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Status Updates posted by GenuineGerman

  1. Fireball tomorrow, can’t wait for a day of shooting 

    1. Shamal
    2. GenuineGerman


      Really good, had great day although I had to leave early. My gas AK was really good, my m14 decided it didn’t fancy it today haha. 

  2. Game on Saturday, Sod’s Law the missus as put my charger away and now it’s disappeared into the ether 😂

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. strykerles


      if you're stuck for one I have a spare 👍

    3. GenuineGerman


      Panic over I managed to find hidden in a kitchen cupboard. Apparently she was confused and thought it was a device to for kitchen 🤷‍♂️

    4. Gryph


      It momentarily went where the socks go

  3. Do I get rid of my KWA and buy a decent GBBR with a few mags or just buy a load of mags and risk it? I’m confused as what to do. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Can in justify another 500 that is the question lol 😂 

    3. gavinkempsell


      Of course not but it's airsoft

    4. GenuineGerman


      Yeah shiny new rifles at the best haha 

  4. Trying to find some Under Armour Infil Ops boots. Be buggered if I can find any in this country. Also a chore finding the things you want. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Unless I want to pay a fortune for shipping I think I may have to wait. 

    3. Dan Robinson

      Dan Robinson

      Who'#d have thought leaving a free trading block would cause problems?  😪

    4. GenuineGerman


      Bit of a f up really 

  5. Love my RPK but it’s a bit slow, any upgrade suggestions as I’m truly clueless when it comes to techy stuff like that? 

    1. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      I keep mine slow.  Chugging is better than bryyrttting in my book.  


      Learn to hit the noisiest cover to keep heads down.  The support gunners role is to supress.  Shooting a noisy pattern of BBs interspersed with a 'likely places that the opposition will appear,' is key. Too fast fire rate will just eat up your BBs. 


      Eight years in to support gunning and I've not teched the damn thing once.  My G&G M4 is tricked out to the bollox as are various other rifs.  

    2. GenuineGerman


      That’s a good point to be honest and I hadn’t considered that. Thanks gives me some thinking to do. 

  6. Packed, Chronoed and ready. But what will I forget haha 😝 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamal


      Where you are going....

    3. DanBow


      I checked, checked and checked and still left all my batteries at home! lol

    4. GenuineGerman


      Went to Npf Bassetts Pole today. Good day to be fair. 

  7. Any one by change got some we m4 has mags going buckshee and even more unlikely some KWA AK74 gas mags? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gavinkempsell


      I just got some from the classifieds but not buckshee I'm afraid.

    3. GenuineGerman


      I didn’t mean free buckshee just spare 😂

    4. gavinkempsell


      I didn’t mean free buckshee just spare too 😁

  8. Anymore room at the TM MWS table? Cause I’m joining you. 

  9. Battlefield tour week booked for next year in Germany. Roll on July 2022 haha 😂 

    1. MiK


      Here’s hoping for ya GG, let’s hope it’s not lockdown #13 :rolleyes:

  10. Distinct lack of AK’s for sale on here at the moment. 😔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      I’ve got an SVD on the way as well 🙂. Just don’t want spend new money on a GHK or WE until I’ve shifted this Umarex 

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's because once you get an ak, you realise it's superiority and don't want to sell it.......

    4. strykerles


      Absolutely, after going from an m4 to an ak it just feels so much better

  11. Tears, tantrums, soiled nappies and sick. And that’s just from me. Interesting week so far 😂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Misery


      7 kids and who ever says it gets easier isd a fing liar XD

    3. Brophy


      Bloody hell, I've got enough with two of the buggers, to the point I went and had the snip! 😂

    4. GenuineGerman


      Sod that, I would like more however I don’t think she wants anymore anytime soon haha 😂 

  12. The joy of a new born, means I can spend more of the night updating my statuses and boring everyone haha

    1. Shamal


      Haha. Make the most of It cause you will be burnt to a frazzle in a couple of months.lol



    2. ziCk_


      It's only a matter of time when you will abandon us in favour of catching whatever scraps of sleep you can get, so jokes on you! ;)

