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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1.  Holy shit G&P metal bodies are ridiculously good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Yeah externally one of the best

    3. Nick G

      Nick G

      Used a G&P body for my L119 A1 build, really solid piece of kit

    4. TheFull9


      It's just about the same pot metal as everyone else uses.  They just do the finish a bit nicer.

  2. Really, really nice pistol with excellent tight tolerances. Gonna get some magpul tsp grips, and maybe some stainless steel parts to embellish it in bling. The only problem is that the coating scratches off quite easily.
  3. Man, G&G pistons are so garbo I can dig my nails into them. ZCI ones are rock solid in comparison

  4. Is there a fan assisted goggle that fits over large glasses frames?

  5. That's what I have been trying to do. But, ya'll are not letting me do that by choosing to unreasonably push it further despite repeated admittance to mistakes. Anyway, ultimately, it will be completed soon and passed on. The things that went wrong this time, I can prevent that for the next project. And, that will be that. Let me move on.
  6. I am using hard facts. You are, and still are, throwing around baseless conjecture based off one build which is not a great sample size. Naturally, the correct facts are going to overpower your wishful thinking. Certainly, not everything I have done is right in this case. However, I have contemplated the whole "professional" thing and evidently rectified those problems quickly from the criticism received. If you had a heart, then you could easily suggest things and point me in the right direction in a good manner, instead of being a right toxic arse. What happened to the first rule of airsoft? When have you last played a game? And no, I am not making money off poor saps. I make sure the buyer fully knows what I have done to the guns. However, this time, I did make mistakes and I know that now. Would you have rather I said absolutely nothing and sold the whiney thing to a poor sod?
  7. Dude, that is not cool. I have tried and tried to reason with you and have amended a lot of my problems that were suggested. But, it's become clear that you can't be reasoned with. You are just being a straight arse.
  8. It makes perfect sense. Picked up "brand new" by myself, then sequentially upgraded. Then, it is "straight out of the box", "exceptionally well" for the next person who receives it; not necessarily brand new, but suggests tuned to the point where they don't need to do anything more to it. I get why you say that. But, just need to follow it more logically. Anyway, it's almost there now. Just waiting on some ak2m4 parts. Subsequently, price is going down because I realised that some stuff didn't mesh well at all no matter what.
  9. While I admit that I had difficulties with this particular gun, you're just being much of an arse based off one example. One. There are no qualifications to be a tech; if you're good enough to be one, you can just be one right off the bat. And, a professional is someone that has an income based off what they do. These are the facts and that's just how it is whether you like that or not. My reputation is currently local and through word of mouth. I have fixed and passed on quite a few guns with no complaints so far. Yes, this G&G may end my positive streak, but are techs not allowed to make mistakes and learn from them? I've made around £1300 so far this month. No, that's not a huge six figure "pro" salary. But, I think that's pretty decent for an engineering student on summer break with a lot of spare time. Enough for rent...
  10. Yes, very much so. With a slipper. You know I'll have your address I've removed the labour cost and I think it is agreeable now. All those asg parts and titan do shoot the price far above the original gun's value. Will probably rework it again. But, as I said, this G&G gearbox is an anomaly...
  11. I know what a good gearbox should sound like and I have done better work in the past: This G&G gearbox, in particular, was more annoying than usual than your average v2 gearbox. The bevel gear was always too low no matter how it was set. I may retract the ad and work it again. I'm just being transparent with what I have done which is a rare thing these days.
  12. Rough prices: Gun: 320 airlab sorbo: 6 piston: 13 cylinder head: 12 ball bearings: 29 anti reversal latch: 6 16:1 gears: 40 gate titan: 76 motor: 50 zci chamber + barrel + maple leaf bucking + nub: 40 Add those up = 592 592 x magic number 0.7 = 414.4, 415 for ease. Am I allowed to have £50 labour cost for myself? £465. Parcelforce is £15. £480. This is how I arrived at this number. And, I am a tech. There are people who contact me to get their stuff done. And, the definition of being professional is being paid to do something. I'm allowed to say this piece has been professionally done. Maybe it needs more work. But, it still works very well.
  13. So, to change the spring on a TM recoil, Eagle6 will charge you £83. That's beyond ridiculous. Somebody please justify that for me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. EvilMonkee


      Tokyo Marui AEG hype train - overpriced plastic tat.  Now their GBBRs.......

