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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. I recently bought a new toilet brush. Long story short; I'm going back to paper.
  2. A Sunday school teacher is concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus, so he asks his class, "Where is Jesus today?" Steven raises his hand and says, "He's in Heaven." Mary answers, "He's in my heart." Little Johnny waves his hand furiously and blurts out, "He's in our bathroom!" The surprised teacher asks Little Johnny how he knows this. "Well," Little Johnny says, "every morning, my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door and yells 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?!'"
  3. Cool pic but how the hell can you see through that eye pro,it's fogged something terrible dude!
  4. Very nice.Are you going to a wedding after. Lol A bit of Elliot Ness and inspector Jack Frost going on there.😉
  5. Feeling rather sad today as my clothes horse has finally broken beyond repair after I've had it 25 years....Its the end of an Airer.
  6. It's an Ares amoeba. It's always been my go to gun and done a lot of work so I guess it's inevitable ☹️
  7. Had an exhausting day at the ucap bunkers Portsmouth today. My bb attraction device was set on hi and performed faultlessly hence many facial injuries but it's my choice not to wear full face protection so can't moan. Well I did anyway just for effect😂 The hunny badger,which has never let me down did! First shot through chrono and it made a strange whirring noise when trigger pulled so I'm thinking a gear stripped of teeth? I managed to catch a bb in my mouth which nearly stripped my teeth! It hit my bottom lip and as my mouth opened to say 'FUCK,' Mr bb carried right on in! It did make a mess of my lip though☹️ Anyway game play was intense and fast paced despite my efforts to slow it down. I racked up 6 good clean kills,two friendly hits and half a dozen disputed hits. Overall game etiquette was great and there was no nastiness at all. The marshalls did a great job of being everywhere at all times and directing game play which helped keep the games flowing nicely. Thanks to all staff👍 Went home hurt but happy 😊
  8. Pies tend to get very hot.....😂
  9. What do you call a bee 🐝 that can't make up it's mind..... ......a maybe.
  10. Justin Bieber, David Beckham, Peter Gunn. Not sure about the last one but the first two do. Have a look in Google at celebrities who play Airsoft
  11. What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1Forrest1
  12. Yeah agree. My fav is seeing how many shots to knock a complete leaf off. The amount of times I've been hit while distracted by playing'You're dead leaf' 😂
  13. This from my seven year old grandson


    How do you make two coins add up to 15 pence? Oh and one of them can't be a 5 pence.


    Answers below.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamal


      Haha I like your thinking 😂

    3. EDcase


      Back in my day we would just cut a piece off a silver coin 🤣

    4. Shamal


      Haha well back when I were a kid if you were lucky you got a silver sixpence in your bit of Christmas pud. 

      If you were unlucky though you got a broken tooth 😂

  14. I think a lot of the above happens wherever there is a game. I can sort of understand the reluctance to call hit if you have to wait for an extended period of time and are missing play which you have probably paid quite a lot of money for. In this country though in cqb a hit is gonna send you off behind a curtain for maybe 30secs so you are not missing much game play so just call the hit. At the grange cqb in Birmingham I was behind the bloody curtain so much that the marshall offered to get me a comfy chair and a reading light lol. I don't think I have ever witnessed any player being sent home for bad play though or maybe it's just that I have never been very situationally aware.
  15. The only phone boxes that have been spared that I know of,albeit devoid of phone,are now being used as book boxes. People put books in them for other people to borrow. Crazy🤔
  16. What? suits and shiny boots and 'Splendid shot old chap','Bravo' 😉
  17. Yes as above. Send them back cause that's a shocking failure. Get some Viper boots they won't let you down👍
  18. I decided to make sure Mrs Shamal woke up with a big smile on her face this morning. I'm not allowed to have marker pens in the house anymore.
  19. Thanks bud. I'm gonna have nightmares for a week now like I did when the original exorcist was at the pictures. I couldn't sleep without the light on for ages.I kid you not.🫣
  20. Hotpoint have decided to stop selling fridges and concentrate on freezers instead. They announced the news at a recent ‘staycolder’ event.
  21. Bubble wrap is quite good for protecting pies.....
  22. Haha the old withdrawal method Which reminds me.... Why is sex like a bank account? Because as soon as you withdraw you loose interest. 🙂
  23. Hiya bud welcome back I did wonder what had the power to pull you away now I know 😂 Anyway enjoy your return👍 Regards
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