    3. GenuineGerman


      Our 2 year old will ensure that We get no sleep during the daylight hours haha 😂 

  13. Ordered some WE XM177 mags from Kyairsoft on the 14th arrived today no issues. Pretty good I would say. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Druid799


      Bleh ! 😉

    3. GenuineGerman


      In all seriousness im planning on ordering an M16A1 so i can do if you want 

    4. Druid799


      Very kind of you bud , but unfortunately beer tokens are a bit scares at the mo (just bought a new gatt and ordered a shit load of webbing , buckles , Kydex and cordura to start making kit again) .👍

  14. Well another busy day for my missus as we welcomed our newest son into the world 😊

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. MiK


      Grtz GG - and well done Mrs GG for putting all the effort in :)

    3. GenuineGerman


      Thanks she did it all in a couple of hours so she did amazing. 😊

  15. Does no one want to swap a PSG1 haha. I wonder why oh I’m asking a lot for it. Maybe I should make it cheaper. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Yeah I’m not desperate to offload to be honest but would like to reinvest it more toys. 

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Several factors honestly. Most people arent going to want to pay 130quid over retail even if it has an added scope. This is even more true if its a GBB. Then the market for GBBs is generally smaller than that of AEGs, so your crowd of potential buyers is smaller. Next, GBBs as DMRs tend to be less accurate than their AEG counterparts, so people looking to field it are going to be turned off by that. This is compounded by only having one mag - people are going to need to buy more if they want to field it (and the mags arent cheap - an extra 50 quid a pop adds up fast). Any gun once used generally drops in value by a third, so at best you should expect to get about 675 by following only that rule ((860+165)*2/3)(though that can vary wildly based on availability, desire, etc.). A collector is just going to buy new, as they will want a perfect condition version, and brand new that gun plus the scope would only cost about 1020 quid. Id set it at 800 open to offers, and see what comes along, expecting to get between 650 and 800 for it. Theres no major issue leaving your starting price that high, but most people are going to ignore it with that high of a price tag, even if its just a fill-in.

    4. GenuineGerman


      Great advice, I knew I was being a quite optimistic at that price. Will drop it and see what happens. Being honest I’m more hoping for a swap but we will see what happens. 

  16. I’m thinking about just doing eastern block kit apart from a few exceptions 

    1. Druid799


      Funnily enough I’m in a bit of an eastern block themed mood at the moment my self , but to avoid going Russian I use Ukrainian patches on my kit .👍

    2. GenuineGerman


      Yeah might get rid of the AR’s get a Gorka and just do Eastern European stuff. 

  17. Well I’ve just ordered some mags from KYAirsoft for the XM177 (currently on sale). I pray that it gets through ok without shipping issues. 

  18. Great day at NPF, got totally annihilated however was fun. I have realised the PSG is not skirmishable so considering selling it. Any takers? Haha 😂 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Just not practical for a skirmish in the woods. Probably more suited to open ground and something a bit slower pace. 

    3. Steveocee


      @GenuineGerman I was at NPF yesterday as well! I was on Blue team though. To be fair the onus is totally on the marshalls to rebalance things. In the morning session we (instigated by myself and a regular) moved the blues back away from your spawn to centre field, from what we observed, only a handful of your guys actually tried to push back out.

      Was a good day though, if I'd have known there were forum members about I'd have come and said Hi!

    4. GenuineGerman


      I will be going again in the next couple of weeks so can say hi then 🙂. The problem was that once people got trapped in the spawn they got demoralised and couldn’t be arsed. I think the marshalls should have reset and started again. Then I think it would have been ok. 

  19. Just picked up a G&G TR4-18 - Any one have any issue running 11.1 in this?

    1. Monkman


      I ran a Nuprol 11.1 1450mAh 30C battery in it for approx 2.5years without issues, then stripped the gears and cracked the gearbox.  Negative Airsoft redid the insides and now I run a 7.4 lipo in it for CQB mainly.  He says I can run a 11.1 lipo but to make sure it's around 15C nor more than that.  :)


    2. GenuineGerman
  20. Having a bit of a dilemma. Got a skirmish booked on Sunday and want to take my PSG but I feel like it people may think I’m one of those people if I do take it. Not sure what to do. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Thanks chaps, I pretend I don’t care what people think but secretly I do care. 

