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Everything posted by jcheeseright

  1. the SCAR-H SSR absolutely will not work with STANAG magazines, completely different. No need to spend £500 to get a TM, order from echigoya in Japan and they're 'reasonably' priced.
  2. yeah, if you boost it to 450fps, don't shoot .20g BBs at 450fps, you won't get any extra range and accuracy will be all over the place. at 450fps I'd be looking at .36g or .40g for maximum range and accuracy.
  3. 2 piece hop-up is a direct clone of the old tokyo marui design, easy to replace with a 1 piece just by pulling all the bottom half out of the lower receiver.
  4. It's a work in progress, needs the gas block modifying, a surefire scout light and some paint.... But it's getting there :-)
  5. Replica surefire FA556 flash hider, Red tip CAT Replica Aimpoint T1 (red only!) FMA LA5 PEQ with IR filters Night Evolution MPLS red/white/IR
  6. depends on the gun I think, an M4 type GBB will often suffer with the weather more because the bolt assembly is so heavy, conversely the GHK G5 is pretty much an all year round gun because the bolt weighs a bit less than a packet of crisps! My TM MP7 is definitely in the 'all year' camp, but like any gas gun, performance isn't as good in winter.
  7. the lenses are guaranteed for life, the feeble rubber strap... good luck with that lasting for ever. Best bet is just to replace the strap.
  8. then don't use your real name, fabricate everything and there's nothing anyone can track you down with.
  9. it'll fit, but it'll be looser than a 40 year old whore.
  10. yes/no. It's just as reliable as the G17 but with full auto, most people I know who have bought an 18 have used it almost exclusively on semi auto. If you're in a position where you're using a pistol you're either indoors (no auto usually), or low on ammo (also, no auto) so the giggle switch is really just for shits & giggles.
  11. I can kinda see AWs point here, there's no real reason for them to keep 2-tone guns in stock. If they keep them as RIFs until they're sold they can sell them both ways... If they pre-paint them then they can't then sell those guns to people who don't want a 2-tone. The reason she couldn't just pop in and get a 2-tone gun I expect is that to do a half decent job of spraying something it takes about 30-40 minutes including prep, drying between coats etc. Thats the best part of an hour for her to wait, and for a staff member to not be on the shop floor. What I would do is spray 2-tone guns in batches when the shop is shut/very quiet, saves time and ultimately money.
  12. one of the many reasons I'll never, EVER recommend a soft holster for an airsoft pistol if you intend to do more than just stand still looking cool.
  13. http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/d_to_g/firearms/#a03 You're wrong. An imitation firearm (IF - 2-tone) is legally defined by the CPS in the link above. You wave one round in the street and you're comitting a crime. Yet another hole in the VCRA, it doesn't actually make any impact on reducing crime.
  14. That is exactly why it's a shit idea. Legally if someone comes into your house and you threaten them with what they believe to be a lethal weapon (the fact they shouldn't be in your house at all is irrelevant) they can use lethal force to defend themselves and potentially get away with murder. If you're going to threaten someone with a weapon you have to meet 2 criteria realistically: 1. It to be real, 2. Be willing and able to use it. If you can't meet both of those, you're just making life worse for yourself.
  15. I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same thing, it's an entirely normal noise which many, many people have spent hours and hours finding the cause of only to realise that it's pretty much fundamental to the operation of the gun! You won't notice it when you're playing if that's any help
  16. If it's like a sliding noise then a clunk, it's part of the reciprocating bolt handle assembly... took me ages to work out what was doing it, perfectly normal though, they all do it.
  17. TM is the way forward, the slide is plastic but it'll work in all weather without any complaints.
  18. I keep my inner barrel as dry as possible, no oil at all should be in there as it'll just attract grime. Rubber is like a lot of materials, the colder it gets the harder it gets, in hold weather try going for a really soft hop bucking for best performance.
  19. Game uniform requirements for my team was to wear woodland camouflage. Urban camo patterns are beyond useless either way, there's no reliable way to conceal yourself when your backdrop is bricks and white painted walls.
  20. yeah, really impressed by them, side by side with my cryes it's pretty hard to pick out many significant differences in quality. Fabric isn't quite as robust as the real deal but they were about £200 cheaper than the real thing! Oh, and don't tumble dry them... I'm glad mine were a little bit bigger than I needed to begin with
  21. A few of me from Infiltration airsoft's Operation Colossus a couple of weeks ago: four... something? credit for all the photos to Oscar Plummer - wyvernairsoft.com
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