them (insert evil laugh here). So yea, not good to start out with. If you still think it may be for you, go to your fav site, and during games, look for locations you would like to use a rifle in. Formulate scenarios in your head during games, and maybe one day get a gun, throw a large amount of cash at it, and see how it goes. Just not yet.
Rant over