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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Be careful if buying cheapo adapters from overseas..... CHECK THE POLARITY or pinouts of them coz a few of us had had to correct them in the past..... For some bizzare reason the large and small tamiya connectors can be reversed ??? LARGE TAMIYA - red posi lead has a SQUARE tamiya plug connector SMALL TAMIYA - red posi lead has a ROUND tamiya plug connector on airsoft stuff But when I've got large tamiya or XT60 to small tamiya adapters in past the small tamiya red posi wire was on a SQUARE connector wondered why gun won't fire - polarity is reversed and luckily AR latch is stopping gun running in reverse it is weird thing I recently found out the red posi connector is a different shape on Large/Small tamiya's - jeeez so just double check the polarity is 101% correct when using any adapters is a wise thing
  2. nobody in UK got that ?? thought a place like componentshop could supply one you not checked on fleabay and clicked UK only ??? knock one up yourself or failing that fit deans to gun & battery and get better response will these work ??? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TaskForce-Mini-Tamiya-Male-to-Deans-Female-/171980012213?hash=item280acebab5:g:~MMAAOSwT5tWLlCi http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airsoft-Battery-Charging-Adapter-Harness-4mm-Banana-to-Deans-Tamiya-Mini-Tamiya-/231732481312?hash=item35f4550d20:g:BDgAAOSwiCRUgc2s check the connectors are exactly correct in case I've got it wrong but something like that is perhaps what ya seek
  3. cqb - hope he got the short one rather than long raider..... (actually you can use almost anything most of the time except for ultra confined spaces) tbh, the crane stock don't stick out that much - get a pistol for them really tight spots (close up it should be semi only) failing that M4 pistol but perhaps mp5k, but even then a pistol or heck shotgun gets used for tight room clearing (well bfg's too - but just sticking to ya gun choices atm)
  4. Christ n1ckh, you have had some crap thrown at ya m8 when you read stuff like yours n others, it makes us think wtf am I moaning about I know us blokes bottle crap up - which certainly don't help Best wishes to all of you going through tougher times & hang in there chaps
  5. Some things in life you can change - most you can't by that I mean circumstances and people around you I'm sure ya mum would love you to be happy all/most of the time but we have little control over many many things in our life really Talking about it helps - not closing yourself off But you ain't thick or selfish - you are considerate and have a conscience too I'm not being a hard nose bastid, honestly I came close to going over the edge I freaked out at airport just before we set off on holiday and ruined the start of holiday ripping up passport, refusing to get on flight and coming home with my son who was shit scared about my depression due to work crap getting on top of me Yeah - I was in a f*cked up way but saw my GP (welling up n having a cry in front of him ffs) Monday morning resisted the pills n shit and got a flight back out on Monday night to try & make ammends for my stupid outburst Phew - soz telling ya my problems, you got ya own issues m8 But I'm trying to focus on the positive stuff - not always easy but c'mon you gotta try even though it is hard Look around and see all the REALLY bad $hit going on you like me have a family that love ya - and that is LOT deep down you may not know but you may still be wishing for the perfect life the way it was with mum n dad even if you think you are happy for her - it might be deeply rooted if this guy visits and trips it off Trust me, I am far from perfect, lucky I had the family stay together but lost my dad soon after leaving home but others have lost far worse - even burying their kid so there is always worse crap happening You may not fully realise it, but maybe you ain't quite ok with your parents splitting up as you might think you are Talking to people will help a lot, but also in the end you will have to confront your issues head on and accept most of what life has thrown at you As and old bastid - not wishing to pi$$ on your firework, but ahead of you in later life will be far worse issues to test you Eventually after talking it through with loved ones - and yourself, you might be able to face your fears rather than avoid But this will come in good time when you are sure you feel ready - don't rush or panic Finally you youngsters do have my sympathy a little, seems there is even more pressure on you lot than when I was a teenager So on that note I really wish you well in opening up and talking about it Don't worry too much and try to stay positive talking it all through with ya mum & ya dad or close friends/family All The Very Best m8
  6. I refer to "range" to include accuracy where the gun/shooter's range is on target or pretty damn close 100m with good accuracy - most of the time is not the same getting a bb to reach 100m the above is a very rare thing to achieve or come close to if anybody can do that easily then I tip my hat sir
  7. aye but I don't use it as a rule not enough blood for both of us etc......
