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Zak Da Mack

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Posts posted by Zak Da Mack

  1. I do usually wear a lower face mask, but I've never really gotten used to them and can make aiming a PITA for me. If I consider the risk low enough, like I'm unlikely to get shot at alot for whatever reason, I'll try and get away without a full face mask. I feel like in airsoft, many people only think about the most serious consequences when you choose to do this or that. The ALARA principle needs to be thought of.


    And I think like everyone else, I'd only shoot someone in the face if it was the only part showing and that I'd be waiting for some time for them to reveal the rest of their body.

  2. I didn't wear my hat or lower face pro last time I went the the school. Needless to say, I took a few nasty ones to the face and got an especially nasty one from a few meters away to the temple as I stuck my head or the door to peek round the corner. Didn't realise till later that I had blood dripping down my ear. I'll remember to wear my face pro next time and not leave it in the safe zone

  3. I was looking at going to Sussex, but they don't have an airsoft society :( maybe I could set one up if I find people who are interested.


    uni of Portsmouth has one. They are allowed RIFs on campus if they join the society. I think they have a lockup they can keep all their stuff in

  4. RZA, well done for coming clean. I admire you for that. I'd lose the rank slides personally as I know a few people who would be up in arms against that.

    What sort of time are you going with? I've been reading a book called Zero Six Bravo about a joint SAS/SBS operation venturing into Iraq to possibly get a conditional surrender from an armoured tank corps as it was assumed that they were demoralised and were on the run. Good book, but I digress.

    They were sort of given free rein of what to wear in terms of camo, some opting for DDPM, others for American desert "chocolate chip?"camo etc. They seemed to stick with their issue webbing as plate carriers were too heavy to give you an idea of what they wore. If you want to go with the same gun as well, they used Diemaco C8 SFW (designated L119A1), based of an AR15 but supposedly more reliable or whatever. They're not available in airsoft as a whole gun as far as I'm aware, but you could build one with all the parts available to do so.


    Hope this helps :)

  5. If you have a really good bagpipe player, some of the stuff can be good. Beats morris dancing anyday.

    Surely devolution to include fiscal independence is going to end badly, or it will have to be restricted in some way. Having two different fiscal policies tied to the same currency cannot end well.


    Nope not GBB - just normal aeg 416 full metal but not a bad one all the same

    yes its too hot @ 395ish but gunfire & TWG sell it as the HK416.....


    Same gun but GunFire is the rear wired crane stock version

    TWG is front wired with peq box battery - but bought from TWG this time

    (Gunfire is a tad cheaper but they charge you on paypal fees so TWG price is still cheaper but GF give points - roundabout same)

    Both can downgrade it for free btw but left it as is when I ordered


    hope to open her up, aoe, lower spring or might go down the 12 or 13:1 gears & short stroke 2 teeth option,

    then rewire her to rear deans/fet etc.....

    flog/keep peq box - dunno yet


    Everybody will hate it but would just throw on a stubby stock as per usual - yeah I know but wtf

    see how she shoots - the mag supplied is $hit, could not get it to fit in well at all but my usual M4's go in there fine

    also comes with a 100mm extension outer barrel which I might put on mine and fit a 370 tbb I got somewhere


    hopup isn't best one but will see how she performs - aim to tweak box first then tweak the hop/barrel afterwards

    a cheap gun but looks very similar to unbranded £250 WE 416 (rear wired GunFire version)

    Ah, it's just how you compared it to a WE. Didn't think DBoys made GBB's :) Tell us how it goes on, I'll be interested in seeing what you do to it.


    P.S. Dont go stubby

  7. Could argue that they have proved that they are not helping the economy.

    Backdoor privatisation

    Selling business off cheap to their mates
    Falling living standards only disguised by the small amount of GDP growth we've been having (which I argue to be part of the natural cycle, not the tories helping it in any way possible)

    Almost 1 million relying on food banks last year (which is expected to increase)

    Benefits cut for the people who CAN'T work and now live in almost absolute poverty
    Tax avoiders and hedge funders not paying which could lead to millions of pounds worth in extra government revenue which we really need

    Oh, and a massive increase in government borrowing


    So it might look like they are helping the economy by fixing the deficit, but there is a lot more underlying damage being done which could restrict our potential growth and may take a long time to correct, if it ever is corrected.


    So yeah, f*** the tories


    EDIT: Now that they have the majority, the libdems can't restrict them from doing anything they want. I seriously do not want to think about what this country will be like in 5 years time.

  8. I can't say every moment of the game was awesome because it wasn't, the 3 hours on Sunday laying down awaiting an attack on the damp forest floor was certainly not the height of excitement or comfort!


    But you got to spend all that time with me. That should have given you all the excitement you need :D


    will the PMC be there as true neutrals or do the same, who knows?


    The PMC will work for whoever has the most money. I'm pretty sure Gretsky has alot more money than a bunch of unruly rebels living in the woods.


    Anyway, I thought that the weekend was brilliant and that the organisers put all their effort into making it a great weekend for all. Hats off to them :) The props that were built were absolutely brilliant. Loved the team and meeting new people and I think that we did exceptionally well given the circumstances and Sunday certainly didn't dampen my spirits. Hopefully I can come down to the Eversley game, I will speak to my dad next week about taking me down there.

  9. I'll have to have a look into my mags to see if I can find the issue for it. .25s used so it shouldn't be too heavy for the mags. Wondering if it was just a compatibility issue or if I got a faulty lot? What were those P-mags you showed me?

  10. Yh, rent for 3 games for 2 months. Whilst you wait for your UKARA, sort out some good boots and good quality eye protection. They are a must, don't scrimp on these. If you're looking at going to woodland sites, pick up some surplus camo from an army surplus store or online.

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