Not gonna lie, the night vision is a double edged sword in that place, I found the marshalling to be very good and the majority of the players to be decent... but there were a couple of people who thought that because it was dark no one could see them blatantly ignoring hits. Frustrating to say the least, especially as I think there's a special place in hell reserved for those who say things like "take your hits".
I did lose my cool a little bit with one guy who I shot in the face (he was wearing a full-head mesh thing) 5 times, only for him to return fire with a full auto sweep of the corridor a second later, I may have blurted out "are you fucking kidding me?" after I called my (several) hits, to which he took umbrage and started shouting shit like "are you questioning my honesty?!". A few incidents like that really soured my opinion of the place, and the marshals really can't do anything about it as they're just as blind as the next man in the darker corners, I wasn't likely to ever go back as I'm only in portsmouth for a course anyway, but a few people's behaviour really put me off.