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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. Women can join the forces too Might be a bird's clothes you're cutting about in
  2. Brillant little space you've got there Vim! Hoping to have something similar when I move - I'll probably have to settle for one room in the house rather than my own separate building. Would love to see how a military armoury is set up as I've always wanted to create a similar style "man cave" after being inspired by the armoury room in the Evil Genius game.
  3. Welcome to the Forums mate! I've got a pal that lives near cumbernauld I think, he attends the Section 8 site. He's going with a group of his mates (15 of them), so I'm assuming they have transport lol, I could ask him for you if you'd like?
  4. Grab a set of ALICE Webbing with SAW pouches, some tri colour dessies and a PAGST replica helmet and You'll have a half decent Blackhawk down kit or any old US kit!
  5. Meh, you should be able to do a half decent Swedish accent to make it convincing then So is that just because you came of age for conscription ( presumeably ) there? Or would any male moving there have to do conscription?
  6. Being Swedish and liking the PMC look, if you don't do a loadout based on Mattias from Mercenaries 2 then we can't be friends Jokes aside, your loadout is pretty sweet dude, trust me the most fun you'll have is with a "basic loadout" when you can run about care free. Once we start piling gucci gear up on ourselves we get a bit bogged down
  7. My friend's looking at getting a HK 416/7 - I'm not too knowledgable on these. Who makes the best one? He wants a metal body preferably so is looking at the VFC. good choice?

    1. LoneWombatAirsoft


      Own a VFC 417, and its a kick-ass gun externally and has never let me down. Has good range, but the accuracy isn't as good as i was hoping it would be.

    2. GiantKiwi


      TM 416/17 /eod :P


  8. Hop up changing doesn't involve the gear box bud!
  9. Wow. Is it from Action Hobbies? A gun I had from them was almost industrial with the two tone, no amount of white spirit would shift it lol. Should go like this
  10. I'm really surprised to hear that. Does the paint scratch off? It if doesn't they just just be green plastic. Where did you buy it from?
  11. I apologize for our similar taste in music one more for you Tried to play this in Ed's Diner today and it hadn't come on by the time I left so I missed it
  12. Could any Ex/Serving Royal Engineers answer a few questions for me?

    1. AirsoftTed


      Might be able to help - I'll shoot you a PM :) cheers mate

  13. Take the parts off, Stick them in the bath or an old tub, Spray them liberally with Fairy power spray (you can get it in tesco). Leave it to sink in for 20 minutes, then set to work with an old toothbrush/nailbrush. Repeat if necessary
  14. ^ Going to look pretty sweet mate. A Russian loadout is next on my list when I have spare cash. What LBE you going with?
  15. As Frizz said, a good Layout is a necessity. I'll actually avoid/give up using sites if their layout bugs me, which is a shame because they sometimes have the things you want but cant find! I think in this day and age, PayPal is a must. Not necessarily because it's the best or anything like that, but I'd find it pretty shady if a business didn't have PayPal as an option. Colour scheme comes into it a lot also, they can do a lot to set the mood of the site and whether people enjoy browsing. I like the colour scheme of AFUK and feel comfortable with it, it's very easy on the eyes. Zeroin however, I find makes me feel less "at home".
  16. Civi's aren't allowed to own them yet - they've not been made surplus so any being sold are stolen from the MOD by cheeky chappies. Same way MTP was prohibited for civilians to own until enough was procured for the troops.
  17. Going to have to get a proper set of Micro screw drivers instead of the ones from Poundland. Always end up with shards of the silver "Metal?" handles stuck in my fingers

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lozart


      Why do people insist on buying sh*t tools?

    3. AirsoftTed


      I don't usually. Needed them for something quickly and the poundshop was closest. They've been tossed in the bin now

    4. Lozart


      Best place for them! :)

  18. Passed my driving test :D

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Lozart


      So why not look at something less "premium germanic"? Get a bigger car for the same money....

    3. Lt Earholes

      Lt Earholes

      You should go somewhere along the lines or www.fow.com go to the site they will have at least 1 of every car you have been thinking about and have a walk round, no-1 bothers you unless you go inside and ask for a test drive, you can however find cars you like and go ask for the keys, then go have a look round and the car yourself, start the car , kick the tyres, all they ask is you don't move it.

      That's how I decided what car I wanted, drove over 2 hours to go there, decided what...

    4. Lt Earholes

      Lt Earholes

      When I say go to the site I mean the actual forecourt.

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