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Zak Da Mack

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Posts posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. Kurtz, I wouldn't think he's a troll. But there are many other recent threads about this. But basically, ukara is annoying to many people because of how many people don't fully understand it or the laws surrounding it. There are other ways to prove your defence though

  2. Ah, couldn't do tomorrow, I'm at my dads ;) Was more thinking about next weekend but open to other days. What gamemodes do you play on gmod? I've only really ever done TTT and prop hunt. Flex, TF2 could be an idea considering it's accessible to everyone

  3. god i hate the Green party!

    This thread seemed to go to a UKIP hating thread as well, lets keep on topic, i am not a UKIP supporter but i dont get why everyone calls them racist? they just had a few nut jobs who where racist and where fired! No racist policies ! But oh well, im a strong tory atm don't know what will change in the years to come but thats who im voting for atm. But i would like Nigel ferage to become an MP i just think it would be hilarious to hear him on a Wednesday shouting at the PM, not for him to do anything just because it would be funny XD


    I suppose the issue is that UKIP is currently the most right wing party out there (Is BNP still a thing?). Therefore racists are going to be considered with that party than any other one. I don't support UKIP because of their policies, not cause they're racist. Although the fact that Britain First supports them only makes me dislike them more.


    Back to airsoft: How many airsofters do you reckon are in the UK?

  4. The thing is, I feel like people who vote Green party seem to do so as a "fuck you" vote to the LibLabCon who don't want to vote UKIP. Some of Green's policies seem absurd and their budgeting is frankly appalling. AS such, they will never get into power. However, if they did, I'm sure airsofters across the UK would make sure that our sport stays alive, even if it means that we lose some of what we have today. Even if it means having an actual license of some sort. I'd rather have that than no no airsoft at all. Also, I'd be glad if they get rid of nukes. It's an old solution to an old problem. We'd all die anyway and be seen as less of a threat to anyone who would launch nukes in the first place.

  5. .12s shouldn't be used in airsoft (I'm guessing something along the lines of JBBG?) And at 250 fps, they are unlikely to be very inaccurate with the slightest breeze as well as a short range. They are also considered dangerous as they can splinter and can cause injury if someone's wearing mesh eyepro. Also, hate to sound like a bummer, but if you take your double eagle to a skirmish (especially an outdoors one) you'll find that you'll be outmatched by more or less everyone else on the field and it's not enjoyable (trust me, I made this mistake)


    From a MK3? You big girls blouse.


    More like "don't want to use up my one limited respawn" :P


    Indeed, try having a mk5 go off at your feet when youre stood in a short corridor. I had never experienced temporary hearing loss before then... Quite a surreal experience


    Funny that, last game of the day and everyone wanted to use up their last bits of pyro. Everything was being thrown and one of those ball grenades blew up by my feet, that made my ears ring for a while.

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