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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Blimey - best keep on Mrs Duck's good side then Hell have no fury & all that stuff she could flogg
  2. well I learned something about springs n stuff many thanks for advanced open university course of airsoft enginneering plus now got a posh term "proprietary" when I find some mofo TM compatible bits are not gonna go in without a gentle adjustment using the trusted "hammer + file the f*cking thing" technique (prefer the term: bastid cheap spare parts that don't fit in this pile of crap mofo crappy gun)
  3. +1 for ak12 ya did & another +1 for getting the blue off the a47 nice collection indeed - any radicalist would turn green with envy (soz just kidding & apoligies if last remark offends but does look a little like an IS armoury)
  4. I have used paypal for GF & TWG - never had problem got email from paypal as per usual & confirm of order from GF the very first time though it did take a while for them to process & ship it out but that is quite common (been told many places wait a few days before processing order in case of paypal scam) Also at time of first order they was moving premises so it took I think a fortnight instead of 1 week to arrive keep an eye on it over next day or so - or ring paypal's free support 0800 or email Gunfire if no movement in next day or so First time a little delay but after that was done & dusted it is easier than using ebay
  5. Blimey - what did you get sent down for ??? Married with kids ??? Serving overseas ??? Just kidding and none of my business why the the 10yr gap welcome back and have a great game - show them youngsters how its done (or hope you don't get owned too much if a little rusty)
  6. CM16's come in wide range of barrel lengths aprox 220 to 363 depending on actual model 110/120 on FireHawk and 220 on short raider to say 363ish on m4a1 carbine your long raider has a 357/363 barrel so most likely has some ports say 3/4 to about 80% of the way back I would guess your cylinder is almost deffo ported to provide the appropriate amount of air 509 is way way too much and almost deffo result in absolute pi$$ poor performance if you fit it (509 is for full unported cylinders and at/over the limit unless you have the longer cylinders like sr25/l85/svd etc.. - which you dont have) how much/often have you used it - if skirmished at a site what fps is showing ??? more importantly clean barrel first - even just with a dry bit of kitchen tissue check how it performs and how you feel it did perform in the past..... (also in colder weather range can be effected anyway) most likely it could do with a few tweaks after a year in BUT only by somebody who knows what they are doing (take it from somebody who first few box's didn't work too well and lost $hitloads of bits in process) dunno what range and power you are expecting most G&G's are about 330 out of box and this may drop to 300 in say 6 months regular use - all guns/springs lose some tension but it may still perform ok. it would be good to know the fps - spring/seals may need changing but this requires opening up box - by somebody who knows/careful (if seals all worn and poor fps then all the super tbb barrel + hop won't be as effective) clean barrel - see if that helps it is free change bucking - another cheap thing about a fiver get it chrono'd properly if possible or you are guessing with coke can tests or unless you are very very very good/god walks on water can kind of roughly tell how good it is (hence why they make chrono's) decide exactly just how pi$$ poor ya gun is first - they all lose their ooooomph a bit clean barrel & new rubber is first thing like many have said
  7. Women will never understand... And we will NEVER understand women man says "fine" = fine woman says "fine" = no it fecking ain't fine but just you wait & "we need to talk" = you are in deep $hit Mrs Duck puts up with so much $hit from me & all that - but I know how lucky I am Mum's are peacemakers trying to keep everybody happy/apart sometimes The responsible one in our house of pure chaos and probably the one taken for granted so many times 3 children but its the 4th kid that gives her the most hassle ( me ) Yeah they nag, moan, keeping on at us - but often us blokes need that as I for one am useless with running house (she has been taken care of things or mothering me so long now - yeah she has been in charge for ages it seems) Lucky coz it ain't a power struggle really - we are so different (opposites attract) yet so similar in many ways (think I'm her bit of rough - very rough btw) Soz to hear so many couples not so fortunate to have found their soul mate But behind every Good Man stands a Good Woman (and behind her stands another guy clocking her ar$e) right that is my take on relationships which is worth jack now can we get back to looking at guns or fit ladies with big guns & bigger breasts serious - more gun pics please
  8. why - was it her engine you still haven't fixed it ??? perfectly normal - dinning tables make perfect work tables btw
  9. aprox 10 seconds max - 30secs plus is a miracle already did it to a similar gun on 11.1v lipo https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/%28%28not-working%29%29-D-Boy-Full-size-M4A1-Carbine-Fully-Automatic-BBgun.html removed bits, got out plastic box with its powerful dildo motor attached, connected a lipo up to it just "tested" it to see why it didn't work - it did work but not for long and another thing - never use lipo's on "other" toys around the house mrs duck had a smile on her face for weeks but that is another story
