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Everything posted by leadly

  1. I was like 12 maybe 13 at the time (34 now) and my network of 40k stretched to about 3 or 4 other people. All of those male, a few being my mates and one being a teaching assistant who let us play magic the gathering with him at dinner and 40k once a week after school. I'm not in anyway saying girls playing 40k was / is some kind of myth. I'm just stating that my desire to touch boobs was greater than my desire to play 40k 😂
  2. Plucked from my Instagram (sneaky_rich_airsoft). Wasn't much fun on green gas with the cold weather but with HPA.....totally different beast! My mates lending me his M4 adapter for tomorrow, so hopefully fun shall be had, by me atleast anyway!!
  3. Unfortunately its not the first time it's happened. My mates first order went missing. So Nov had to send the complete order again (several grands worth) and I'm sure that had issues with customs again as well.
  4. This weekends line up for The Gaol in Leicester! Decided to give my MTW a rest l, so I can play with my other toys!!
  5. My mates waiting for a huge Nov order that's just been sent back to Austria! It's been in the UK for a few weeks and then someone's decided in their infinite wisdom to just fuck it off back to Novritch! So NOV's just footed the €1600 courier fee's to send it back again!
  6. Still waiting for the HPA tap and extra hose to turn up. Don't think the M4 mag adapter will arrive in time for Saturday unfortunately!
  7. Don't worry, I've gone and spent £160 on a wall hanger instead!!! Hopefully it will be here for my game next weekend. Ordered a slim line tap from High Pressure Airsoft as well so I don't have to dremel the base of the grip to fit a regular sized fitting!
  8. I had originally lusted after the shorter wooden one but was put off by the pump grip being a wobbly clip on affair. Plus it'd look shite with an M4 mag sticking out of it! I've decided on the shortest of the two pictured by @GothicGhost after realising I'm probably over thinking it a bit too much. It'll be a change to use something that just is what it is performance wise instead of my VSR, MTW, AAP-01 and Hi Capa which are all far from stock and generally send BB's in the direction I point them in.
  9. I want 80 metres minimum!! Was just curious of how far they could reach. I'm struggling to decide which to get! Can't work out if a stock will aid or hinder me!?
  10. Sorry to hi-jack slightly @GothicGhost! Have you had any issues with yours @Lozart? What's the optimal range? HPA tapped or just green gas? Tell me things!!!
  11. Plenty of options then, thank you! I'm in two minds whether to sell my ARP9 or not! Between my MTW, Hi Capa and AAP I don't think I'll get much use out of it!
  12. Mate I'm looking at the exact same one (the shorty). My mates got the shorty with the fold down vertical grip and he loves it. His brother owns the TM AA12 but can't use it very well at our local CQB site as it's too big!! I'll be HPA tapping whatever I buy as well. A few guys I play with also have the full size M870 and love them. I've also just started looking at Golden Eagles breacher. Slightly longer gun with (I'm assuming) slightly longer inner barrels. I know my mate has to crank the pressure up on his reg to reach 300fps. Probably around 90 - 100 PSI so the inner barrels should help reduce this slightly.
  13. I have the G&G green bucking and cannot fault it. I've noticed the new billet also comes with this bucking as standard!
  14. Your our hero!! Despite having to harass UPS for 3 months last time I ordered from TG, I also feel tempted to give it another go. Mainly because the last order wasn't for me so it doesn't feel like it directly pissed me off. Although, it did really piss me off 😂
  15. Turns out I fibbed, I asked the lad I sold my ARP9 to, to check what battery I sold him and it was only an 1100mah. @Chicken pie, if your saying those 2 bigger ones fit then I'll try pick one up for the ARP9 I won! I look forward to slapping a drum mag under it spraying all day!!
  16. Relieve a cramped environment for your MOSFET and cables to sit to prevent it from over bending and damage. Utilize larger battery capacity - perfect if you're running the G&G drum mag as a support role. Eliminates the unsteady butt-stock by locking down the two metal rails! Maximum battery size approx 152mm long x 19.5mm wide x 11.75mm Once installed, the ARP9/556 remains just as compact as before - perfect for CQB use! Compatible also with the G&G CM16 Raider L 2.0 E Above is the description from another site for the battery extension unit, Below is the size of the battery you have purchased Product Length Approx. 11.5cm Product Height Approx. 1.6cm Product Width Approx. 2.2cm Going by the, I read it as your battery will be too wide / thick to fit, as all the extension unit does is allow more length.
  17. Exactly the same as @MagpieTactical wrote. I used the same battery and winced every time I tried to get the battery and MOSFET in. The battery extension unit takes all the hassle and worry away. It also has some slots on the side to get some airflow in there as it's enclosed with the normal end cap. I sold my ARP9 to fund my MTW but recently won another from an Instagram competition! It's yet to turn up but fingers crossed!!
  18. A short kill cam video from Division 22. I may or may not have muted my head cam by accident and turned it off when I meant to pretty record 😭

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Hello everyone, Has anyone got any Mid cap MP5 / Echo 1 mags they would like to part with? Some cyma 130 round mags or similar would be great, straight mags would be even better! No noisey high caps though, tah! Regards Rich


  20. I think it's finished! Top pic was from just before I used it at Halls CQB site. Which is where I played with @Steveocee and the battlecat gang 🤣 (also got my trigger and rear sight from Kyle of Hicapa Hub) Kyle's not long dropped off an Edge Magwell and I didn't hesitate in fitting it! I'm really pleased with how it looks and even more so oh hell well it performs! I'll be leaving my MTW at home for my next game at Leicester Gaol and will use my AAP-SMG and my Hi Capa!
  21. From what Iv'e been seeing on social media, Waldo and Matt from iMakeit3D both have some new AAP-01 parts in their respective pipelines!
  22. From my very quick look in game, i assume this is what has happened to mine.
  23. Used mine twice. First time flawless, second time broke. Pull the cable to feed the BB's, take a couple of shots and it looses all tension. Admittedly I haven't had it in bits yet but a bit gutted as it wasn't cheap!
  24. It's OK @EDcase, Wes is the only one in our group without an air tank strapped to his back! I'm working on him though!!
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