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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. I bought crap JBBG first then SRC + ICS M4's - great improvement for getting ukara BUT bought G&G M4 rif's and not looked back G&G M4's are easier to source parts & maintain & tweak if they need attention (ics are really nice - most come with 2 mags but G&G really are a better M4 to maintain)
  2. get a helmet then might not look so cool n barebones but f*ck how I look I like my teeth where they are protected by a full face mask and my head unscathed - times I bashed/scraped my way through bush/branches banged it on low bits of timber/walls not to mention feeling the odd crack from headshots & calling myself out pit helmet or better looking fast helmet is what many wear - oops soz saw you getting fast helmet masks are down to what fits & if you wear glasses/contacts for playing
  3. OK - final thoughts on this matter...... you already have some aeg's, presume you are the age to purchase them yourself and looking to get another RIF or your first RIF if others are IF's (dunno how you came to own them if they are RIF's) it is not a big deal to skirmish a few times and keep ya hand in playing now n then (some say back yard target shooting but targets don't shoot back and means jack if you are good at targets) heck I hate having to renew my driving license, amongst other stuff that I never had to do or pay for renewals but that is just the way it goes
  4. if that is correct then it was your fault coz you could/should have declared it by not doing so or not informing people YOU created the problem that could have been avoided alas if you failed to learn from that experience then I doubt if you ever will
  5. uhm isn't what you are suggesting SMUGGLING ??? so in effect you would be in deeper $hit if caught ??? not having a go but what you are asking is a way round to dodge the regulations and further more sneakily hiding or smuggling a RIF into UK but at same time asking if that could be deemed legal ??? even if we all said it would be fine - which it ain't no customs/judge is gonna think that would be legit good luck if you get caught much easier to get ukara we may not all 101% agree with vcra but we abide by the rather easy & simple steps that way we can continue to enjoy playing with our toy guns it "may" seem bollox but what rules and regulations are perfect fact is we abide by it and by doing so we can continue Go to Australia - it is still banned there to the best of my knowledge now that is bollox but thankfully we ain't down under Aussies can't even get a 2-tone to repaint ffs
  6. I knew it - see it always causes this - UKARA - must have been set up by a woman (they always cause blokes to row) think nobody should be allowed to type the letters U K A R A with fully reading vcra 10 times (that would exclude nigh on all of us)
  7. Go - on then put me down for one heck make that two - one front & one on back for when my dumb a$$ team shoot me (yeah I know sometimes I deserve it) serious - you got 2 orders from moi if you get them off ground some people may find it a little offensive perhaps - well yeah we are attacking this round ffs but if they really find it offensive reading the patch on front - I will point them to the other one at the back Would be a sure fire way of all meeting up at NAE - easy to identify AF-UK miserable old farts (though don't think Dev will be sending these out to all - only grumpy bastids can apply)
  8. Silly daft question - are you 18 & ukara ??? if not then perhaps go easy if 1st gun & 2-tone req but its up to you - if spending that much on first gun then £100 goes quickly if buying goodies mags, batteries, boots, eye protection, some basic old clobber to wear very little room for say secondary if req or a possible cheap spare - though not a must heck - you may find it ain't for you or not quite addictive as you first thought (doubt it though) but its completely up to owner what they do & buy with their money
  9. not splitting hairs - so please don't flame me OP said need license to own RIF - not if gifted you could say but yup to import like OP is thinking uhm yes is the general correct answer - get ukara Bloomin' hate these ukara related posts coz most people know the answer and often there are a few grey areas that can been seen as a little unclear or may not fully apply to the usual regulations, causing differences in general and for ease of everything - get UKARA it is best license you will never own soz in advance and if I have got wrong yet again then light me up
  10. politely - if possible if a discussion is starting to get little heated, always best to pm your feelings rather than 8itch and have ego's dented etc..... and say cheers for them taking time to message/reply to you (unless you are calling each every name under sun then that is fine coz ya both already rude)
  11. yeah mine is 350 - end of if marshall sees just - and I mean just over say 352-353 - nope I can't allow it if chrono shows over 350 (said about adjust hop to squeeze it under but gave up on hot crappy dragon) G36c screw though - well it seemed to be hit n miss when I tried it - if it was doing much at all but if just a teensy bit over then peeps could try leaving gun cocked overnight if that failed to "bed in" the spring then if it still was a tiny tiny bit over then correct AOE with sorbo that should lose a touch more (and be running better) if still no joy or if it was way over then spring change would be needed Only mentioned it coz it was supposed to help tweak fps a little but found it did next to FA for me (in fact it seemed to go up slightly whatever way I turned it - didn't crank it too much but 1 turn clock & then 2 turns counter clock made FA) getting a warm gun don't bother me too much as most could do with a check/tweak - though in my case check/break/damn it
  12. yeah basically what has been said - it "could" get seized and you have little argument if no defense whatever people may think of UKARA it does simplify buying RIF's like in this matter there is no real license as such - just you on a database of saddo's that play with toy guns (in a figure of speech - no offense to rest of us)
  13. strongly advise getting UKARA for this then it won't be seized by customs etc.... There are other forms of defense but in general UKARA is a straight forward way of checking by retailers ( UK EU US & others ) They know each countries regulations and most are not willing to dodge or attempt to dodge them rules etc.... So to avoid it being seized by authorities and/or sale being cancelled I'd say just get UKARA like the rest of us
  14. http://www.taiwangun.com/en/608-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=19 6th pic along shows folded stock - allen key tweak spring guide yeah well made next to no difference when I tried it on a 365/370fps one (back in box - another one to look at - damn list is getting long now)
  15. gave in & bought 2 x CM122 pistols on offer at Gunfire @ 40Euro or about £32 each that a47 was blue and after sanding (fairy ain't shifting that amount of paint) it came out with a sort of light faded or aged look - still plastic but smooth as a baby's ar$e coat of varnish to finish and she will do me - still got a touch of blue on bottom of stock (looks better/darker is wiped with damp cloth hence a coat of varnish will be sweet) pic may appear bluey in places on some parts of stock but trust me it ain't like that at all - no sirs (seriously was on an OCD mission to get every possible bit off - took hand guard off too & de-blued the holes etc..) wasn't too bad really - heavy/medium/fine sandpaper & a bit of elbow grease
  16. New JG36c's are supposed to have a grub screw or something at back to tweak spring / fps (well tiny screw seemed to do FA for me so will no doubt have to tone mine down too)
  17. yup JG G36c - perfect cqb & short/midrange aeg 3 makes - 3 types, there are others but think that is what most may use (or have in their collection - you won't go wrong with either)
  18. G&G M4's for most people - M4's are perhaps most ergonomic for many Cyma AK's if you want something a bit different to not "follow the heard" buy cheaper stuff from any place with BB in its name and you will regret it (many - me included have made that nooby mistake)
  19. Think a lot of APS problems is down to switch/trigger problems the trigger itself has a slightly longer "lug" than most others (talking about APS M4 trigger btw - not got a APS v3 box yet) my own M4 APS is fine on auto but a little iffy on semi sometimes - common problem but fixable shame coz APS quick change box is very nice but needs improving on trigger switch area (google it but I will sort it properly on next overhaul - poxy f**king switch) CYMA are to AK's what G&G are to M4's - they are very good even the cheaper models are decent £ for £ even out the box they perform well compared to other makes only got cheap 28a but very happy (I like easy battery change in stock) can't comment on others makes but very pleased with my Cyma AK's (& G&G M4's)
  20. glad you made it back in one piece and had a blast shame the gas stuff wasn't working properly but sounds like they were a great crowd Think the first time at new site is the often most memorable & finding ya feet AEG & hi-caps if you like sounding like the maraca's sounds or 120-190 mid caps for quieter kills with less chance of dry-fire if you forget to wind (oh yeah - got owned numerous times from dry fire - blame mag not me forgetting to wind it) if you really get into it then maybe 2 similar mid range guns - guns WILL let you down so spare and it being compatible with your usual mags makes sense. But from sounds of it they are a great bunch and will help ya out if stuck. (which really helps - no matter how good/bad site is, it is the people that really help make it worth returning to)
  21. cqb's - they are a bit more trickier/expensive to find/run bit of woodland not too bad, but trying to source a moderate size ground with buildings at a cheap price not so easy to get hold of... yup a number of old warehouse/factories/offices lying around you may think but very often the owner/landlord won't commit or let us lot rent it cheap, shoot it up etc.... They wanna leave it vacant, not commit to a cheapy rental agreement and sell it or knock down to develop My local site has been looking for a replacement after they lost their old school urban site But round here - South London/Surrey is a lot harder to come by - old field/woods in Surrey ok but they have had very little luck getting a possible cqb site going again
  22. Am I the only one thinking - Where our jolly AK mod Ian ???

