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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. Bought the exact same thing for the exact same reason ! Haven't tasted mine yet however. Looking forward to it! I've read it's amazing with Dr pepper?
  2. In my opinion, if it's something you're set on it's worth buying it even if you just use it to make a rubber casting which can be used in game. You can get a rubber molding kit for circa £30 so it's not really breaking the bank. It's also worth considering that would mean you could produce a batch and sell them to friends.
  3. Lmao, that's no understatement Ian! I'd expected something luxurious, somewhat sweet maybe. Total shock to the system
  4. Cheers for the tip Russel, will give it a go tonight. I normally skip the ice unless I'm having a mixer - frankly no idea what made me have it on ice lol.
  5. Bought a bottle of Talisker (aged 10 years - think they all are on the shelf but just in case it makes a difference) yesterday and tried it with a little ice. Initial reaction "WTF is this, eurgh it's like mold dissolved in paint thinner!" , tried another sip, realized 6 am is too early to be drinking such a drink on an empty stomach, poured it down the sink. I have been up all night wanting to try it though, was too lazy to go and get it from the kitchen. Though sitting here, reading reviews to check whether I got a dud bottle or this was general consensus, I noticed a few reviews describing the taste; as I thought about it and got remnants of taste from my tongue, the little boxes in my head ticked off one by one to confirm what they were describing and it was a bit more palatable then. I think it'll be best after a meal, Mackerel or Steak spring to mind. It's not like anything I've tasted before and definitely has a lot of levels to it. Personally, I don't see it being my go to drink, but I'm hoping it'll grow on me.
  6. The e is subjective James, Whiskey is Irish, Whisky is Scottish.
  7. I believe you may be right , it was a minitature bottle and I could have sworn it said no.2 but in my mind describing it as cheap I assumed it was no.7.
  8. Ah don't worry Chock, I know an old Irish man who drinks his Whiskey with lemonade too so its authentic I wish I got on with beer, I'd save money on nights out! Somehow I can drink whiskey like water but 2-3 beers and I'm falling about like a right tool! Guinness and Heineken don't seem to do it to me though, thankfully they're the only two I've liked the taste of so far anyway! I second the JD Honey, I wasn't too keen on it when it first came out I must admit as it was a overly popular with the hipsters from college. However the taste has grown on me, it makes a refreshing difference! Had it in a cocktail on my 18th, I think it must have been the mint in it but it brought out a whole new side to the JD. Not in a good way either, was overpowering! Brought back the "my lungs are burning" feeling I hadn't had since "rescuing" a bottle of at least 50 year old brandy from the back of a cupboard when I was 13
  9. I'm a Whiskey drinker, always have been. Plain and simple, (not that I advocate underage drinking but lets be honest most of us did it) even since I was young. Being only 18, as you can imagine I'm exactly the stereotypical 50 something in a silk kimono sat in his study, but neither will most of you be; and it's dawned on me, I have no one to discuss whiskey with, nor do I know anyone else who drinks it! So, what are you drinking, and how are you drinking it? Are you enjoying it? Would you recommend the drink? Give it a rating out of 10 and a bit of critique! Ask questions, let us know your usual and what you plan to try so we can help each other on our way to enjoying the finest the world has to offer! Currently, I'm drinking Jack Daniels Old No. 2, neat with no ice.Somewhat harsh, don't know if it's been improperly stored or something but this particular bottle is nothing like any of the No.2 I've drank prior - but it was a present and I'd rather it be drank than go to waste. 6/10. Not the worst I've had nor the worst, good for a cheap dram.
  10. Just read among the CIA's "torture Playlist" were the theme tunes to Barney and sesame street... As well as the Bee Gee's staying alive. I say this with no sarcasm, how fantastically evil.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      its not actually been physically published as far as I know Lads. Just a few songs mentioned as being on it.

    3. Ian_Gere
    4. JamesAirsofterAgent
  11. Can anyone recommend any good gun/tactical gear Instagram pages? Preferably Real steel and if they post usmc stuff that's a bonus :)

    1. Lozart


      @markowenseal @officialreaper33

  12. The Madbull Co2 Barret looks beast. Never previously been interested in the Barret... Till now...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TacMaster


      I'd like to see a version without the ejecting shells. Would be even better!

    3. Spatch


      And at around £1350 should be an absolute bargain............honest guv

    4. AirsoftTed


      We've all got have aspirations eh Spoon? I also want a LAV apc, something to work towards ;)

  13. I'm teaching you well! You'll be on strong whiskey any time now!
  14. The Midlands is, well, the middle of the UK lol . You're thinking of the Netherlands mate!
  15. Buy a crappy old DPM shirt on ebay. Will cost you around £2. Wont see it anyway if you do it properly. Edit: Or get a flight suit and reinforce the knees, elbows, crotch and chest.
  16. So my google-fu has failed me. Can anyone find USMC Improved sleeping mats for sale? (the folding coyote brown ones.)

  17. Bulk deals on Pyro (cheaper than competition if possible) As said before, a firing range. Stock good tactical gear, Flyye, Pantac, etc. Bundles on tactical gear, such as chest rigs with pouches etc like UKtac do on WAS gear. Other than that I think you're onto a good bet with the custom work. I think that's what we need more in the UK. We have retailers, we need more custom work!
  18. Airsoft- P226, just the right size for my hand and all the controls feel natural. It's a thing of beauty. If I could own a real one - a Walther PPKs. Nice to hold, concealable and just cool. I have the umarex 4.5mm steel BB firing replica and it's just amazing. Feels like it was made for me.
  19. This may be true. My brother in law bought a 6mm Sig sauer without UKARA as it was classed as an air weapon due to it's power.
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