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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Welcome sir, best all round forum.... young or old fart like moi noob or long experienced players a great balance of help and humour free & unbiased shopping suggestions - not tied to any retail stores welcome to best airsoft forum I know of imho
  2. yup that will do, has a bit more oomph in it than trickle charge 800mah also comes with its psu plug 240v to around 12-18v it is a "B3" type - simple easy to use to get you going The "B6" has more settings, faster charge but more money etc..... but yeah that stuff will get ya going ok
  3. http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1300mah-20c-continuous-discharge-lipo-battery-136mm-long.html think that will just about fit in the stock tube - note think !!!! well something like that I think I used in mine at first PLEASE CHECK & MEASURE YOURSELF TO MAKE SURE do not sue me if that battery don't fit, it was a little tight but did go after careful routing of wires chargers - well look at that site cheapy ones from about £10+ for a B3 that slowly charges through the small balance lead to say £25-ish for a Genuine B6 type - this needs a psu to run it unless you buy the B6 ac/dc charger with built in psu
  4. ahh - well suppose you can try and return back via a scenic route then do do some very very real milsim on your way back through Syria Back on topic - lmk the payment details for your " Turkish Skirmish " holiday fund
  5. flying by Ryan Air should be ok but don't use Russian Air as they seem to suffer turbulence flying to Turkey
  6. Oi - if anybody should get a freebie gun pushing/promoting G&G's then I'd like to be on that list but yeah could always contact G&G, you don't ask you don't get as they say they drop some stickers in an envelope and post it - way cheaper way to advertise ps - can you mention about me being an avid fan/collector too (kidding ) jeez some of the youtube review vids even by Airsoft GI seem to crawl right up their ar$es (so that is where JambWow learnt his bull$hit from - FANTASTIC - no its w@nked ya mean)
  7. Cor blimey guv, I know my limits and artistic fine detail crafting is not my forte.... Could do a basic fancy stencil, carefully cutting out with a sharp knife/scalpel then fix & spray for that "army" look, at least if knife slips you only balls up the stencil/ya hand but not case when ready, then fix/mask up - but all the same a bit of a bollock ache time wise might be able to spray a self adhesive sticker with some clear varnish but this would need testing on some paper first as this may smudge/run on normal inkjet inks - dunno but if ok, then spray sticker then fix to case then again you can always enquire about short run printing/screen print/ light fast inks to prevent fading over time but ffs - I'm just going for cheap easy options (as per usual)
  8. print ya own ? sheet of self adhesive paper & wide piece of clear cellotape etc.... going a stage further - adapt/modify it a bit if you like in most paint/dtp software work on a larger bit of artwork then print larger logo at say 50% to sharpen it up a bit at smaller size discover your creative side
  9. Oshiboom £50 !!! Also zero one has 15% off BF15 code, gunfire & TWG got deals on, I'm sure Mrs Duck would love an AEG for chrmbo

  10. not bad but this isn't bad either: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318&products_id=4433 plus the new SR range for a bit more trying to resist buying any more guns but if any deals happen in next 24hrs well I may have to find another good hiding place for a new bargain must have gun (plus get my balls sewn back on after mrs duck has finished with me) Edit - argh ffs with a 15% discount on top of that I was getting an excuse ready to tell 'er in doors.... Now all out of stock, jeeez could of got that for £131.75 Say £140 just over, fet + 3 rnd burst etc.... Gonna keep my mouth shut I think Still, at least my balls remain attached - this weekend Good call any bastid who got it cheap
  11. Nee Might need to do 3 games at 1 site to get ukara Then go where ya like but ukara us linked to ya reg site
  12. Read Ian's guide in new players section Personally M4 G36c AK over mp5 but that is just my pref
  13. how cheap is cheap ??? not being funny but think that would be way down on my last to fit an Ares box into a G&P I'd sooner go with a JG, Cyma (well maybe) or a G&G v2 box. followed by others - even a QD one like APS yes you can pay £100+ for a box but think a decent box could be had for £50 new the important thing is using a little bit of care when fitting any box, often some minor checks/mods may be required as alas not everything in aeg's are 101% fully TM compatible So a little time or getting a techy mofo to give it all the one over is a very wise consideration
  14. Ya mean Wanda or as it is airsoft forum... You didn't go as call ya fish COD ffs ??? Welcome anyway, to chilled out pee pee peew forum
  15. Daft question but it was the German review of the HC05 DSG Firehawk that were creaming their jeans over it... Which is really kinda weird considering it is full auto only Bloody Germans, wish they would make up their minds Only thing I can surmise is that a sub 300fps can be full auto but 350fps must be semi only coz they seem to have lower fps over there me thinks Dunno, programmable MOSFET set to single burst is easiest me thinks
  16. yeah but I was gonna ask about a fake ukara license
  17. yup, cheap m92 is about £14 with mag http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-guns/m92f-m9-vertical-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 plus shipping unless you spend say 99 Euro's or something.... £ to Euro is about 1:41 which means look at Euro's, do a 10th or 10% in ya head, knock 30% or 3/10 of Euro price = price in quids 35 Euro = £25 or there abouts
  18. oh ohhh yeaaahhhh - now I see it - yup it is a scar ya right chaps jeez they moved grip up and stuff, dropped the ar$e off it yeah - now I see it properly - yuk but I was right about don't do drugs
  19. scar ain't bullpup I did wonder if you went nutz this weekend as you got a 3d printer and a L85 but thought you was trying to wean yourself off the hard class A drugs and getting ya life back in order
  20. WTF - bullpup, charging handle like a L85 me thinks somebody got a cheapy Army R85 went nutz with some 3d printer or did a Blue Peter washing up bottle sticky back plastic special (using round nose scissors or got a grown up to help) just thinking - how da fug do ya ads ? normally got a low point at rear/stock to get ya mush into it UAR has nowt to worry about Edit - is that the selector switch right at the back near where I presume the battery might go ??? oh yeah quick change from semi - to full auto - with what ya 3rd hand, teeth, or what ??? Listen kids - don't attempt to design or work on stuff after doing drugs - it very often doesn't work very well
  21. it is not a license - just a database of saddo's playing with toy guns at pee pee peew sites tbh - read this first.... http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/ if you still want to buy a stfu gun for sniping then get a mofo hpa and crank up the fps if money is no real object leave a couple of quid for some cammo tape to cover up the 2-tone PolarStar, camp up, freeze ya nutz off, bored as f*ck, watching others run around screaming and shouting, laughing their ar$es off as everybody goes ar$e over tit in the mud, getting shot to $hit (some by their own f*ckwit team members), trying to go at quiet and stealthy sneaking round the back for a flank only to have a gobby team mate shout out "DO YA SEE ANYONE ?" soz - got totally owned yesterday but wtf still had fun During a little pep talk I announced: "Don't worry lads we ain't doing that badly - we are still second btw" Yeah we got slaughtered n covered in crap - but good fun all the same
  22. signed coz its so true what is said above meant ian's post not teddy's ref to shirt lifters
  23. Kids happy for 5 mins, missus trying to keep the peace, all going tits up, putting up with outlaws totally skint - unless Santa is gonna give me the New Year lotto numbers..... well I guess this may apply to me....
  24. cheers - just ordered one myself - well actually two of them - couldn't decide on which colour to go for (think they also did some tailoring for an Emperor's new clothes)
  25. buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz - busy little bee has beeeeeen busy clever stuff limited only by your own imagination - custom bespoke parts no problem for you how long does say a flash hider take to print and what are the "3d ink" costs ??
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