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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1. I got my gearbox here, my favy site for parts, i think it was about £32 all together for the gearbox http://airsoft-club.com/shop/internal-upgrade/gearbox/cyma-complete-ak-aeg-gearbox-ver-3-with-motor-cm02
  2. For an extra £20, you can upgrade that 6 core into an AMD FX 8320 eight core.
  3. So BOTH my pairs of glasses decide to spontaneously break today. I am now blind but at least it gives me the excuse to skip school for a little while.

  4. Thanks to PAYDAY 2, I now know how to cook meth. You need: Hydrogen Chloride (HCL), Caustic Soda (NaOH) and Muriatic Acid (HCL)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TacMaster


      You must respect the chemistry, frizzle

    3. CaptainDumbass


      What frizzle thinks he is:


      What Frizzle actually is:


    4. TacMaster


      That 2nd one Captain :D

  5. Need a quick answer pls: what is the most popular cloned airsoft gun right now? Or the one that has been cloned the most?

  6. It doesn't. That's there to hold the motor cage in place.
  7. Unfortunately, it doesn't do that with a V3. I have the exact cyma V3 gearbox you just bought, and with V3s, there is no motor height adjusting, it's all fixed in position. I have a feeling you might need to bring out the DIY tools...
  8. actually hang on chock, after taking a second look at the video, there is an extra lump at the bottom of the motor cage.................. I'd assume there's a screw at the bottom to secure it.... am i correct? If so, then either: it wobbles, or maybe you can get a longer screw to feed through...
  9. Looks like a normal hop up unit, just compared the picture to my cyma hop up unit. As for the gearbox, looks standard, but not entirely sure about the battery connectors, personally i'd do a bit of diy and feed the entire wire through the stock. If all goes well transplanting the gearbox and maybe the hop up, i might be tempted.
  10. I swear I bought a batch of 6 chicken eggs from hell. No matter how much oil or heat i used, they fcuking stuck tp the frying pan every time and mashed up the entire egg. It was bloody nonsense. After failing 3, i got so got so mad that i lobbed the rest so far away into enemy neighbour territory, suck it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      We need to make a new website: Pan-Forums.co.uk

    3. Lozart


      Friz's-life-skills.com more like

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      All in favour of what L_M said say Aye........

  11. Excellent review! So if you can get a hold of spare stocks, you can defo change batteries very fast, but i think to put in a new gearbox, you'll have to rewire it to fit with the contacts OR drill the contacts out and just feed the entire wire through the stock. The fire selector looks like there is a specific piece in there for it to work. All in all, great review, thoroughly enjoyed it. Might pick one up myself if a metal V3 gearbox is actually transplantable, can you do that?
  12. Hi i'm Bear Grylls and this is my partner Wolf Stirfry.
  13. The amount of infants knocking on ma door, GO AWAY! LET ME SLEEP FFS! U NO GET FREE SWEETS!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TacMaster


      Chocolate coated twig lets, that's the game

    3. Lord_Metile


      I live in a "rough" area so other children are scared of getting shanked.

    4. Russe11


      Next year, plan ahead and make some toffee onions (toffee apples with slightly more kick) :D

  14. I can't help but think that it looks like a mini groza... With that tiny mag... it just looks wrong as a bullpup..
  15. meh, i haven't played a game on it since i got payday 2....
  16. Really, you're that childish to vote me one star. How pathetic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lord_Metile
    3. jcheeseright


      lolz, I think you've just prompted a lot of people to one star rate you.

    4. Lord_Metile
  17. Excellent!!! I'm well hyped for a video review!
  18. pls, bulldog are bad quality but on the outside, they're not bad but on the inside, they're shyte. Read dis: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17878-the-unnerving-truth-about-jbbg-bulldog-bb-pellets/
  19. might as well update: Playing a lot of PAYDAY 2. Crying over anime. Playing anime songs on guitar. And watching more anime.
  20. So, there's my aunt i don't really like, (angry, gambles, drinks), my mum talks to her on the phone so then I walk past quietly as if i don't want my aunt to know i'm there. I thought my mum would play along. "EH??????? WHAT ARE YOU DOING JON??? CUM TALK 2 YER AUNT!!! SAY HI!!!!! GET OVA HERE!!!! DON'T SNEEK AWAY U RUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In the most f*cking annoying, badly done satirical chinese accent.
  21. please, i beg of you... give us a detailed review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Ehhh no. Those are shyte guns. JustBBguns are bad. At best, you can get a cyma cm030. That's it. Or if you beg extremely hard and persistently, you could get a decent second hand m4.
  23. and also, amazing game soundtrack, i will add it to my phone as dubstep.
  24. I don't think any AEG can even shoot to 100 yards... yet. Reflex sight and holographic are the same thing. One of the most common are eotech 552 replicas. Other than that, there are aimpoints (brand name) like the T1 or M2. If you want some zoom, you can always buy magnifiers that sit behind the sight, preferably ones that can swivel to the side so you switch from close range to longer ranged.
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