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    Khyber got a reaction from Tackle in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Thanks! Had that second day today. What a blast. Was so much more fun having decent visibility as the rental are full face mesh. The goggles and mask married up almost perfect with no gap between them. Sweated my ass of and didn't fog up either as the Raiders are slim but full seal and vented. And the mesh lower was extremely comfortable and did the job perfect. Got shot in the ear at close range and heard a loud ping that no doubt would have been extremely painful if i didn't have ear pro. Also the fabric cheeks make welding to the stock very easy compared to the rental mask. So all in all very happy with my first purchases and my second game day 
  2. Like
    Khyber reacted to Jedi_Master in Search within a specific topic.   
    When using a PC, the seach box is pretty obvious at the top right of the page.  And "search this topic" is the forth option down. Not difficult to find and select.
  3. Haha
    Khyber reacted to Shamal in Search within a specific topic.   
    Too late. We noticed.doh!!
  4. Thanks
    Khyber reacted to Tommikka in Search within a specific topic.   
    If you go to a search, then under “content search - topic type” choose “topics” you then get a drop down box named “forums” and can pick the area to search 


  5. Like
    Khyber reacted to Wild Weasel in THE TM MWS thread   
    Have a look at this mate, this will answer a few questions to get you going, then I suggest going back through this thread as there's lots of wisdom here.
  6. Haha
    Khyber got a reaction from Tommikka in Search within a specific topic.   
    🤦‍♂️ Haha, how I missed that I don't know. Maybe I saw it and thought it meant something else. Forget I opened my mouth... 😂 Thank you.
    Fail of the day goes to.... 🥁🥁🥁🥁 Me!
    Edit..  come to think of it i do remember seeing that and thinking it meant searching the topic title. I'll just leave quickly before anyone notices 
  7. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Shamal in Sub forum idea...   
    Good shout. The ideas i have don't really have anything in common with traditional FPS online games as A. They are old and played to death and B. Like you said would likely not work as intended. 
    That's the idea... if people just share ideas then individuals can take as little or as much and transform it to work for them. I think your right in saying if a game organiser cant tweak a rule set or objective etc to fit their site then they probably aren't going to do well designing a game from the ground up. I'm going to write up the ideas I currently have and start a topic on it. If any admin decide that a sub forum would be a good idea (mainly so each submission can be its own topic so you don't have to scroll through pages of threads on one topic to find new games) then it can be moved to that forum. 
    Thanks for your input guys I may be a noob to the sport but I'd like to bring something to it.
  8. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Tommikka in Sub forum idea...   
    Good shout. The ideas i have don't really have anything in common with traditional FPS online games as A. They are old and played to death and B. Like you said would likely not work as intended. 
    That's the idea... if people just share ideas then individuals can take as little or as much and transform it to work for them. I think your right in saying if a game organiser cant tweak a rule set or objective etc to fit their site then they probably aren't going to do well designing a game from the ground up. I'm going to write up the ideas I currently have and start a topic on it. If any admin decide that a sub forum would be a good idea (mainly so each submission can be its own topic so you don't have to scroll through pages of threads on one topic to find new games) then it can be moved to that forum. 
    Thanks for your input guys I may be a noob to the sport but I'd like to bring something to it.
  9. Like
    Khyber reacted to heroshark in Gun picture thread   
    Current pic of the obsession.

  10. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from shadowfacex in Sub forum idea...   
    Good shout. The ideas i have don't really have anything in common with traditional FPS online games as A. They are old and played to death and B. Like you said would likely not work as intended. 
    That's the idea... if people just share ideas then individuals can take as little or as much and transform it to work for them. I think your right in saying if a game organiser cant tweak a rule set or objective etc to fit their site then they probably aren't going to do well designing a game from the ground up. I'm going to write up the ideas I currently have and start a topic on it. If any admin decide that a sub forum would be a good idea (mainly so each submission can be its own topic so you don't have to scroll through pages of threads on one topic to find new games) then it can be moved to that forum. 
