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Posts posted by GiantKiwi

  1. How do the hop and gearbox fit together if the feed tube's in the middle?


    I'm guessing the hop must be proprietary? I wonder if fitting an SR25 hop would allow you to use other branded mags because of it altering the location of the feed tube.


    Sounds like the hop unit design employed on the Ares XM110 and Scar H. Horrid things.

  2. Anzac biscuits=only biscuit solid enough to use as a melee weapon :D

    They were designed as a biscuit that would survive the mail from Australia to Europe during WW1 and although they taste quite nice (like a coconut hobnob), they are very tough but that just prevents you eating them all before lunchtime. I discovered before my last WW2 game that I could get them at my local Sainsbury's :)


    Pfft. That crap from Sainsbury's aren't proper Anzac biscuits. They are supposed to be melt in the mouth, not concrete.



    Good questions! We have done our research my friend and here is our reasoning.


    The first reason why we chose the Apple platform is because there is only ONE operating system. Granted there is iOS6, iOS7 and iOS8 now but for the most part they are all the same with just a couple different features. Android has about 20 different operating systems that are all unique to the device they run on. Using Apple's one operating system allowed us to perfect the software for Objective Box app to fun flawlessly across a multitude of device options (iPhone, iPod, iPad, ect). So it does not matter what Apple device you run it on, it will run the same. For Android, we could not guarntee the same flawless running app experience on such a wide range of operating systems. To run the Objective Box app flawlessly is key as you would not be able to run a game, op or event with an app if it would crash or freeze in the middle of gameplay. It HAS TO BE reliable. Now nothing is to say that we will not develop the app for Android in the future, but for now we are going to stick with Apple.


    Well then, you are fully aware that iOS support for just 6,7 and 8 isn't anywhere near as simple as you make it out to be. For iOS 6+ There are 5 different iPads, 6 different iPhones, 3 different iPod Touchs. Apart from the iPad Mini 2 sharing the same resolution as the iPad Air, no 2 devices have the same screen resolution. Within that coverage of devices there are 37 possible kernels, and a whopping 408 possible update variations that the device could have installed. Otherwise known as 211,344 possible combinations. Totally simple to keep a control on. Completely relevant reason to specify an application within a very closed system. iOS is no more reliable than Android, as has been proven on many an occasion in the past few years, most notably a certain vulnerability regarding iCloud passwords stored in an unsecured location as PLAIN TEXT. Android has a few bugs, but nothing as fundamentally stupid as that.


    The second reason and main reason, is not everyone has an iPhone or is willing to use it for airsoft use so you can substitute the phone for an iPod or iPad. iPod's can be picked up easily and inexpensively if purchased preowned. When I say "inexpensive" I mean in comparison to what we spend on airsoft, they are inexpensive. This will allow you to be able to have a dedicated device just for this use. Also when they released the iPhone 6, the cost to buy a preowned iPhone 4 dropped considerably and they too can be used for this app and you do NOT NEED SERVICE for the phone to run the app! All you need is the device as the Objective Box app does not need WiFi or a network to run on.


    Inexpensive in comparison to airsoft? Most players aren't buying PTW's, and that is the only way your comparison could ever work. The cheapest possible device I could find on ebay still costs more than most players spend on a rifle (Basing it against a Combat Machine) within the UK. Totally inexpensive. Not.


    Some players have asked why we didn't build a stand alone device for this idea from the start. To be honest, this whole concept started as a stand alone electric device. We spent two years developing the Objective Box that way until we realized that it would be very expensive for the consumer and would not allow flexibility on it's use; i.e. it's design and intergration. Going forward with an app allows us to be able to update the software easily, expand gaming options in the future and parts and pieces for repairs for Apple products are readily available if something happened to your device. With a stand alone electronic device, you would not have that ability and the cost would be considerably high.


    You can buy the app, build your Objective Box (our design) and purchase a preowned iPod touch for easily under $200UDS. If you are the type that can really find deals, you could maybe get it under $150UDS. With a stand alone device it would easily cost $350-$400USD! We know we made the right choice.


    Back to my original point, with android that standalone device wouldn't even need to cost a quarter of your projected cost as a standalone device. This is why for cost effectiveness iOS is not viable.


    Great questions gentlemen! We are here to help!


    Notes in italics.

  4. Why does everyone make iPhone apps first? For cost effectiveness, first port of call should always be Android.


    Devices can be got for £30 (Not Kidding either - http://www.techradar.com/news/mobile-computing/tablets/seriously-cheap-android-tablet-hits-the-uk-for-30-1208145), and you don't have to pay to publish.


    "But more people use iDevices.."


    No, they don't - http://www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp


    This I'm afraid just shows another company not doing sufficient market research...

  5. Generally bear grylls is poor. Whilst I admire him for being the chief scout and thinking that will do a lot for the promotion the group, I find most if his shows crap, and far prefer Ray Mears who blends interesting stories into his programme as well as the ability to whittle up a mansion with nothing more than a bit of flint and some bamboo, the provide a three course hot meal, with no hint of drinking your own piss


    Yeah, but apart from the first few seasons of Ray Mears, he was camped out in 5 star hotels overnight :P

  6. Propane works fine all year round, changing the viscosity of the lubricant is all thats needed during the winter. I use a much heavier lubricant in winter than I do in summer, and keep my mags in the warm until i want to use them. The only point I'll swap to Propylene Gas is sub -5 degrees celsius, which is incredibly rare.

  7. I tried it with the nuprol 3.0 which is supposed to be the more powerful but still not getting any higher than 280.


    Sounds like you muffed the install then. I've done it to 6 vectors now, and all of them were floating around 380-390 at stock. With the CQB valve and Green Gas, none of them has done any less than 320fps. Nuprol 3 should bump that to more like 360-370..

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