    1. Undieing_Lust


      famasboy stole him to sell.

    2. Ian_Gere


      lol yeah i've been sold into bumslavery / no i've been hawking up me giblets and gasping for breath between bouts of shaking like a big girl and her vibe on a washing machine getting back to life now woohoo!

  23. for what it is worth & pasted from the site: A&K Dragunov A spring clone of more expensive manufacturers. They utilise a quick spring change mechanism to change FPS in a matter of minutes. This rifle uses AEG springs. These have distinctive Blue aluminium pistons. The hops are a good design but reports suggest the range is lacking. We have introduced a new improved hop unit along with other upgrades available from our webstore, see: http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/apps/webstore/products/category/639221?page=1 ASG Concern Izhmash Dragunov SVD aka ARES Dragunov SVD - yes ARES had them branded in the first release! These share the same piston as the A&K version however the hop units are not. The trigger sear is also compatible with the A&K version but you'll need to drill a small hole underneath for a spring to slot in. http://www.airsoftsniperparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/2657310 it says it may not fit - there may have been a change the hop page says I have a ASG & an AEG SVD and one new hop from Gunfire so it should fit one of them but not fitted it yet - need to do a few bit swap arounds as I got a longer 650 barrel to go in bolt (then nick the 590 barrel for a L85 DMR I'm thinking of doing - more projects so little time) end of day you "may" be able to fit it but if not it is not end of world the SVD is a very good buget sniper anyway and even if you can't achieve absolute top of the max possible range it is still more accurate than many other guns for the money there are 2 types of mags though - cyma svd's use a slightly different mag that is the only thing to watch out for I think the normal svd can just use normal AK mags in there - up to 1,000 bb's !!!! wow best get the cocking lever then coz ya little pinky's will hurt by then soz I can't give a deffo 101% answer if they have changed stuff recently but still not end of world I reckon
  24. Or running his own cqb site with all them Galaxy's + other MP5's
  25. good bit of info there - some of it for me remember too still don't know all the names of nooks & crannies & points at my local Hopefully any snipers will know MED etc... hope he has a good time coz I think we may have ended up scaring the crap out of him - but he did ask
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