    Thanks for your input guys I may be a noob to the sport but I'd like to bring something to it.
  11. Like
    Khyber reacted to Tommikka in Sub forum idea...   
    Just go for it and create a thread.
    Game formats can work well or badly depending on venue, the underlying rules and the people playing - including whether they listen or don’t
    The worst thing to do is to pick an online game and try to play those rules - two reasons
    1) It works online due to the mechanics of a computer controlled game 
    2) Not everyone has played that game, let alone understood the format rules & if I played “Domination” in one game a decade ago it could be very different rules to “Domination” in last weeks top game of the year 
    But outline a very rough plan or a fully detailed rule set and the organisers on another site can apply it to their site with any tweaks to the rules.  If they can’t work whether a game and rule set will need tweaking for their venue* and players then they can’t really design one from scratch 

    * We had a game plan set for an event in Drakelow tunnels, the game was cancelled.  A few years later we ran the ‘same’ game plan at a much smaller urban site on a smaller scale with a
    few tweaks to each mission to fit the site and number of players 

    It’s also great fun to experiment with rules - it’s one of the things we have done many times.  If it doesn’t work then change it (ideally not mid game, but that can be possible). 
    Every one of our early games was made up of either ripped off rules & missions from other organisers, or a variation that we had a twist to try out.
  12. Like
    Khyber reacted to Rogerborg in Sub forum idea...   
    Sounds like a solid subject.  How about starting a General Discussion thread to get the ball rolling; it's entirely on topic.
  13. Like
    Khyber reacted to Adolf Hamster in Sub forum idea...   
    think the biggest obstacle in discussing game scenarios/idea's is how well a given scenario plays out is as much a factor of the site (layout, obstacles, environment, size etc), the marshalling staff (their ability to explain and enforce rules), and the playerbase (the number of players, the regular/visitor balance and the willingness of the regulars/visitors to get into the spirit of a new game mode)
    for example, a simple fall back game- there's a long but thin (inb4 ooh matron...) strip of forest as the game zone.
    attackers start at one end- get hit you fall back X paces then back in, get one man to the end building/flag/zone and it's game over
    defenders start wherever they want- get hit you fall back X paces and your back in but you can't advance. once you've been pushed back into the final zone then it's down to 1 life.
    not exactly the most complicated ruleset. and when played with people who either knew, or at least listened to, the rules it works pretty well. however the number of times you'd find folks ignoring the whole "don't advance as a defender" bit and it would ruin the game, as it'd just bog down into a pointless stalemate, with the usual suspects of cheating/overshooting etc soon bubbling up as peoples frustration mounts.
    likewise, that same (or similar enough) scenario on different sites, where the terrain made the game zone either less clear-cut or the area was wider making defending from flanking infinitely more difficult, it'd end up with one player flanking (possibly out of bounds if the game zone was ill-defined/that player didn't bother listening in the brief) and just walking up to the flag and game over. play it on a site with a tight choke point (ie not wide enough to push against one side of the line to force a breakthrough) and we're back to the aforementioned pointless stalemate.
    or as an even better example- every attempt at introducing an airsoft version of trouble in terrorist town immediately results in a free for all death match as nobody bothers understanding the rules or implementing tactics beyond "we don't know who the enemy team is- just shoot everyone"
  14. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from TheFull9 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Thanks! Had that second day today. What a blast. Was so much more fun having decent visibility as the rental are full face mesh. The goggles and mask married up almost perfect with no gap between them. Sweated my ass of and didn't fog up either as the Raiders are slim but full seal and vented. And the mesh lower was extremely comfortable and did the job perfect. Got shot in the ear at close range and heard a loud ping that no doubt would have been extremely painful if i didn't have ear pro. Also the fabric cheeks make welding to the stock very easy compared to the rental mask. So all in all very happy with my first purchases and my second game day 
  15. Like
    Khyber reacted to TheFull9 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Good face pro is the only thing entirely necessary to get involved in an airsoft game.  Well done on looking past the pile of shiny bullshit all stores constantly push on the player base and focusing on what matters (by far) the most.
