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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. had some experience with RC cars myself, what cars do you own? anyway, on topic, are you talking about the raider? If you are you need a nunchuck, I have the carbine and you need a nunchuck for that as well. this is mine http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2600mah-cranestock-battery.html very good battery lasts ages in my gun, however it is out of stock but you can probably find one on ebay (new)
  2. oh ok, sounds good. How many younger people were there (under 16s)
  3. two things, read my edited post. 1. nope, .25s are the lightest you want to use... 2. thats because they are mainstream and it means they are telling noobs to use something that doesn't need a lot of brains = less problems. If you know how to charge a LiPo then you will be fine (its so easy, just braindead people will probably charge with balancer out and star a fire which means they will try to sue or whatever)
  4. don't buy .20s. you will get 1000 with the gun, but you will only need them if you want to chrono in the back garden. get .25s (or if you can stretch .28s) .28s http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=264&products_id=8682 .25s http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=264_312&products_id=2356 .25s are much more accurate than .20s because they are heavier so the wind cannot pull them as far and they will travel in a straighter line, and also further. FPS doesn't matter if its shooting 280 - 300 don't worry, it will be worth it...
  5. well I officially love DH cycling. Trying to get a cheapy kona stinky, about £500 but then there is the gear and on top of that you have to do the repairs, forks and rear suspension being the key thing, it's expensive like airsoft but you get a lot more injuries, however it is just as fun as airsoft. Looking to build a trail in my woods, there are a few old jumps and a huge 10 foot jump someone put in, which is ridiculous (haven't done it on my hardtail yet, bit worried about the tyres and the rear hanger )
  6. Pretty much what duck said. Don't buy from any website with bbguns in it, because generally they charge way over the price, lie about the stats and then when it breaks you will never get the returns policy. Main sites to buy from = Proairsoftsupplies.com zerooneairsoft.com landwarriorairsoft.com patrolbase.co.uk all of our sponsors and people like armysurplusandtoys and ak2m4 who are on these forums, they can generally give you a forum discount also tawain gun and there are a few others like JD that are ok, not brilliant... I bought off of zero one and you have to do a lot of paperwork for your first order but it is fine after that, just for safety precautions and everything, its good its not just a box to tick because that doesn't clear that you actually are 18 *cough*justbbguns*cough* My first proper gun was a G&G cm16 carbine, I got the carbine because I liked the idea of changing the stock and I just generally like it more, but personal preference seems to be most people like the raider so I imagine that will be you. I got the long, however the short would be more practical for me in terms of carrying it around, because I cycle to mates houses for garden games and you have to be careful about hiding so I have to carry a huge backpack on my back which fits it, ( a hiking one) and it's tough to cycle with. Battery wise - get a LiPo. I got the 2600mah off of component shop and it is a beast, also with the accucel digital 6 with power supply, you spend around £70 altogether however in the long run it will save you. LiPos are great becase they give more power fore less, last longer, are smaller and you don't have to discharge them, just keep topping them up. They don't go wrong if you use them correctly e.g plug in the balancer, and use a smart charger so they don't go over max charge. That charger has an LCD display, it can charge from lead acid to LiFe, it is great and I use it. Eye protection is something you don't want to go cheap with. if you are under 16 you have to have full face and a good bolle mask and a half mesh mask could set you back some money but could save your eyes. Don't get the cheap chinese ones, in case something does go wrong, it could be serious and you would then regret it. Paintball masks work fine as well, but they do get fogged up like any mask or pair of goggles, you just have to be careful. Clothing wise, indoor is fine to wear chinos and a top or whatever, doesn't really matter about camouflage, however if you are going to play woodland I would advise you to go down to your local surplus store and buy some old issue woodland kit or multicam, whatever fits you, but it will make a big deal rather than wearing bright green like I did on my first skirmish... Magazines and chest rigs wise, for your first few games I would carry a rucksack around with BBs in, put it down to play and refill your mags, after, thats if you have 2 or three mags. Depends at what site you are playing, with mine they don't mess around, 2 minute break so we don't go back to the safe zone, so I carried some BBs around which saved me a few times. I have probably missed some key aspects, and I am worried I am becoming a teacher with my essays, but that is really all I have to say, will add some stuff if there is something else I forgot to mention in this post
  7. its done now thanks another question is it true blaster .28s are better than the devil blaster .28s. I'm sure I heard it somewhere, something about devils having more air bubbles and all... ?
  8. I remember someone mentioning the people who do the expensive full face masks on facebook, can anyone recall the name? Not dye

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      is the search broken, cant find anything when I search dye i4, dye, or i4

    3. Lozart
    4. Gazzanator


      Maybe the Sly Profit ?