  10. think most have 1yr on aeg's - 6 months on spring/bolt snipers & shotguns tbh if it did go tits up it wouldn't be too bad to fix unless the plastic externals snapped (doubt it unless you are a clumsy clot, so if it wasn't too bad or loud bang I wouldn't bother shipping it back) to me it is a gamble on buying from these sites at discount prices but yeah you could ship it back if needed don't mean gamble as in taking a chance - but it just part of the course that it ain't a local shop to pop back to then again I suppose it would cost a little to shipaeg back to zero one or lwa etc..... usually buyer has to pay return postage so if something small needs fixing it might be cheaper/quicker to sort it yourself is what I was meaning the srt-13 is a cheapo 28c which is a plastic recevier 039c so it should fit a 39c rail cover on it I have one of those mounts and I see no reason why it wouldn't fit on like 39c but think battery hassle would make me want to fit a black crane stock for rear wired battery AK with M4 adjustable crane stock ??? (Ian would hate it - yeah might be a fun project to do ) just learned the cyma 040i has a crane stock with nunchuck battery at rear kinda much more longer railed tactical front end + rear crane battery I might do a cheapo plastic 39c type with the 40i ar$e end on it (hate them long stick batteries in top cover - besides that is plastic on srt-13 so would break real quick too) would look a bit odd - just like moi
  11. does look tempting for about £75 - £76 inc delivery looks a lot more expensive from first glance and if I didn't have so many M4's I reckon I would get one (or two) coz it would be worth taking a gamble for a nice looking gun like that
  12. it has cm02 on motor frame (well spartac has when I last looked) and appears to be same box with bearings as 28 thing is parts wise we couldn't build something for that so if an old ak is looking tired & needing refurb or want to change a classic plastic wood to tactical looking one & maybe new box it could be worth considering I know loads of us have bought a LOT worse first gun for a LOT more.... it is a cheapo gun but at least you are getting better value plus if it does break up a bit you can use it for parts (yeah try seeing what bits you can use from a B500A1 pile of crap)
  13. I'm tempted with TWG range & prices on shotguns..... a tri-shot keeps screaming at me "take me, take me - you know you want me" - but I must resist (or play hard to get until payday)
  14. ebairsoft under new management ??? but to be fair I didn't have to open a dispute One other thing - if somebody opens a dispute/claim in paypal then I am sure a hold for that amount is placed against that account often meaning the paypal account is bollox'd until resolved However there are so many many ways to get around this along with ebay is even easier for scammers cheers for heads up - can't understand why peeps have to such ar$eholes best of luck with ya claim sir - but shouldn't have to get to this
  15. yeah was looking at that cheap 508 sort of 416 type M4 since them bastids shoved up the price of Dboys 416 from 165 to 180 Euro only thing holding me back was cyma M4's are not thought as highly as their AK's Then GF have the 416 BI-8001 on offer now which is about £125 - crap crane stock but would change it to stubby yeah spring change which is free at both places now - I would change it when tweaking aoe etc but gotta resist buying more stuff
  16. very much doubt a household 9v battery would work plus it might be too high for motor in there maybe something like the stock battery used in cyma glock pistol might be an idea or speak to a RC battery place like www.componentshop.co.uk - they must have something to go in there
  17. This thread will never die..... People will always buy from there first and regret it, like most of us did by then it is too late to read this thread - you got scammed.... BUT - if you discover this thread then you will soon take a little comfort that you are not the only one to be tucked up JBBG must spend ££££ on Google Adwords - coz they always come up top when looking for airsoft or bb guns Hence so many newcomers get swept along and accept that this guy knows his stuff (Bull$hit deffo but Airsoft hmmmmmmm.....) if there was a Lidl or KwikSave in airsoft - it would be based in Twickenham Hopefully people learn quickly and just buy from these clowns once or twice think JBBG know this too and can't mug ya over & over again - but by then it won't matter another sucker stumbles across these "pro's" in their search engine,,,,,, The saying "one born every minute" comes to mind and so it continues - just like this thread
  18. 99.9999999999999999% sure it is a cheaper budget oem cyma with a few more corners cut off Gunfire been selling them for ages (and cheaper) as the brand Spartac in this case SRT-13 = cheap cyma 028c SRT-08 is a cheap cyma 028a plastic charging handle & battery/top cover bear in mind that TWG were doing the proper 28 cyma's much cheaper in summer in which case there was not a great saving over cheap spartac/cyma 5xx coz to replace a few cheap plastic bits would cost you what you had saved now things at TWG are not so cheap but these cheaper or oem cyma's have been around a while and cheaper and be bought for about £60 delivered well it was 68:44 Euros - have to buy a bolt or something else to get free ship on 69 Euro+ (say 70 Euro + another 2:50 paypal fee = 72:50 del or about £57 but offer ended now)
  19. dabbled with picaxe but not got into arduino or others though they do $hitloads of stuff (only real limit is ya imagination I guess) - nice one Chock & A47 - looks so much more like it now - better than the baby blue & yeah just tell 'em "this is my secondary" - my primary is still in that transit van
  20. kick me but not my gun..... (we can get very protective over our guns/cars etc...) not put many pics up of my collection - most of it very standard looking so little to look at but most of us love our guns and bought/kept them coz we like them. (most of mine are quite boringly standard atm but guess that is me - boring ) Most of these guns on here are absolutely fecking dipping amazing chaps, maybe one or two might not be my cuppa tea but still kudos to all of ya with so many really taking such care & attention to detail thanks to all of ya as I have some possible great ideas to emulate if/when I get round to pimping up a couple