    3. StayOnTarget


      If you'd looked up eagle6 on this forum you wouldn't have wasted your time,why are you changing the spring?

      I do think TM aeg's are overpriced but at the same time they are damn good out the box(until they get opened up then they seem to become money pits)

      Now their pistols are very good,I have their G17 and MK23(the only thing I've done is straw hop them) I'll never use anything else.

      Hopefully in the future I'll come across their GBBRs as I've heard nothing but good things about them

      Please bare in mind folks I'm not here to offend,what I like is what I like and its the same for you too 🖖

  14. I don't get it. G&G gears are to impossible shim; they always sit too damn high.

    1. Prisce


      Can’t say I have had this issue. Firehawk and CM16 where easy enough.

    2. AK47frizzle


      I've replaced them with asg ultimate ones. Works soooo much better. Tuning a G&G blowback gearbox and the bevel and pinion do not mesh well together, at all.

    3. AK47frizzle


      WOW. My gate titan stopped working properly for 2 hours only to find out that the cause was a small tiny spec of black grease on one of the sensors....

  15. Anybody used a king arms predator tactical before? Insane prices on them at taiwangun atm: https://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-4/predator-tactical-iron-shrike-1911-rail-darth-earth-king-arms?from=listing&campaign-id=15

    1. Druid799


      As you say the prices are certainly better on TG than you’d get over here , not had one my self but would be fair to expect them to be of a reasonable to good quality as KA’s other guns are on the whole bloody good ? 

    2. AK47frizzle


      They are tm compatible 1911s and can use co2 mags, much like the kjw kp07 meu. I'm defo gonna pick one up, along with the new king arms pdw sbr mlok, to compare. The real question is: tan or black?

    3. Druid799


      Tan end off ! 😁

  16. Na, I don't need fancy features. I just need something that works. Got the basic on the way today.
  17. Guys, timothyburn01 is a scammer. The typical oceanic photographer bullshit. The lack of grammar gave it away at the start.

    1. L3wisD
    2. Jedi_Master


      Another fraudster joins the pantheon of banned spammers

    3. Rogerborg
  18. Ye the problem with the jefftron is that there are too many wires going through one place and there isn't any other way. They are also very thick and hard (:>). Oh well. At least I have the titan coming.
  19. Me: "Why is my gun sort of not working? Me after cracking gearbox open: "Aw shiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet..."
  20. I'm about to buy a gate titan v2 basic. Do I need a programming card for it to work out the box?

    1. Lozart


      Better off getting the USB link and programming it with your phone

    2. Hypo


      No, you don't need a programming card.

    3. Alicks


      are you getting it for the features?

      if you get the basic you have to pay for a sofware upgrade to the advanced status before you get access the precocking and trigger function.

      if thats what your after its cheaper to get the advanced with just the USB programmer, than buying the basic with USB and then the software update.

      If your after literally just the basic functions then thats obviously the one for you

  21. Fuck, I can''t believe I just spent £30 on 2 M4 grips at airsoftpro when @ak2m4 has them at half the price: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/ec-m4-motor-grip-black

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      I bought a bunch of parts from the recently including those grips, and they really nice quality. So I decided to get a few more and defaulted back to airsoft pro. I'll search at ak2m4 first next time for parts ahaha

    3. StayOnTarget


      Ah mate always go to AK2M4 first oh well lesson learned,have no fear your not the only one to make that mistake.....not that I've ever do it of course🙄

    4. ak2m4


      Brand new E&C / Specna parts rolled in late last week, still trying to get pictures done for all the items.  For £6 can't go wrong.  🙂

  22. Not quite a gun. But, successfully learnt how to solder a mosfet. My room has turned into a shitty, makeshift workshop.
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