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Everything posted by SeniorSpaz87

  1. Haha, I was wondering if you would find this thread... 17 miles?... Yikes.
  2. Hi guys, I figured I'd start a thread for everyone to post the gear they bring to a game on, before they even go. Here's mine for tomorrow's game at The Mall. So; Mp7 P90 (for chrono testing) G17 Clothing Helmet S-Thunder Gas Bbs Speed-loaders Batteries Lights And more. So... What are y'all bringing?
  3. Now does a MOSFET replace a fuse? And the burst was just a cool feature; it's probably a good idea to leave it for now.
  4. Or something similar oh well, it's a good learning opportunity for when I do have a problem. Now that that's all sorted, should I get a fuse and/or MOSFET? And what do you think about the fet I linked to a few posts back? I like the idea of adding a burst to it, but I don't really want to get into anything too heavy duty.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions guys; Trigger and I worked it out (I think). I'll update y'all when my connectors arrive; I'll do a complete rewiring of all parts and hopefully it will work.
  6. Have you looked at pentagonal shaping? There's a gun on here (AUG?) that has it; it looks nice, is subtle, but different. Can't help you on the actual painting though.
  7. Ok, then I'll skip on the 'fet for now as I only use Nimh. And while on the subject of MOSFETs; this one seems to have some neat functions:http://www.airsoftworld.net/new-2014-burst-wizard-king-kong-super-2-mosfet.html
  8. Ok, thanks. Anywhere online that you know of to get the trigger parts? I'll just get a new one, but thanks for the offer. I was trying to get the motor to start (wasn't working, but it was a hodgepodge setup), and when it all of a sudden started, I nearly hit my head on the roof, as I thought it was dead . Should I look into MOSFETs as well? I'm not sure on them; beyond the little I've read on here I know nothing.but I'm pretty confident right now; as nothing was set on fire (talk about a confidence boost).
  9. Update; A bunch of wires, some DIY, a few sparks, and one heart attack later, I can confirm the motor works. So I guess it's the trigger connector. So... Now the question is where can I get a new one? And TriggerHappy thinks I should add a fuse in there as well. Opinions on this and where to get one as well as the trigger connections?
  10. cant help you there, but one of the gurus (AFUK addicts) will know all about your area. and welcome to the forum
  11. hahaha, I was in the middle of writing a comment stating that polymer is a good plastic and correct myself, but you beat me to it.
  12. they are different. the french one is plastic, the pb one is polymer and metal. the french one is co2, the pb is green gas. dont think the french one is blowback, pb is.
  13. yep; the ts are just so i have some extras on hand. Ill probably leave my p90 and mp40 on mini-t, if they ever need work like my M4 does, then ill switch them over in the process. But if it aint broken, dont fix it.
  14. yea, got a bunch of deans and mini-t male and female ends on the way. ill test the motor when I get home.
  15. Tbh, using a springer as a primary that's not a bolt action is probably a bad idea, but it could bring some laughs as well. Welcome, btw
  16. Haha, I don't actually do that on my bed. I got a table downstairs I've set up as my shop; to the dismay of my mother. I got away with it when I was doing school engineering projects, but until I get a better option, the unused room will be my workplace.
  17. And should I be getting anything else at the same time (multimeter?)?
  18. Aright, I am now in a position to test the motors; and about to get a bill for my jump into electrical (airsoft) engineering. Got a soldering kit already (done quite a bit of that already), as well as solder, a few meters of wires, wire cutters, wire strippers, and more. About to buy a bunch or deans and mini-t connectors, shrink wrap, and more... Anyway, is this an ok (and safe (ish)) setup to bypass the trigger and attempt to activate the motor? I've got my pilot flame-proof gloves at the ready just in case I set my bed sheets on fire... Also, you can see the battery I melted the mini-t connectors on...
  19. Annoyed... The Mall's site says they have open spaces, but apparently, they don't...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87


      I know, don't get me wrong. This session was gonna be my reward for suffering through a 3 full-day IB Biology revision course an hours drive away... I guess I'll just have to go next weekend.

    3. Lozart


      Ah...bad luck dude. Still if the revision course is hard the exam should be a breeze!

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      The course is fine... The fact that it's almost 8 hours of Biology with only 20 minutes of break every two hours that's hard...

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