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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. Wrecked my G&P m4 barrel getting it off, managed to fit the warlord tactical l119 barrel only to find the grooves in the barrel for the front sight are too far back for the RAS to fit in... Oh and I realised I could have just bought a G&P l119 barrel...

    1. cavninja


      Doh! All part of the great learning curve of airsoft! She's an expensive mistress brother, enjoy!

    2. AirsoftTed


      Oh yes indeed! I'll certainly finish up as an educated pauper lol! The biggest pain however is that I dropped £100 into warlord tactical parts I didn't realise I could have bought g&p versions of for even less doh!

  2. So OAF have a store now... I predict a PVC MOGO patch and a pair of OAF Silkies in my future

  3. Job interview tomorow :)

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Trial days on Thursday and Sunday, will update if I get the job for those interested!

    3. team flex
    4. cavninja


      hope it goes well buddy

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. two_zero


      because sometimes you just want to browse AKs.... :D




    3. AirsoftTed


      TZ, Ak's isn't what this was aimed at. We may be small, but I think AK's and AR's are broad enough categories for them to deserve their own place. I mean when it's one weapon, take for example the "L85" - Pre afghan/Post Afghan and some random set up's which are not common because most people get the l85 for an impression...

    4. two_zero


      AK == OK? heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!

  4. Jay, are these 36/48 hour events or just day games?
  5. videos have randomly stopped working with firefox, work on steam and IE however. All "fixes" on the internet have failed to work far, tried a myriad of addons to fix the problem, none have worked. No video loads just a grey screen, using HTML5 only brought up the player but no video would load in it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      Chrome is for hipsters

    3. Josh95


      Do you have addblock, sometimes running addblock can cause issues. Do you have a lot of software junk or on computer? sometime viruses can cause this problem. If you havnt yet try chrome, it is the best search engine in my opinion. Lastly check your firewall and security settings that might be blocking it. make sure your java and flash is uptodate aswell

    4. Russe11


      If you mean youtube, then they changed videos to play in high res and framerate. Firefox refused to make the changes to run this. Just change to chrome and it should be fine

  6. Old School https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynfk7izWNE8&feature=player_detailpage
  7. Bivvy Bag and Rollmat hopefully. Spare lipo and a Crusader cooking set. I'm not too greedy
  8. Anyone play Life is Feudal? Just bought it, downloading now. Would like to form a group to make a village or whatever.

    1. TacMaster


      Depends if my MacBook will run it. Probably not :/

    2. Mack


      tried it, was pretty crap tbh

  9. Can't believe I've been a member on here for 2 years, that went fast.

    1. TacMaster


      In december it'll be 2 years for me too- how time flies!

    2. AirsoftTed


      It's wierd how fast it goes. I think the community here has a lot to do with it, it's so easy to just merge and become a part of the forum effortlessly.

  10. I can't recall the authors name but "Masters of War" is a good read. It's about the SAS, some real bone chilling stuff that I wouldn't suggest for those weak of stomach. No easing in period, straight into the nitty gritty, despite being a bit brutal in places it kept me hooked.
  11. Did you buy enough balaclava's Al? Someone's planning a bank job
  12. Q1) Marking cleared rooms in CQB. Red ones are used to show you're dead in night games (usually milsim's where yo may have a while till respawn) Q2) I think the aimpoint m68's look good.
  13. Fallout 3, Fallout New vegas, Skyrim. (yes they can be played in 3rd person but you can't hit a thing in 3rd person so the combat is better classed as an FPS) /thread
  14. After a serious bout of alcohol posioning last weekend, I'm off the sauce for a while. Like the tune though! Even better when you've had a few.
  15. Two more and thats me done for the night lol. Bagpipes really get me filled with pride. Its a strange mixture of emotions that can envoked by the playing of bagpipes- anything from happyness/joy, sadness or pure rage mode.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VgERHICNC0&list=PL4470832AEFCAA460&index=33 I could go on for hours with more, but will settle with those. Apologies for double post, wanted them all to appear as players.
  17. Shouldn't really be sung in anything but Gaeilge, however for the sake of understanding it lol.
  18. Ah but Luke Kelly is grand! That's not wierd music by a stretch. To keep the thread on topic I'll post an example below. Proclaimers? Sure you've not got any Scottish or Irish in you James? haha. Edit : this one too This kind of stuff, along with london underground, "the sket song", wierd al yonkavic etc. were all doing the rounds when I was your age, maybe a bit younger too. Was all the rage on our Sony Ericcson's and whatever else we had then, sharing stuff on bluetooth! Had to stand beside your mate for at least 5 minutes waiting for it to send, thats providing you could find his bluetooth name! Do they even make Sony Ericcson's anymore?
  19. That is also in my playlist. When I was about your age, having watched band of brothers I had a habit of playing it non stop and humming it. In a few years you'll look back at the wierd music you listened to and be like wtf was I doing. Prize example I used to listen to the parody songs like "hey mr taliban hand over bin laden". I heard a year seven singing it the other week when I was in sixthform and I just looked at him like he was a right wierdo. Then I remembered the exact same thing happened to me in year seven when I was showing a mate in on my phone To be fair it had just been released at the time. 7 years later, bin laden is dead and it's kind of lost any relevance...
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaeB85cMcEA&list=PL4470832AEFCAA460&index=28 For when your music needs to be OAF.
  21. At this rate we'll be hiring a minibus AWA Herts looks doable, IIRC it's only an hour and 20 minutes from SE london when I last checked on google maps.
  22. Now I'm going to have to buy both versions... Damn you for bringing this to my attention Russell!
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