  8. 100 or so then they are talking in imperial ft no mtrs or shooting downwards off the cliffs at Dover or something like that though my m8 got a gun from JBBG and out range everybody - best gun evvvaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
  9. from my humble noob understandings.... 40m to 50m average 80m if you got it set REALLY well 100m very very few really get close to (over 100m and think are talking more bollocks than me - that is going some I know)
  10. lol - yeah we have all been there - reckon 75%-80% of us when opening up a box first time well mine was a friggin' nightmare and still learning all the time.... There might be a bloke who maintains ya local site's hire guns ??? save on postage being local etc..... But don't freak out - worse possible scenario is just get another box if all else fails take a pic of gun and box - see sticky's for pic upload at imgur etc.... as long as is ain't some pile of $hite lemon gun we may be able to help ya put it back together at least or give ya true honest advice about it eg: keep it or bin that JBBG pile of $hite
  11. suck it and see is the real answer I don't have that exact same motor I think in my ics's but motors can really vary in their output in torque and speed so its very hard to give a 101% answer of what you exact rof will be (especially as I use just 7.4v lipo's now) some torque motors are only about the same as good stock ferrite's others though can run at nearly 50% faster than a stock pulling much more beefier setups/springs/gears so you could hit 16rps or 24 rps on just 7.4v - a massive range on stock 18:1 gears (think your ics hits 16-ish, a bit faster than lame G&G motors) chuck in a 33% ratio increase + a boost in volts on 9.6v and that could add on another 25-30% if motor/battery is ok pulling spring from still on higher gears again @ around 30rps pe "may" start to take place, could be a smidge below if piston is really heavy but think 30rps is about my area for concern besides she will start double firing on semi @ 25rps anyway on your ics split box - you can do aoe, seals n stuff, fit a mild beefy shs torque without stripping box right down test volts on say 8.4v and think you will be into low 20's on stock gears without any major headaches maybe if she is ok then perhaps step up to 9.6v but watch out for double cycling - its ok if it does slightly on a fresh full charge battery maybe and you got AR release on ics m4's - so no worries about spring being left compressed on a slight over run when you are finished skirmishing but it is very hard to give exact pinpoint results and yes/no to PE
  12. first you start off with lower volts and see what ya rof is at 25rps she may run on and double cycle on a m100 setup at 30rps you will get close to PE however 13:1 gears won't give you the full expected rof using a ferrite motor and short stroking often involves more work with a higher spring - m110 and also probably a new lighter piston 3 steel teeth & remove 1 or 2 as stock piston probably only has one steel tooth on it even though ics have split gearbox you would still need to strip the box down to mod the sector (yeah I know you will need to do that anyway if fitting 13:1 gears) personally if you just wanna go easy fit a moderate neodym like shs torque perhaps and check seals AoE etc should do ya proud without too much fuss and use a 8.4v perhaps Eventually if you wish then go nutz and fit mosfet gears n piston - but its a bit of work if its your first project (if not done correctly the box won't last very long trying to hit 25 to 30rps badly assembled)
  13. might be able to get a shs long torque for £30 miles better and won't rip a stock box to bits on mild jiuce could list others but really needs a major service before you start pushing it shs torque will be about 30% improvement so you can keep the volts low and still get good results (no silly 11.1v lipo - 7.4v or 8.4v nimah is ideal for stock gun + shs) edit small afterthought..... http://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/motors-parts/zci-motor-high-torque-long give him a shout on here and he might sort ya out real proud
  14. clicked on link - saw ares starting to load up.... knew straight away the answer - G&G
  15. Welcome - you are now an official registered saddo playing with toy guns you can check yourself out - ooh ergh, on the ukara self check database (though sometimes it ain't 101% perfect/up to date) my site took £10 I think but they automatically renewed it foc, even though my renewal wasn't due for another month n half makes buying more toys so much easier n simple and ya never forget ya first RIF - ahhh bless Rihanna
  16. credit card/bank - how did ya pay, paypal again - if they took paypal on their site I'd have a new spending place
