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Posts posted by Hudson

  1. Be aware that Madbull buckings can be a right PITA to fit sometimes; they're thicker than most & so can get stuck easily when installing. The nubs are also vastly oversized which can lead to jamming if you don't replace it with one smaller. (But then you'll need to make sure the nub is hard enough to actually exert enough hop without deforming).

    If I were you, before ordering I would check the nub you have installed to see if it's simply too soft & replace it with something better.
    Remove the barrel & hop unit and look down the barrel as you increase hop to see if it's actually putting sufficient hop on.

    I've had similar problems where this has been the cause.

  2. It's JG; They're usually quite passable, but will likely be hot out of the box & need downgrading, plus maybey a service & a hop change.
    If you're not experienced with working on gearboxes, then I'd say add another £60-70 on top of that price for all the work, parts, plus shipping & import fees.

  3. The foregrip *may* not be compatible if it's cross-manufacturers.

    ICS tend to be somewhat different to most other brands, and I can't recall ICS making a Vietnam version off the top of my head; which means it's gonna be taken from another make.

  4. I really wish retailers would downgrade to sub 350fps before selling.


    If I like a gun, I want to be able to walk away with it and be able to skirmish straight away if needed; even if this means putting the price up to cover costs.


    I guess this is why I haven't bought a brand new AEG for years! XD

  5. There aren't too many up your way unfortunately, with it mostly being a national park permission for land can be somewhat tricky to say the least!

    Raw War Cumbria *seems* to be dead from what I can tell; all associated links don't go anywhere, and nothing seems to be recent.
    Annan looks like it might still be active from their page, even if the website has a very 90's look to it, but their FB page seems to have nothing since 2013, so make of that what you will.

    Otherwise, your nearest sites are probably Lancashire/Manchester ways & West Yorkshire, if you have your own transport.

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