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geoffreym last won the day on March 4 2013

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Star L1A1, M16 MRF Stryker, 2 TM MEU's, G&P pulse rifle, KWA MP7, KJW X-5, Ares Tavor,
  • Loadouts
    DPM, assault vest, webbing. pattern 56 gear (falklands). congo mercenary.
  • Sites
    Cool under Fire, Apocalypse
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    guns, grenades, shotguns, and more guns

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  1. Got myself the faulty Classic Army ISSC MK22 (basically a scar) from action hobbies, and repaired it, the mosfet signal wire had broken, played with it today, it's actually not a bad gun, and the hop is excellent.
  2. Very excited to see what's in my big ass box from germany. Oh, wait, it's just a hop unit and a pack of gummy bears. And that kids is why we have deforestation.
  3. cool, I've ordered the begadi one as it's cheap enough to have a punt. thanks for the advice. right now they are totally new (hell, my one was sent off in the first week, and it's just arrived in the UK) and the people behind it are a bit cautious about saying compatibility, all they're saying is milspec back end, WA front end, propriety gearbox and body (TM AEG standard motor and grip though). My understanding of WA route is that they're trying to out PTW systema, so as close as possible to real steel, I think they said that the WA hop was the only one that fit into the space available.. planning to, I'm also hoping to bring it along to the Mall night game on the 22nd of december to pop it's cherry, so if anyone is planning to come along, no problem with them having a go.
  4. Thanks mate, my google fu isn't doing that well due to working off a mobile as home internet hasn't worked for the last week, big thumbs and small screens don't mix. I don't actually have a WA M4, I've got the DAS M4 (at least just waiting for customs for it) and was planning to stick on a 16in barrel (after I've checked it works well in stock form), and wouldn't mind having a mess around with it as soon as possible. out of the three versions above, which one do you think is the best one overall? thanks.
  5. And now still looking for WA barrels as I literally cannot find anywhere with instock iron airsoft hop units.
  6. Might give that a go, do you have a recommended supplier of it?
  7. I'm trying to find some WA GBBR inner barrels, but there don't seem to be any at all in the UK? specifically looking for 16" and preferably 6.03
  8. anyone have any inroads into getting an A&K MK46 barrel assembly, or preferably just the pin that holds the front sight stable?

  9. seriously considering doing a Foreign Legion loadout, problem is the gun, none of the FAMI take my fancy, was considering using an M249 as I think I saw a photo of them using it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hudson
    3. SeniorSpaz87


      The M249 is the US version of the FN Minimi LMG, which is one of the FFL's LMGs. So it would fit.

    4. geoffreym


      thanks guys, very much appreciated.

  10. nothing that special, but I still think it looks cool.
  11. the actual screen used ones were painted in "brown bess" as that showed up in the film as the dark green we all know and love, go for the green if you want screen accurate, brown if you want what they actually made. and I also think that the more expensive one had a better gearbox and cyclable UGL (not functional though)
  12. not exactly airsoft, but it will be used in a very similar scenario. and I've also put a deposit down on one those newfangled DAS M4's (fortunately I've got a bit of a discount) so very much excited in getting to play with one of those, am thinking SPR front end, and a VLTOR ARM stock
  13. are all high cap springs the same? to put into context have broken the spring (the main one which keeps a "charge" of BB's) on my ICS c-mag and I've done a bodge job but would much prefer a reinforced one.
  14. anyone else find that their hop-up adjust their FPS by a massive amount? found that without hop my gun fires 1.05joules, with hop 0.75

    1. cropzy


      Yes it does it for everyone just about as the hop touches the BB putting spin on it. If there is no hop there is nothing obstructing the BB's travel.

    2. geoffreym


      I understand, it was just the sheer amount, my other guns change by about 20fps between no hop and maximum hop.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      depend on bb weight, bucking itself as well as nub area contacting the bb itself. Just coz more pressure is applied don't equate to more backspin if dirty/oily bucking etc... normal hop/flat hop plus hops can take a good few high caps to bed in

  15. ICS Galil MRS, starting to get a bit of a collection going.
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