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Posts posted by GiantKiwi


    plenty of people bought Xbox One Titanfall bundle - inc me

    at least it hasn't BLOD on me like 2 x PS4's - yes twice so got refund and Xbone instead

    £320 - had change left over from £399 KillZone PS4 - up yours Sony until you sort out

    reliability issues n stuff.


    was a limited special on shoptonet via ebay first week of game launch - couldn't resist


    Sucks to be you then, as our faulty return rate for PS4 consoles is about 6% (Usually the rubber coming off the joysticks), compared to nearly 40% on Xbox Ones (The slightly more serious disc drive or severe overheating failures) - The Xbox's are just badly manufactured.

  2. I think it looks totally shite, not gonna lie.


    The prospect of people buying a PS4 exclusively for it is beyond ridiculous.


    You mean like the complete numpties that bought them to exclusively play Battlefarce 4?

  3. Ambient Temp dependent.


    A Colemans Propane Bottle will do roughly -


    30 on GHK G5 Mags

    35 on Prowin V2's

    20-30 on WE M4 Mags

    35-40 on WE SMG8 Mags

    30-40 on G&P PMags

    20-25 KWA Vector Mags


    A WE Green Gas will do roughly -


    15 - G5

    15-20 - Prowin

    10-15 WE M4 Mags

    15 - SMG8 Mags

    20 - PMags

    ~10 - Vectors


    These are all taken from practice, Propane, even with colemans tanks works out a helluva lot cheaper. However, quite a few sites near me for example, have blanket bans on Propane for BS reasons (basically to sell their own stock at exorbitant prices)


    The other thing you've got to factor in, with mags with exceptionally long gas times (cough, vector) the WE Green fill tip actually freezes shut, rendering the can unusable, where as using the AI propane adapter, negates the problem as its made from polymer rather than metal. Oh and the Madbull adapter, steer well clear of, its junk.

  4. Looks like it could be a really good game and the package is cheaper than buying just the console itself (Asda you get £20 off)


    Not on the Destiny Bundle you don't, Sony are enforcing explicit instructions on the minimum price that the bundle can be sold for at launch. We were told off for listing at 15p under the price they are enforcing.

  5. 5x XP weekends seem to bring out all the numpties on WoT, So yesterday I got a ridiculous win in my Super Pershing. 8629xp, 11 kills, Ace Tanker, Mastery, Sharpshooter, Steel Wall (potential damage received was 9k including bouncing an SU152 3 times at point blank), Invader and Pool's (there were more, but those are the ones i can remember) - Total Damage was over 7k including a Tiger II I set on fire causing an essentially 1 hit kill - No Prammo at all.

  6. I've just spent the entire day on it, when I called it quits I was at about 79% win ratio alternating mostly between the Caernarvon and Centurion 1 - the last 2 lines I need to complete to have done them all between both accounts....until they add even more..


    Even a gas rifle won't have so much recoil you need to hold your gun like that. It may be a lot for airsoft but in real terms it's never going to be anywhere near a real firearm.


    Inokatsu MTW SOPMOD is pretty damn close (when it works)..

  8. For those interested, you can currently get Wing Commander III for free on Origin :D


    Lets see games I still play from that time period...


    Incoming, Star Wars RotJ, X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, Unreal, UT99, Riven. There's more, but these are my favourites :)


    300? Amateur!


    It's come from a real steel shooting technique designed to help with controlling recoil but it's just fashion/dumbassery in airsoft.


    Not entirely useless if you're using a gas rifle with a particularly hefty recoil ;) In the case of this, its incredibly pointless.

  10. Hmm, That price range plonks you squarely on Sennheiser HD429's, you won't get any worthwhile wireless ones sub £200 (PS4 ones are not bad, but they don't work with PC's), If you had a slightly bigger budget, I'd say stretch to Beyer Dynamics DT770's, i've got the Pro's as my headphones to take to LAN's, and they've performed admirably, especially as I often mute the in game sound and listen to music :P

  11. Mouse is okay.


    Headphones seem a bit placebo.


    I would cancel and buy these http://www.amazon.co.uk/AKG-K550-High-Performance-Closed-Back-Headphones-Black/dp/B005CNR7B0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1407328733&sr=8-1&keywords=akg+550 and a fiio e10 to go with it. but thats my own opinion :)


    The marshall's post 2011 are crap, OEM'ed by the same factory as the Beats junk. As for using reference headphones for gaming? Nope. Just nope.


    The mouse is pretty basic, and isn't particularly great if you've got hands larger than that of a child. These were aimed at those using claw grip, which over long periods of time is a carpal tunnel waiting to happen.

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