    If you maintain the same mindset as you continue on in the hobby you'll find you spend almost no down time in the safe zone or not going to games you wanted to attend because your guns and/or gear have failed you; a problem endemic to all sorts of players both new and seasoned on many occasions.
  16. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from SBoardley in LiPo’s dangerous or not ?   
    @SBoardleythanks for sharing your story bro. Glad to hear no one was seriously injured or worse. I can't imagine what it's like to experience something like that. But sharing your story just reinforces what I have said in this post and the other recent one about how, though a small risk, that risk is still very much a serious one and not to be forgotten. 
    Also I don't believe you need ukara to buy private. Ukara is for retailers. Private sale is down the the seller to determine if it is for reasonable use e.g skirmishing. Though if he is donating to you even then you don't need any defense as such. Be humble and accept the very kind offer a reinforcement of how kind people can be.
  17. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Rogerborg in help with lipos   
    Hello, As stated, if they are not swollen they should be fine. I have no experience with airsoft/LiPo but do have experience with FPV drones which also use large capacity 6s LiPo so the care is the same. You may have lost a little performance/lifespan but should still be fine. If you have a balance charger that can storage charge them and tell you the internal resistance then put them to storage charge and check none of the cells have a crazy high resistance. If not then no damage has been done.
    I would highly recommend a decent LiPo bag that can withstand and enclose a LiPo fire. Not sure what airsoft marketed ones are out there but in the drone world Torvol make an extremely good LiPo bag which can mostly contain a fire inside with 15x large 6s batteries.
    It could save your life one day. I personally would not trust any cheap unbranded LiPo bag. Never let your guard down with a LiPo they are probably the single most dangerous thing you own if not treated carefully.
    Apologies if you knew all this already... I just know when I got into FPV drones that this info was expressed very strongly to newcomers who didn't have experience with LiPo.
  18. Sad
    Khyber reacted to SBoardley in LiPo’s dangerous or not ?   
    Right. Wasn’t gonna talk about this, didn’t particularly think anyone would give a crap, and basically I’m a reasonably private person. 
    however, in May I had a lipo failure in my bedroom, which could have easily killed my son who nearly got trapped in the shower. I almost passed out from smoke inhalation, trying to put it out. 
    House was gutted within ten minutes of finding it. Fire service were training that night and were there in like ten minutes, and basically saved the shell. 
    Luckily the insurance company have paid up and we should be back in by January. 
    ive had lipo batteries for like over ten years for my rifs, never never had a problem til this. 
    moral of the story should be : 
    respect lipo s. 
    always charge them in a metal box or proper bag near your back door or something. 
    I’ll post some pic at some point. 
    plug: if anyone has a ksc sig p226 - mine is screwed!
    Right. Wasn’t gonna talk about this, didn’t particularly think anyone would give a crap, and basically I’m a reasonably private person. 
    however, in May I had a lipo failure in my bedroom, which could have easily killed my son who nearly got trapped in the shower. I almost passed out from smoke inhalation, trying to put it out. 
    House was gutted within ten minutes of finding it. Fire service were training that night and were there in like ten minutes, and basically saved the shell. 
    Luckily the insurance company have paid up and we should be back in by January. 
    ive had lipo batteries for like over ten years for my rifs, never never had a problem til this. 
    moral of the story should be : 
    respect lipo s. 
    always charge them in a metal box or proper bag near your back door or something. 
    I’ll post some pic at some point. 
    plug: if anyone has a ksc sig p226 - mine is screwed!

    Tmc avs, and ksc sig…I’ll try find more. 
  19. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Nick G in help with lipos   
    Hello, As stated, if they are not swollen they should be fine. I have no experience with airsoft/LiPo but do have experience with FPV drones which also use large capacity 6s LiPo so the care is the same. You may have lost a little performance/lifespan but should still be fine. If you have a balance charger that can storage charge them and tell you the internal resistance then put them to storage charge and check none of the cells have a crazy high resistance. If not then no damage has been done.
