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Everything posted by Shamal

  1. I still get lost down the ucap tunnels. ๐Ÿค”
  2. Steve complained to his friend Al that lovemaking with his wife was becoming routine and boring. "Get creative mate. Break up the monotony. Why don't you try playing doctor for an hour?" "Sounds great," Steve replied, "but how do you make it last for an hour?" "Easy, just keep her in the waiting room for 45 minutes!"
  3. Hello and welcome to the Airsoft asylum. Sounds to me that you will fit in just fine.I put my little pony ๐Ÿด on my magazines ๐Ÿคช Regards
  4. Yeah not bad. ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด So you know how to buy gats... But do you know how to use a post office??๐Ÿ˜‚ This is why all the ads are completed by the time I've saved a few shillings...you have bought the bloody lot!! Very nice though mate๐Ÿ‘ Ya greedy fecker ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. One day, a farmer was tending to his livestock when he noticed that one of his cows was completely cross-eyed. He called up a veterinarian friend of his who told him to bring in his cow. The vet took one look at the cow, stuck a tube up the cow's butt, and blew into the tube until the cow's eyes straightened out. The vet charged the farmer a hundred pounds, and the farmer went home happy. About a week later, the cow's eyes were cross-eyed again, but this time the farmer figured he could probably take care of it himself. So he called his hired hand over, and together they put a tube up the cow's butt. The farmer put his lips to the tube and started to blow. Strangely, nothing happened, so he asked his hired hand to give it a try. The hired hand removed the tube, turned it around, put it in the cow's butt and started to blow. "What are you doing?" asked the farmer, horrified. "Well, I wasn't gonna use the side that YOU had put your lips on"
  6. Put the mag back in and try a couple of shots. If not you will have to take upper part of gun off and remove the barrell and as said above,use the unjamming rod.
  7. Iโ€™ve got a friend who eats frozen apples. That's proper hard core.
  8. Green ops physically wrap red parcel tape on the right arm for one team and yellow on the left arm for opfors. The bloody stuff needs cutting off at end of day lol
  9. I saw a man sat in a shop doorway with an empty cup in front of him.He was dressed up as Henry the Eighth and I thought, "That's not right, beggars can't be Tudors." Sorry
  10. Shamal

    EoTech clone

    Good answer. I think I knew that really. DOH! ๐Ÿ‘
  11. Shamal

    EoTech clone

    Hiya. Maybe a dumb question but what is the wire for? Regards
  12. Yeah it's quite bad there. It falls under education in deprived areas. Haha he will realise in years to come when his education is earning him a fortune.
  13. Mrs Shamal is a teacher and I was saying that they should have body worns. I. to back the staff up 2. To show how foul mouthed and aggressive the little shits are. 3. Evidence as to what really happened cause some of the feckers are very good at playing the victim! The police were on the phone to her last Thursday for a witness statement due to an incident that she witnessed whereby a young nqt had two large handfuls of hair ripped out by an eight year old who claimed she pushed him and who grabbed her hair to stop him falling. All lies. Another teacher at same school had her finger chopped off at the second knuckle due to a lad forcefully kicking a door shut while her hand was on the door jamb. Every night she is doing half a dozen cpoms regarding bad behaviour. I'm glad she only has another year to go.
  14. I've been chewing this over and scratching my skull.....๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚
  15. I remember the incident with the' accidental stomping' probably couple of years ago now but can't remember who was involved.๐Ÿค”
  16. I told my doctor, โ€œthe older I get, the more I spread gossip." My doctor replied "Sounds like you've got rumourtism."
  17. I have flight radar 24 and it never fails to amaze me how many aircraft are in the air at any one time. I sometimes just cannot fathom the shear numbers of gas guzzling machines buzzing around our skies. Regarding what Mr Tackle says though the night sky is awesome.iI have a celestial telescope and it's just mind-blowing to look at the moon and near earth planets. I got my son interested and bought him a national geographic telescope five years ago and he has been bitten by the sky bug.He now has thousands of pounds of gear and is into astrophotography. Some of his pictures of galaxies and nebula are amazing.
  18. So you say it's got a newish max hop unit,rubber and new inner barrell. Was the gat working properly before these changes? If the double feeding happened after, then it points to the hop unit. I can't offer any possible remedy but I would start looking there.
  19. Its amazing how the meaning of one letter changes things.lol
  20. That's true.โ˜น๏ธ
  21. At last ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. Yes no surpieses there.
  23. This kinda relates to the above lol. The great thing about being my age is that I can hide my own Easter eggs,wait half an hour and have no clue where I hid them๐Ÿค”
  24. Deja vu is strong with this one! Oops! Sorry.๐Ÿ™‚
  25. If anyone gets a message from me about canned meat, don't open it. It's spam.
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