    3. GAMBLE


      I very rarely have a problem.... most of the time it’s just cheaters! 🤬

      However my solution is simple, if people overstep the mark, go to the Marshal, cover yourself.... then open hunting season.... hopefully no one on your side is a problem, otherwise blue on blue! 😵

      Toxic site, toxic players, do exist.... thankfully more good, than bad!!!! 🤔

      Good reason for some pics as well! 😂👍


    4. Misery


      mate you bought it to use bugger what anyone thinks airsoft is what you make it not what anyone else does

  21. I’ve finally managed to get a PSG1 sight on my PSG1 strangely enough. Bloody hard going trying to find one and along the way I now own a TM PSG1 ffs. Haha 😂 

    1. GAMBLE


      Hi @GenuineGerman! 👋

      A rare sight, make sure to put some pics up! 🔫😎👍


    2. GenuineGerman
  22. Thinking about selling my KZ61 scorpion but worried I will regret it if I do. Damn decisions haha 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. GAMBLE


      Hi @GenuineGerman! 👋

      Just out curiosity, any news on your VZ 61? 🤔


    3. GenuineGerman


      Hi man done a deal on it. Sorry man 

    4. GAMBLE


      It happens, thanks for letting me know. 💷👍

  23. Any recommendations on a good back panel for a plate carrier? Something more affordable than the WAS assaulters back panel. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GenuineGerman


      Definitely function over fashion. I want something to carry spare gas, bb’s, mags, hydration and maybe some clackey. Don’t want to have to go back to safe area to rebomb and recharge mags 

    3. alxndrhll


      Either of the aforementioned would be fine for that, though it's worth putting some thought into how you're countering how back heavy that rig is going to become. Having the rear continuously wanting to pull the front bag gets extremely irritating/uncomfortable very quickly. The easiest quick fix would running a foam dummy plate in the rear plate bag (because the weight is coming from all the gubbins on your back), and a weighted training plate in the front as a counter weight.


      Stuff I'm sure you'll figure out on your own as you tweak things, but felt worth mentioning ahead of time. I very much run more minimal, but that's come from years of playing and knowing what I do and don't use on average.


      That being:

      • 5 150ish rnd midcaps (1 in RIF, 4 on front of PC/chest rig)
      • 3 pistol mags (2 on belt, 1 in RIF), truthfully with the amount I use my pistol outside of CQB I could drop this to just the mag in the RIF and notice no real difference
      • AR style speedloader (450-ish rounds, in either utility or dangler pouch)
      • Ammo sock/pouch thing with extra BBs in it (utility pouch)
      • Spare battery (in utility pouch)
      • Bottle of water (usually in dangler pouch)


      Even listing it out like that I feel like I'm carrying too much for what I need 😅. But I'm also not against having to go back to a safezone to top up things if I absolutely need to, though that set up is usually more than enough to get me to lunch time. YMMV, I always land on I'd rather carry less and go back to a safe zone if I need to versus carrying a bunch of extra crap I might never need.

    4. GenuineGerman


      Good point about the weight. I’m not looking for something that is massive and I don’t plan on carrying too much however your experience has made me rethink if I do actually need one. Made for now I will leave it unless a cheap one comes along. Cheers mate 

  24. Looks like it will be a lovely day for pew pewing, hope all those that are heading out today have a awesome time. 

    1. GAMBLE


      Hi @GenuineGerman! 👋

      Got a new BDU unlocked, German and will be in my next video! 😆👍

      Cant wait to try it out in a game, in the right season! 🔫🤪👍


    2. GenuineGerman


      Looking forward to seeing it 

  25. Thought I would put some more photos up of the PSG-1. Because it’s super nice and I can. 






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