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Posts posted by Hudson

  1. I sneak and run as quietly as anyone, so for people complaining about the rattle... stop shaking the gun, it's not a damn maraca!!



    I don't know what people are doing to apparently make them so noisy, but unless you're running (which would be noisier than the mags anyway) I've never had a problem with HiCaps making noise. (Barring flash mag winding!) ;)

  2. I played it, enjoyed it for the few days I played it, but won't be paying full price.


    I can see it getting very repetitive before long re: the PvP aspect, was already getting bored by Sunday.


    Would like to see the storyline & related parts though.

  3. If you want something similar to Samurai....have a look at this http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/half-face-airsoft-protection/seriously-tactical-usa-steel-mouth-mesh-mouth-sheild-black.htm#.VrDGsPmLRmA


    I am thinking of purchasing it

    That seems handy, cheers!

    19 years and I'm still to find a decent solution for mouth protection.


    With wearing glasses, Every mask either sits terribly, blocks vision, gets in the way of the stock & sights or all of the above.


    I don't mind a paintball mask in close CQB, but for woodland I'd like something more usable!

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