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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. the problem with that is they are charging £400 whereas other companies are only charging £300. no idea why.
  2. may I ask, what RIS is that, never seen it before but in love with it. also, doesn't look like the moe grip fits properly, or is that just my crap eyesight?
  3. no pants?! and the arse. Two shots to the arse point blank hurst pretty bad (nearly said screaming then thought, better not lol) trust me, when you play a game you will understand. You can run around with a cricket box on though if you want
  4. hmm, email zero one. they will happily buy one in for you I imagine. If you have no luck there try pro airsoft supplies and land warrior, one of them must be able to order one in. Only way of getting one I reckon though...
  5. probably just a garage sale in america *ducks*
  6. however UKARA isn't NEEDED. If you have any defence, e.g pictures of you skirmishing, or say a mobile number of the site so thy can talk to the site owner who can verify you do play, then you will be fine. I have a defence and have two black guns, one painted one not. Albeit, I got given the black gun and the guy who bought it never skirmished in his life, just got it from the war and peace show. I don't have UKARA yet, however I have pictures of me clearly skirmishing and the site owner is willing to back me up and say I skirmish regularly (or as often as I can) because i do If I have got anything wrong please tell me
  7. welcome mate feel free to ask any questions, we will try and help you out as much as possible (and every question answered)
  8. welcome I'm sure you will be able to get your RIFs through.
  9. If it were me (and I have no experience whatsoever, just my opinion) I would leave airsoft as a hobby. I am looking into going into engineering ( a bit early yet mind) and I don't think airsoft would be the right path, there are big companies that dominate and although everywhere you go there are big companies, in this case you would need a lot of money to fund your projects in terms of guns, making them and the parts involved would cost a lot in machinery and it wouldn't be worth it IMO. That being said, its your life to live and if you really do want to do it, go ahead. At the end of the day, make a practical choice that you believe is the best choice. If i learn enough, and build up a good reputation later on (a few years from now) perhaps when I am at uni I may look at the prospect of being a tech, would be quite fun IMO
  10. Very good gun a few people on here have them and have heard nothing but good words about them, however apparently they are a bit hot on the fps side which means a quick spring downgrade, quite an easy job, plenty of guides on the Internet and will cost a tenner for the spring. External are pretty good as well, or so I am told.
  11. I'm thinking about getting the ratech 416 not c, would it be a good choice? I'm looking at performance and also quality something that won't break the second time you use it. Either that or a fusion engine
  12. Tell me how it is, I need a walk home with come winter, seems to be pretty heavy duty
  13. Just bought another cm16, this time the raider for a mate. He's going to pay me back, just means he won't have to rent at the upcoming skirmish.
  14. Scar all the way! Love them, but I can't afford one lol. Anyway, good choice, may be a bit hot but all it will need is a spring down change. Welcome to the forums
  15. So propane is less money but they last a lot longer, ed is the one to ask about this, and all gas gun related. Try go outdoors, they have the best prices apparently. WE hk416's are compatible with ra tech, and I am looking at them currently but haven't made my mind up. I have heard the TM MP7 is better than the kwa but yanks hate to admit it (kwa seems to be more american the tm in that most people over there have kwa pistols etc) but apparently it has a nicer feel, better externals and internals are very good as well. GHK do an AK range, never heard about them but one would assume they are good because they are GHK. However, I have no idea of this, and this is a one off so don't get mad, arnies airsoft has a thread about them in the reviews section, something like 25 pages so you might want to have a little look at it. Apparently the WE mags (from eds video), he said that the current gen (gen 2) mags are a much easier repair, and are better at holding gas. I would send him a PM, he obvs is very good with that stuff. Also, a lot of lubing, greasing and maintenance goes on, however I look at it as part of the package and not a chore, depends how you see it really.
  16. Obviously I have no real experience compared to say someone in the army, and it does get annoying on the range, I'm an OK shot and can get a 60mm grouping on my second range (was annoyed I didn't get a pass) but ik What you mean
  17. so I don't need one but I found one of these. I don't know about quality but its seems to be a bargain http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291222732836?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I'm not sure either tbh, I've never heard eBay does that.

    3. Lozart


      ebay will only show duty and tax if the seller uses the right methods. Seems to be limited to predominantly US businesses as far as I can tell. You basically pay all the duty and VAT upfront in the purchase cost.

    4. team flex

      team flex

      Yea that's what I thought, thanks lozart

  18. oh yeah, I got that article, can dig it out and tell you what they say if you want
  19. type in MAG 190 round midcaps they also do 130 round mid caps. I could only find box sets for the 190 round mid caps however there are loads of choice of where to buy 130 round mid caps https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mag+130+round+mid+caps&rlz=1C1SVED_enGB533GB533&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=shop&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=PlkDVInyLKnK0QX6_YHQAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ#q=mag+130+round+mid+caps&tbm=shop EDIT: btw pmags are the best and they are plastic. Whoever said metal is better than plastic is telling a porkie pie!
  20. I think the cords will break, try lonex flash mag, They are meant to be very good, I believe they are the original inventor and the best, for the same price. Atm I only run two hicaps because it's all I need, however I will be switching to mids at some point, they are so much nicer imo
  21. As Ian said if you have proof you are alright, although I wouldn't use a receipt from 2010
  22. Nope you got that completely wrong. You need a defence, maybe pictures this is where ukara comes in, to be a form of defence
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