    I would highly recommend a decent LiPo bag that can withstand and enclose a LiPo fire. Not sure what airsoft marketed ones are out there but in the drone world Torvol make an extremely good LiPo bag which can mostly contain a fire inside with 15x large 6s batteries.
    It could save your life one day. I personally would not trust any cheap unbranded LiPo bag. Never let your guard down with a LiPo they are probably the single most dangerous thing you own if not treated carefully.
    Apologies if you knew all this already... I just know when I got into FPV drones that this info was expressed very strongly to newcomers who didn't have experience with LiPo.
  20. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from shadowfacex in Newcomer to the scene :)   
    Thanks mate. I'll check it out. Will be staying at nearest site for now for Ukara. But next year when I will hopefully have some gear I will like to see what other sites are like for sure. 
  21. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from shadowfacex in Newcomer to the scene :)   
    Hey all, My name is Steven. Live just outside of Whitby, North Yorkshire (any members nearby?).
    Played my first game of airsoft last weekend at District 23 Billingham. Man was it fun, the most fun I have had in countless years. My only regret... waiting until I was 33 to try it out. 
    That being said I can't wait to go and play again. Made a few purchases already to make the next game a little more comfortable as the rental face pro was awful. So purchased some Bolle goggles, a lower face mesh mask and got some armored gloves from the site on the night.
    I already have my heart set on a certain rifle but I know my best bet is to just go out and play for now with rental. My closest site is District 23 with Dirty dog not too much further and in the other direction have SAC101.
    Sure looks like a very informative and friendly community on here and look forward to getting stuck into the sport some more. 
    I'm a tech geek at heart too so am excited to also learn as much as I can about what goes on inside the RIFs as much as the outside. 
    Thanks fur 'avin' me (as we would say up 'ere)
  22. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Rogerborg in Great to see a good old forum!   
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I have searched for quite a few questions I've had so far and already found the answers without needing to post so it shows how active this place is. I'll be spending some time on here for sure. See you all in the forums!
  23. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Barny in Great to see a good old forum!   
    Just joined the site and the sport. First off... it is great to have a proper forum for a change. As someone who ditched FB for good a few months back and of an age who remembers when forums were the place to go for information and connections, it is so good to see a very active forum again. I remember all the old forums I used to visit for various hobbies that died out with the rise of FB and groups. I hated the lack of diversity FB groups offered in terms of sub forums and individual threads etc...
    Anyway I digress, had a nosey around and the forum looks great and well categorised with an absolute wealth of activity and information. Cant wait to get stuck in more and learn more about the sport and contribute where I can. Have a great day!
  24. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from ak2m4 in Great to see a good old forum!   
    Just joined the site and the sport. First off... it is great to have a proper forum for a change. As someone who ditched FB for good a few months back and of an age who remembers when forums were the place to go for information and connections, it is so good to see a very active forum again. I remember all the old forums I used to visit for various hobbies that died out with the rise of FB and groups. I hated the lack of diversity FB groups offered in terms of sub forums and individual threads etc...
    Anyway I digress, had a nosey around and the forum looks great and well categorised with an absolute wealth of activity and information. Cant wait to get stuck in more and learn more about the sport and contribute where I can. Have a great day!
  25. Thanks
    Khyber got a reaction from Jedi_Master in Great to see a good old forum!   
    Just joined the site and the sport. First off... it is great to have a proper forum for a change. As someone who ditched FB for good a few months back and of an age who remembers when forums were the place to go for information and connections, it is so good to see a very active forum again. I remember all the old forums I used to visit for various hobbies that died out with the rise of FB and groups. I hated the lack of diversity FB groups offered in terms of sub forums and individual threads etc...
    Anyway I digress, had a nosey around and the forum looks great and well categorised with an absolute wealth of activity and information. Cant wait to get stuck in more and learn more about the sport and contribute where I can. Have a great day!
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