  17. switch to auto and fire gun then it should cycle it is in its dead spot perhaps and trigger switch mechanism can't re-latch (releasing trigger too soon on semi is main reason) if not then it sounds worse like spring broke inside, or the switch stop snapped off (unlikely) it sounds daft but does it "feel" correct or not - DO NOT FORCE IT if it was simply just stuck in "dead zone" and you force it it may/will bust something
  18. OK Who has been running VIAGRA in their gun still as long as gun and owner are happy that is what counts
  19. Damn it might have to buy it just coz it looks so cheap n crap I mean £30 - jeez I don't want people thinking my toy gun is ergh - a toy gun ? ahh what the heck might fall to bits pile of junk give it to some cosplay person..... Actually I think I got a weird uncle into cross dressing but he was told that type of acting don't work as a valid defense trying buy a RIF
  20. The Dan Wesson's are Co2 and can be a bit hot or a bit weak @ 250fps if the downgrade shells are used No I have not got one of these £100 Revolvers - just read some stuff on PatrolBase Most other co2 pistols are way too hot to use - often sites say no or wanna see it on a fresh bulb as it can hit 500fps+ for a few shots before coming down to about 420fps aprox.... £30 - could be worth a look if you like a Dirty Harry or Cowboy loadout SRC aeg's are not so brilliant in general but their pistols badged as SRC or Stti or HFC etc... are pretty good cheapy pistols dunno anything more about it how fantastic or crap it is - but at £30 it just caught my eye if ya feeling lucky... Go ahead - make my Ipod - brill vid
  21. Jeeez I said " 5fps if that " at the beginning and advised to get spring downgraded anyway I have found a few fps may be knocked off the final figure with a spongey spring suppressor type Not a lot at all but might just keep marshals happy at chrono if gun is right on the borders That is what I personally have found - not much but on them hollow spongey suppressors it did drop a couple or 3 (well it deffo seemed to be slightly less dues to a small final distance from barrel & chrono) The above is a minor example of a suppressor perhaps with a 10 to 15mm internal tube as opposed to the 6mm barrel..... BUT lets not forget the Socom-MK23 GG pistol and there is a stubby m4 aeg I saw on evike that had an extension type suppressor http://www.evike.com/products/49138/ BOTH of these guns's fps actually INCREASE when the suppressor/extension was fitted Though these are more like barrel extensions than suppressors tbh I don't really care about science or wtf you might call it but all I will say: They "can" change - the final fps usually in most cases the difference is so tiny it won't notice unless you are close to site's limit and it may appear to make no real difference what so ever too but then that depends on the suppressor or type of suppressor used PEACE FFS
  22. eh ??? negative runs to motor posi runs to switch and then other switch terminal runs to motor as per all stock setups negative running to switch - then motor, extra wire - completely new to me ??? bloomin' sure the cheapo R85 clone has just the normal switch setup as above only odd thing it has is the AR latch release in the magwell coz it tries to pre-cock the long stroke (often it can play up and people use a normal sector with piston spacer or a sr25 sector (A&K)) got a pic or link to this weird wiring crap ?? just had a looksey about - the G&G with bronzey bushings - wiring goes round the back/lower half of gearbox Where as the Army Armament R85 6mm bushings - wiring goes round the top or right side of gearbox casing If it looks like a negative lead goes to switch - it don't in the pics I've seen, might look like it but it just passes by the switch and goes to motor untouched. well that is what it seems to me in 2 close up pics of the genuine G&G box
  23. least fitting a fet is all external - just like v3 boxes none of that opening up box to rewire like v2's
  24. basic should be fine as it is a 19 teeth piston as opposed to a normal 16 teeth piston plus think gears are about 21:1 in them longer boxes - so doubt very much if double cycle ever They are either v6 or v7 gears so it is very hard to source higher speed gears for L85 or R85's though somebody on Airsoft Mechanics got it running quicker trigger response using the spur gear from an expensive Riot/Seigtek v6/7 gear set I remember reading 6 months or so ago - jeez no thanks and a 19 tooth sr-25 sector to get around the hit n miss R85 pre-cocking problem (ffs - lot of work but was nutz about trigger response)
  25. if you want a good small cheap non-ab fet: http://www.firestormsystems.com/shop/electronics/mosfet-switch.html has thermal cut out - lots of wire and for £10 it is a bargain - highly recomended (yes you can knock ya own 3034 but for peeps needing just 1 or 2 basic fets - why bother) was out of stock a couple of weeks back so if you are thinking about it - don't hang around I'm sure that tiny thing can go almost anywhere in the G&G L85 or Army R85 clone
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