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Everything posted by concretesnail

  1. Deans are a solid bet, lots of airsoft folk use them. I tend to favour the xt connectors as I usually have a pile of them about for flight batteries and rc stuff as they are good for keeping out the damp.
  2. It likely the mosfet only if that has popped first then it should have broken the potential circuit and as a byproduct protected the etu but As Roger mentioned, knowing the rif and parts is large part of making an better guess and testing with a meter would be the only way of knowing without starting to replace parts.
  3. Anyone used these mags for the aap? https://www.airsoftworld.net/a-w-e-glk-18-and-nuprol-raven-spare-magazine.html I need a spare or two
  4. Basic fuses won't protect polarities. Unless the mosfet has its own protection then it likely dead I'm afraid. Replacement will most likely be the simple option.
  5. The balance port will have mire connections as its made to take up to 4s lipos. It's should be clearly labeled as to the pin numbers and the balance plug usually has a pair of protruding ridges to match the port. Match the black/negative to the negative mark in the port and you should be able to see all the cell voltages displayed in the battery meter section of the charger.
  6. If the proud section on the black part stops the whole barrel assembly from rotating then an s/r hop style patch over a cut in window would-be fine. Then a grub screw into the assembly to apply pressure.
  7. I usually go for tubes of 3000 ish and will take a pair to a game day, though I've rarely used a full tube, but it depends on your style of play and mag capacity. Mid caps and semi auto will go through a lot less than a spray and pray hicap hero. As for the purchase of I tend to grab a bottle or two when ordering other thing else or grab a load to make postage less of an issue.
  8. As groot mentioned earshot communications are a good shou, I've used them quite a bit over the years. I use a set of the sporttac for works as well as airsoft and shooting. Using the mono cable they plug into my fist mic no worries and a stereo lead for plugging into my phone for audiobooks/podcasts at work. If you have the means I'd also highly recommend the gel pads, the are lush.
  9. Head over to ak2m4.co.uk I'm sure I saw a kit of barrel sections on there so you can make a wide selection of barrel lengths.
  10. I've always had good results from mapleleaf rubbers and zci barrels, not bad on price either. It might also be worth changing weight of the bb unless the sites you play at specified the use of .20s
  11. As long as the wiring reaches the correct terminal and the doesn't foul the way the motor sits against the gears and box then you'll be fine.
  12. Warrior assault do a short nato 7.62 pouch. I know I've seen it in tan and regular multicam. I'd try a stock multicam and some nylon dye or a multicam black admin panel over the top to match the rest of the kit.
  13. I'd second what floperator said, and add that a gorilla of snake grip tool might be a useful thing to use.
  14. There's some awesome looking builds in this thread. I do love the moe handguards. Which moe handguards are folk using, real steal from Brownells etc?
  15. I love my idst charger, great for field charging with 10000mah 6s brick.
  16. There's two ways to do single cell batteries, assuming they haven't changed the firm recently. First is to charge multiple single cell batteries in series using a balanced loom, which the charger reads as a singular multi cell battery. And the other is to take the charger through the manual mode where you set final voltages and current delivery. Obviously the basic operation of the charger pushes away from full manual control as people could easily cause lipo fires if they don't know what they are doing.
  17. Micro flight packs, not airsoft.
  18. You can charge single cell batteries with the s65, I do it. If you have a particular issue, if you explain we might be able tonoffer a solution, or point you in particular direction.
  19. I have and use the s65 quite regularly, it's a solid charger and works well. As far as putting it up against rhe others, I'd consider the t100 but it's effectively 2 smaller chargers stuck together so work put what batteries you want to charge and what those demands are then see what you need. Personally I'd go with the s65 as I have some larger packs and the extra power is used and its easy to bung it in a bag if traveling to play.
  20. If you like the fuction of a four button style charger then you'd get on with a lot of the skyrc range. Like trigger says, there are some many clones and fakes it's not worth the risk with lipos in my opinion. Regarding the chargers I currently use as reference; a pair of skyrc chargers and an isdt charger. The isdt offers more options, better control and is my preferred charger, but options add complexity that not everybody wants.
  21. Hahah. Totally didn't see that, smooshing the phone keyboard again.
  22. I found the axl sandwich bag today and it looks just the job, but not the cheapest when the shipping gets added, but is the function I'm looking for. I'll have a look for the daka pouch and see what they are, thanks.
  23. Morning all, has anyone tried putting a warrior side armour pocket in behind the placard panel on the recon carrier or other placard systems? I like the idea as somewhere to carry a phone which isn't exposed to getting shot as magazine pouches cover it and it's not adding much bulk. I know systems exist to have a hard case on the rig outer but my pc is fairly slim and I'd like to keep ot that way if possible.
  24. another vote for getting a chrono, unless your not in the UK the spring your put in is likely over limits if your air seal is good.
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