  9. mr suicide sheep's epicstep mix. ( I like dubstep to a point but am not a huge fan, this just is perfect for me though) sadly copyright issues got it so it keeps getting taken down then re uploaded by people
  10. not sure but highly doubt a 9.6 would, and i run a 7.4 and it does no harm at all. that's fine for now but later spend the 70+ quid for the battery and charger and you will find the results are very good and the charger can charge just about anything, and so the initial cost may be quite high but in the long run it will be much cheaper and more efficient to use, hence why everyone is making the swap these days. I have the carbine, most people prefer the raider, I like the carbine but that's your choice, there is no difference internally just externally. Honestly, leave it as it is and get a few good games before trying to mod it. IF you really want to mod it, you can add a sight, maybe some nicer iron sights and a bunch of magpul goodies including a stock, perhaps a flashlight or laser, then internals upgrade a few parts in the gearbox, add a mosfet, add a different motor, put a new hop bucking in, tightbore barrel, rewire to deans, all sorts of goodies you can do. For me I am leaving the gun mainly stock and will upgrade my G&P P* when I get it. Its all down to choice in reality, and that's a decision only you can make.... (i'm beginning to sound like a teacher now)
  11. he states hes new etc, a 9.6 is more comparable to an 11.1v lipo, should be comparing 8.4 to 7.4 i believe
  12. lucky b*stard that is a great price... now I am annoyed
  13. you must of had one that had something done during transport or something like that which damaged it. Mine fires to the left a bit but fine really, but yours are problems that has never happened to me, and I think i get 16+ rps out of my cm16 on a 7.4. Also noticeable that the mag on mine is fine although I did have to take it apart after the metal inside broke, bound to happen on a hi cap at some point. if you can you should get a refund but i'm guessing you bought it too long ago, definitely had none of these problems nearly as bad as yours.
  14. 1 - http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/Strike-Steel-Half-Face-Mask-Dual-Belt-Ver--OD--jk000538_OD.html 2 - don't mind a little bit of fogging but not much if you know what I mean
  15. agreed, if you watch any video like this one it shows the LiPo is more versatile
  16. I understand, but I have to disagree that LIPo is much more powerful than NIMH. Understand about the charger, NIMH don't need expensive chargers and I have used excel bbs which are decent
  17. wow sounds great. How does it work with the camp sites, in terms of gas guns? Also, how many stalls were there? If I ever do get a P* I think it would be nice to go down and then maybe buy my pistol of choice next year. Do the stalls have these and is the camping fine? I have been on some nasty camping holidays ( hurricane in whales sitting in tent would top the list) but is it part of the fun? and how much room is there for tents?
  18. just a quick question and not trying to necro OP was wondering what the best goggles that would fit roughly with the half face mask for around the £40 mark with no fogging would be. I'm guessing lozart would know as he knows most things
  19. ^^ yeah was it compatible with standard m4 gun parts like the gearbox etc? just curious to know
  20. well there you go, sorry, had no idea thought it was one of those Chinese companies, never really said they were bad though thanks for clearing that up.
  21. ok firstly, I wouldn't go for bulldog, if the jam your gun you will regret it. Secondly, the charger I said has an lcd display, IS a smart charger and charges everything from lead acid to lipo and everything in between. don't get an NIMH, get a LiPo or LiFe, I use a LiPo which is much better than NIMH because it is smaller but has more power, lasts long and you don't have to discharge meaning you just top it up. People who say they catch fire are causing trouble, just so long as you use it correctly and plug the balancer in, they are brilliant and are definitely worth the money. Not sure about the mask, soft bbs could shatter in the gaps, it may not be a huge deal however I have never heard of JT sports and so I am not sure as to whether that is a good idea. If you do buy the mask test it out from point blank first to make sure it will survive anything that could happen Hope this helps, just trying to give my little wisdom I know and have picked up on. Ask around and as you are doing now make sure you find out plenty before you buy stuff which saves you buying crap stuff and helps you to get the best for your money
  22. battery wise buy the 2600 mah 7.4v nunchuck off of component shop as well as the accucel 6 digital with power supply - £70 but will save in the long term, I use 1 for my guns and it is perfect! EDIT: NONONONO just saw the link. £5 for your eyes. LIKE WTF???? ARE YOU MAD. Honestly, fork out a lot for your eye protection and it will be much safer. Bolle do some good glasses and you can get a mask and lower mesh and that counts as full face for under 16s, or maybe even a good paintball mask, but not a 5 QUID JOB!!!!
  23. Actually a good thing about the rain is it adds more realism etc. It may be quite annoying in some cases but it is actually quite refreshing after running around in the heat all day. You don't have to be as sneaky as well because the rain will hide your sounds, or most of them.
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