  21. Got one of them but really really really don't spend a penny on it it can only really be used for indoor cqb as with .2's it will only hit up to 75ft @ 240fps sure you can use lighter .12g bb's but though your fps will hit say 300 them bb's will be anywhere but on target with a slight "fart" of wind even if them lighter bb's hit target at 100ft I doubt if people would call it The receiver or shell is in 2 halves - the flash hider is glued on - even if you manage to open her up ok it is not designed to be taken apart again and again and again as cheap small screws will strip you can use slightly thicker screws at a push - but again this gun is not designed to be pulled apart too much The "kind of" v2 gearbox is all plastic clear casing using plastic gears with a motor that has little grunt in it pulling back say a M70 spring any upgrades like a M100 spring may strip the plastic gears If you shove a bigger voltage battery on there above 8.6v you will quickly smash hell out of gearbox (youtube a plastic box Vs 11.1v lipo - very quickly bits just snap/fly off) you might be able to fit a proper metal gearbox and motor in there but the pistol grip is part of the 2 halves plasting casting so would have to fit a proper pistol grip to metal box then carefully cut away the grip cast into receiver halves (a bit of messing around and still could be full of other headaches so really only for bored clever techy's out there with time on their hands) A g36 or AK might be easier coz it would fit a proper v3 gearbox with frame for motor but your/my gun won't accept a proper pistol grip without more work like above.... soz for ott but really really not worth it........ you "could" scrape by at a cqb site or use for back garden plinking (as long as garden isn't too long ) (you could also enter the tour de france on a single speed kiddy bike but would be hard work) probably bought a shop with "BB" in their name but it is ok for what it is - a very basic cheap low power bb gun which is bought as a first gun by unknowing peeps to test the water so to speak Alas you need to spend say a min of £100 and carefully to get a semi-decent AEG to take to a skirmish site (there are a few just £100 under but in general they probably won't be as good as the ones in the next price bracket) Oh and if you try to use most other M4 mags in there it will be very tight fit indeed - that is mildly put but a bang they will go in It ain't a complete pile of pooh - buy a 2/3rd replica with AAA batteries - now that is pi$$ poor performance (got one of those a few years back and put me off airsoft it was so crap) the B500A1 was better and got me interested but I soon learned it was way below par out in the field Yes you will get laughed at from others with £500 guns and pistols that cost twice as much as your gun but sooner or later their guns crap out on them too so you may get a rare chance to smile if yours is still going use it until it breaks but don't spend a penny on it - save up for the next level of guns and you won't look back
  22. Yup - chubby the liar ain't getting no more money out of me though they were alright for me BAW's .20's atm seem good all rounders - but these could be any other make for all I know a make that works for you may not always work so well for others/guns/barrels etc.... plus some makes could better/worse on different weights & batches depending on what you get/use Stick to main brands from good retailers or see what your site sells is best advice if they sold $hit bb's that were pi$$ poor and jammed then peeps would soon moan about it or give them hell
  23. apologies FS are Peterborough way I'm sure they (ICS) will be fine for OP - said either would be fine though Lord Metile has had a bit of grief with his ICS M4 mine are still going may not always grab it as main aeg but is there as a fall back/spare in fact I think the rof is slightly higher stock than most G&G's (could be gears or most likely ICS stock motor is quicker)
  24. They also sell G&G's but FireSupport are about the best for ICS stuff no question lucky they are your local shop too... Either make will do - just saying like a "non-mainstream" or some imported cars the owner may not be able to get parts easily from local halfords or local spares shop and have to keep going to a certified main dealer to get these bespoke bits n pieces ICS are very nice - (so is another make) but just giving you the full picture that was all
  25. TaiwanGun "used" to be brilliant my first orders at Gunfire & TaiwanGun - TaiwanGun arrived much quicker as GF was doing a stock check/new warehouse last year However - as of August last year TW or TWG no longer offered free shipping unless you spent 300 Euros OK not a big deal but from about November have noticed stuff I was looking at in my basket slowly creeping up & up The last pi$$ take was about a week/10 days ago when I saw something on my wishlist/basket jump 165 to 180 Euro ffs !!!! yet they had the nerve to go on about a -15% reduction bollox How the heck does a 10% increase amount to a 15% reduction - even though they had 16% reduction on most of there prices for ages ??? Don't get me wrong - Gunfire are not perfect either but had a problem with GF (bound to coz haven't bought from TWG since Sept) Gunfire tried to resolve but refunded me without fuss in full very very quickly Gunfire is probably a victim of its own success - stuff flies out of stock very quickly damn it, but still offer free ship on 69 Euro orders Dunno why TWG have done this crafty price increase on top of recent shipping policy change, plus no longer doing loyalty points since early last year Free spring change - think they failed to carry this out for a member on here and GF now offer this too. I still check TWG but seems like they can't quite offer the value for money or compete so closely with GF which is a real shame not 8itching (well not too much), but just speaking as I find - TWG are still ok but just not as good as they used to be
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